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RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

P.DelSlayer said:
Ghost King said:
Well to me so far every other generation, 2 eeveelutions was revealed, and everytime one was weak against the other :), so the new eeveelution could poison, steel, or dragon. :)


I'm getting tired of saying this, but Eeveelutions are not based on type matchup.
They are based on concepts. It's more of a coincidence that there's one in a pair that can hit the other super effectively.
1st gen: plain and simple, elements
2nd gen: spicing it up with the new friendship feature, as well as night and day.
4th gen: rounds out the elemental types, with locations being shown as potential Eevee-evolving things.

None of these were based upon 'well Leafeon is a grass type, so it means we can only limit ourselves to xx yy zz ee dd types'. They were based upon themes.
The concepts were locations. We had an Eeveelution that was heavily associated with the forest, sunny weather.
The logical counterpart for that would have been cold weather. Hence Glaceon.

It's always peed me off when people have said that 'Since Sylveon is a Fairy type, we should have a dragon eevee since fairy hits dragon for SE damage', and don't get me started on the whole special type thing.

From what I've deduced, the main logical types for Sylveon's counterpart eeveelution should be:
-Poison. Call me a hypocrite, but this would contrast very nicely with Sylveon. There seems to be a subtheme of beauty/ugliness in the games. Fairy = beauty, Poison = ugly.
-Ghost. This is playing on the whole life/destruction thing with Xerneas and Yveltal. Fairy = full of life, Ghost = no life.
-Fighting. This is probably the more unlikely of the 3, just because of the stereotyping that Fairy = dainty, not wanting to get too into fighting, whereas Fighting = the tough one who won't leave a battle until it's won.

Quote because new page and this was the second to last post on the previous so it might get ignored. it makes good points though. A poison eevee would be neat~
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

You're absolutely right, of course, but I think Dragon still could fit if they do have another Eeveelution type squirreled away from us, P.Del

Fairies - beings of otherworldly magic and mythos

Dragons - beings of primeval magic and mythos

Bam. Conceptual ties.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

P.DelSlayer said:
Ghost King said:
Well to me so far every other generation, 2 eeveelutions was revealed, and everytime one was weak against the other :), so the new eeveelution could poison, steel, or dragon. :)


I'm getting tired of saying this, but Eeveelutions are not based on type matchup.
They are based on concepts. It's more of a coincidence that there's one in a pair that can hit the other super effectively.
1st gen: plain and simple, elements
2nd gen: spicing it up with the new friendship feature, as well as night and day.
4th gen: rounds out the elemental types, with locations being shown as potential Eevee-evolving things.

None of these were based upon 'well Leafeon is a grass type, so it means we can only limit ourselves to xx yy zz ee dd types'. They were based upon themes.
The concepts were locations. We had an Eeveelution that was heavily associated with the forest, sunny weather.
The logical counterpart for that would have been cold weather. Hence Glaceon.

It's always peed me off when people have said that 'Since Sylveon is a Fairy type, we should have a dragon eevee since fairy hits dragon for SE damage', and don't get me started on the whole special type thing.

From what I've deduced, the main logical types for Sylveon's counterpart eeveelution should be:
-Poison. Call me a hypocrite, but this would contrast very nicely with Sylveon. There seems to be a subtheme of beauty/ugliness in the games. Fairy = beauty, Poison = ugly.
-Ghost. This is playing on the whole life/destruction thing with Xerneas and Yveltal. Fairy = full of life, Ghost = no life.
-Fighting. This is probably the more unlikely of the 3, just because of the stereotyping that Fairy = dainty, not wanting to get too into fighting, whereas Fighting = the tough one who won't leave a battle until it's won.

I still don't think there is another Eeveelution but according to your logic, Dragon works better than anything you suggested.

Dragon - Violent, Destructive, Vicious, Unrelenting.
Fairy - Benevolent, Healing, Graceful, Soft.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

P.DelSlayer said:
Ghost King said:
Well to me so far every other generation, 2 eeveelutions was revealed, and everytime one was weak against the other :), so the new eeveelution could poison, steel, or dragon. :)


I'm getting tired of saying this, but Eeveelutions are not based on type matchup.
They are based on concepts. It's more of a coincidence that there's one in a pair that can hit the other super effectively.
1st gen: plain and simple, elements
2nd gen: spicing it up with the new friendship feature, as well as night and day.
4th gen: rounds out the elemental types, with locations being shown as potential Eevee-evolving things.

None of these were based upon 'well Leafeon is a grass type, so it means we can only limit ourselves to xx yy zz ee dd types'. They were based upon themes.
The concepts were locations. We had an Eeveelution that was heavily associated with the forest, sunny weather.
The logical counterpart for that would have been cold weather. Hence Glaceon.

It's always peed me off when people have said that 'Since Sylveon is a Fairy type, we should have a dragon eevee since fairy hits dragon for SE damage', and don't get me started on the whole special type thing.

From what I've deduced, the main logical types for Sylveon's counterpart eeveelution should be:
-Poison. Call me a hypocrite, but this would contrast very nicely with Sylveon. There seems to be a subtheme of beauty/ugliness in the games. Fairy = beauty, Poison = ugly.
-Ghost. This is playing on the whole life/destruction thing with Xerneas and Yveltal. Fairy = full of life, Ghost = no life.
-Fighting. This is probably the more unlikely of the 3, just because of the stereotyping that Fairy = dainty, not wanting to get too into fighting, whereas Fighting = the tough one who won't leave a battle until it's won.

Yes, I get what your saying, if they introduce like you said Day friendship and Night friendship they are opposites, that is what I am getting at. I get they introduce the new features and blah blah blah. So if they do beauty and life what is ugly and kills, the opposite which is poison to me, I am going on typing also, who knows what the creators are thinking in their minds :p. Have you thought that they might incorporated both the theories into one?

Edit: you kind of proved that they are opposite which is usually one is weaker to the other, to my opinion
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Atadiusti said:
You're absolutely right, of course, but I think Dragon still could fit if they do have another type squirreled away from us, P.Del

Fairies - beings of otherworldly magic and mythos

Dragons - beings of primeval magic and mythos

Bam. Conceptual ties.

This is the sort of Eevee=Dragon speculation I like.

Giving an actual reason for it, as opposed to just saying 'Fairy beats Dragon, Dragon Eevee=high chance' is so much better.

I've actually speculated myself that Dragon could be logical, since they're both mythical beings, one with generally huge size and physical power, whereas the other is generally seen as small with magical powers.
I do admit that it's partly my dislike for one that I don't really want a Dragon Eeveelution, but mostly it's the idiots who think that it has a high chance just because Fairy beats it.
I'd much rather see a slightly-horrifically-designed Poison Eevee to contrast Sylveon's overly cute and pink appearance.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

And they break everything and make another Dark type. [Xerneas/Sylveon Yveltal/Thisthingeon]
I don't support this at all but it would be hilarious.
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

mastermagpie said:
Do you have a link to their work so we can see how it was made or at least the quality of the work they do? I just can't believe that it isn't real! It's so well done!

I kinda do wanna know the processes they go through to make a good fake screenshot. There's been some good ones, and come convincing ones.

Ririka said:
Found this suspicious rumor, really sorry if it's been posted before:


Anything on this?

As for me:
- I don't remember but we got some rumor about Fairy gym right? Thus colliding with this rumor of Fairy Elite 4

The ones I've been hoping for is another cat pokemon and another eeveelution.

Akwila said:
While I hope for a Fairy gym, I really REALLY wish there would be a Dark gym... I heard a rumor that that was going to be a thing. I really hope so x_x

Heard the rumor for the dark gym as well, and I've been wishing for a dark type gym since gen 2. I love dark types and if that rumor of it is true, it will be my favorite gym before I beat it.

MuhFugginMoose said:
Just like how Mewtwo Y was shown off in the movie.
Not saying there is another Eeveelution, but there's no reason to write it off.

Good point you make there, if there is another eeveelution i'm gonna hope they're doing something like that.. I read that someone said on here that Glaceon and Leafeon were not announced, they were just found by players in game.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

The recent posts have given a lot of insight about what evolutions of Eevee are based on. In previous generations -where new evolutions were introduced- it has always been in duos that in someway are related to one another. That does not mean we will see the same in generation six.

Until we have new information that sheds new light on the matter we should move to another topic.

Edit: Some posts that went off-topic have been removed. You can discuss the Fairy-type here!
RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers

Ririka said:
Found this suspicious rumor, really sorry if it's been posted before:


Anything on this?

As for me:
- I don't remember but we got some rumor about Fairy gym right? Thus colliding with this rumor of Fairy Elite 4
- I don't see why a Dragon type elite 4 need to use 3 pokemon of the same species when there are so many dragons available until now, different case for Lance.
- I don't like rumor who mention 3rd legend so easily.

First of all, If the rumor about the Gym types is true, then why would there be a Steel and Fairy type E4 member AND a Steel and Fairy type Gym leader? The only other League that had E4 members share types with Gym Leaders, were in GSC and HGSS, but that's only because there are so many Gym Leaders combined in Kanto and Johto.
Second, most of these things can be easily guessed, like how Xern may not be in Y or Yevel in X.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Alright, to help keep this place more organized, I've started a Confirmed Fake/Unconfirmed Rumor Catalog thread. I added all relevant non 4chan hosted screenshots from pages 50-113 of this thread, as well as some rumors that haven't been completely debunked to my knowledge.

I'll start going through the older posts after I dig through some other topics, but until X and Y come out I'll do my best to keep that thread updated for quick reference. (I do make mistakes, though, so don't be afraid to let me know if I've messed up somewhere)

Sorry for being slightly off topic, but I really thought that a catalog needed to be compiled to decrease repetitive items being brought up.
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

One thing I have thought about that no one has brought up is the time line.

If Mewtwo makes an appearance in this game, wouldn't that make this some time after the events of RBY/RSE? If so that means we probably wont see another remake of RSE...

RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Kitana Coldfire said:
Oh look, a new Froakie evo screenshot. They used the beta font, though:


That one looks...meh, honestly. All these "leaks"...being on the forums for the next two weeks is gonna give me one massive headache...but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun.:p

Edit: Wow do I love saying this is fun...
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Kitana Coldfire said:
Oh look, a new Froakie evo screenshot. They used the beta font, though:


Looks dumb :p No offense to the artist but I highly doubt we'll be seeing this in 2 weeks!
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

nightkeeper said:
Kitana Coldfire said:
Oh look, a new Froakie evo screenshot. They used the beta font, though:


Looks dumb :p No offense to the artist but I highly doubt we'll be seeing this in 2 weeks!

I agree, but at lest it's better then greninja and has the bubbles. (In my opinion) :p

DaDavid said:
Don't really know if this belongs here but...



Hmm...the guy shows the game. Or at least appears to me the game, could have slapped on a sticker and acquired the display case. If he did indeed get a hard copy of the game, that means some are getting the codes for the DL and some are getting hard copies.

My question is...Cheren outfit?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

I'm not quite sure how long this post will last, but read for your own amusement and curiosity. BE WARNED, I have a copy of Pokemon X and I have beaten it. My best Pokemon right now is Dragonite, who I will show Mega Evolving, but I will not show it's Mega Form. The following is all of what I've discovered and think is significant to Pokemon players everywhere.

- Dragonite has a Mega Evolution, along with all of the starters and some pseudos. Arcanine, Steelix, Sharpedo, Floatzel, Togekiss, and Tyranitar are a few of which have Mega Evolutions.

- There are 8 gyms, Dark-type is one of them.

- There is another Eevee evolution that is owned by the Champion of Kalos. It is rivaled by the Eevee you train and evolve. Evolving it is mandatory to face the Champion, you are presented with Evolutionary Stones and methods of evolving Eevee while you are in Victory Road.

- There are very different areas in Victory Road, a Forest area (Grass, Bug, Poison, some Flying and multi-typed Pokemon), an Underwater area (Water and some multi-typed Pokemon), a Volcanic area (Fire, Steel, Dragon, and some multi-typed Pokemon), and if you go in the right direction, you will enter a Black-Void area (Ghost, Dark, and some multi-typed Pokemon). Outside of Victory Road you will find Fairy, Fighting, and Normal-Type Pokemon.

- The third mascot legendary is found underneath "The Giant Life", as opposed to Xerneas found at the bottom of The Giant Life, and Yveltal atop The Giant Life.

- I have seen all of the starters final evolutions', I'm sure everyone will be pleased with. Especially Froakie and Fennekins'.

- Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon return, along with new Middlutions that are exactly the same as Pre-evos and Evos, but effect an evolution line by introducing a Middle Evolution, rather than a Final or First Stage Evolution. A few Pokemon with Pre-Evos are Girafarig, Tropius, and Cubone. A few Pokemon will Middlutions are the Growlithe line, the Carvanha line, and the Combee line. A few Pokemon with Evolutions are Pinsir and Heracross, Dunsparce, and Farfetch'd, which was never too far-fetched at all.

- Combee now has a male evolution, called Bedrone, that looks almost too similar to Beedrill, minus the stripes. Yet it is a shade of orange and has three eyes that form a triangle shape. The antenna on Bedrone are large and there are specks of white hair around Bedrone's eyes. It's pretty cute. Bug/Flying type and has higher attack than a normal Vespiqueen.

- Team Flare is not alone, take that to heart!

- Mewtwo is catchable after beating the game.

- Characters from past games show up, and there are some shocking revelations.

That's all for now, but I will update with more if given the time and allowance.


  • DragoniteMegaEvolves.png
    478 KB · Views: 292
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ShredderMan said:
- There is another Eevee evolution that is owned by the Champion of Kalos. It is rivaled by the Eevee you train and evolve. Evolving it is mandatory to face the Champion, you are presented with Evolutionary Stones and methods of evolving Eevee while you are in Victory Road.

Nice try, but no. Pokemon knows better than to force people have certain Pokemon to do something as iconic as facing the Champion.
Also, your photo of Dragonite is extremely blurry; do you have anything better than an old pinhole camera to take pictures with?:rolleyes:
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

ShredderMan said:
I'm not quite sure how long this post will last, but read for your own amusement and curiosity. BE WARNED, I have a copy of Pokemon X and I have beaten it. My best Pokemon right now is Dragonite, who I will show Mega Evolving, but I will not show it's Mega Form. The following is all of what I've discovered and think is significant to Pokemon players everywhere.

- Dragonite has a Mega Evolution, along with all of the starters and some pseudos. Arcanine, Steelix, Sharpedo, Floatzel, Togekiss, and Tyranitar are a few of which have Mega Evolutions.

- There are 8 gyms, Dark-type is one of them.

- There is another Eevee evolution that is owned by the Champion of Kalos. It is rivaled by the Eevee you train and evolve. Evolving it is mandatory to face the Champion, you are presented with Evolutionary Stones and methods of evolving Eevee while you are in Victory Road.

- There are very different areas in Victory Road, a Forest area (Grass, Bug, Poison, some Flying and multi-typed Pokemon), an Underwater area (Water and some multi-typed Pokemon), a Volcanic area (Fire, Steel, Dragon, and some multi-typed Pokemon), and if you go in the right direction, you will enter a Black-Void area (Ghost, Dark, and some multi-typed Pokemon). Outside of Victory Road you will find Fairy, Fighting, and Normal-Type Pokemon.

- The third mascot legendary is found underneath "The Giant Life", as opposed to Xerneas found at the bottom of The Giant Life, and Yveltal atop The Giant Life.

- I have seen all of the starters final evolutions', I'm sure everyone will be pleased with. Especially Froakie and Fennekins'.

- Pre-evolutions and Evolutions of past generation Pokemon return, along with new Middlutions that are exactly the same as Pre-evos and Evos, but effect an evolution line by introducing a Middle Evolution, rather than a Final or First Stage Evolution. A few Pokemon with Pre-Evos are Girafarig, Tropius, and Cubone. A few Pokemon will Middlutions are the Growlithe line, the Carvanha line, and the Combee line. A few Pokemon with Evolutions are Pinsir and Heracross, Dunsparce, and Farfetch'd, which was never too far-fetched at all.

- Combee now has a male evolution, called Bedrone, that looks almost too similar to Beedrill, minus the stripes. Yet it is a shade of orange and has three eyes that form a triangle shape. The antenna on Bedrone are large and there are specks of white hair around Bedrone's eyes. It's pretty cute. Bug/Flying type and has higher attack than a normal Vespiqueen.

- Team Flare is not alone, take that to heart!

- Mewtwo is catchable after beating the game.

- Characters from past games show up, and there are some shocking revelations.

That's all for now, but I will update with more if given the time and allowance.

Assuming this is real, could you post an image of Dragonite mega evolved, or something else new?
RE: Rumors and Speculation (Potential Spoilers)

Frezgle said:
ShredderMan said:
- There is another Eevee evolution that is owned by the Champion of Kalos. It is rivaled by the Eevee you train and evolve. Evolving it is mandatory to face the Champion, you are presented with Evolutionary Stones and methods of evolving Eevee while you are in Victory Road.

Nice try, but no. Pokemon knows better than to force people have certain Pokemon to do something as iconic as facing the Champion.

Are you forgetting the mandatory capture of Zekrom/Reshiram in Gen 5?
It's not a forcing of, your character wants to battle the Champion with your own Eevee evolution, before proceeding you are strived to want to evolve your Eevee. There is nothing wrong with that. Also, I will post some more pictures soon. I took that picture with my Kyocera Hydro. Androids don't have the best quality, lol..
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