jynxed said:Wow you really really take the term "counterpart" loosely.
Suitcune said:Paddy185 said:Some more rumours from Mr.XY
I guess we have to wait till March 15th to officially confirm that all of these are rumours, that's the date he says the Heracross and Pinsir babies are coming.
Also Houndoomed is one of the most lol worthy names I have ever heard.
I really can't see...don't want Fennekin turning into a Fire-Psychic, maybe Fire-Dark or Fire-Electric. I would love to see a Tyrogue evolution, where the Special Attack has to be greater than Attack and one where Special Defense has to be greater than Defense. Special Attack, Hitmninjo, for ninja, and Special Defense, Hitmonsumo, for sumo wrestler. And one where Special Attack equals Special Defense, Hitmotoreta, which is the ending of well-balanced or balance in Japanese. I didn't see anything about Tyrogue on the rumors however, where Mr. XY only said there would be:
- Kenpoe and Kwondor: (Flying/Fighting)
- Sydknee: (Fighting, maybe a single one, but they would probably release both at once)
- Thorhem and Sawkem: (Fighting, obviously Sawk and Throh prediction)
- Sueyplax and Warhog: (Fighting/Ground)
- Guardion: (Dragon/Fighting)
Hopefully this isn't the final list, but some of the Pokemon ideas look pretty cool.
Gr8Ampharos said:Not to mention 4 Dark Type Legendaries...
Pokequaza said:Gr8Ampharos said:Not to mention 4 Dark Type Legendaries...
We had four Fighting-type legendaries in generation V. I recall a group of four animals living in the tree of life in Norse mythology.
This information which this person gives is not just like any other rumor, if it turns out to be false; kudos to him, because a lot of thought has put into this.
Blob55 said:BTW, why is there ANOTHER Water/Ghost Jellyfish Pokémon?
Aquapulse said:Blob55 said:BTW, why is there ANOTHER Water/Ghost Jellyfish Pokémon?
I'm confused, how do you know it's another jellyfish pokemon?
Blob55 said:Aquapulse said:I'm confused, how do you know it's another jellyfish pokemon?
You can find it here: http://i.imgur.com/J6CFimX.png in the 4th section down.
Blob55 said:I really don't think it is real, because:
- Less than 100 new Pokémon.
- An evo of Sableye but not of Mawile?
- Why would Flaaffy get a split evo now?
- Evolving Sawk and Throh makes less sense than giving them a shared prevo, as they seem to be related like the Hitmons.
- No Z/W Legendary.
- Too many Prevos/Evos.
- Houndoomed?
- Rowan said about 90% of all Pokémon are part of an evolution line, but if what Mr. XY is saying is true, then I'm pretty sure that the total percentage of mon that evolve will be more than 90%.
2nd Gen introduced 8 new prevos of 1st Gen mon and 4th Gen introduced 7 new Prevos of mon from gens 1-3.
It looks like 6th gen will add 11 new prevos, which seems unlikely, since the max amount of prevos were in 2nd and 4th gen, with a total of 8 (Including Riolu).
4th Gen introduced the most amount of evos to previous Pokémon, with a total of 22.
It looks like 6th gen will add 19 new evos.
This is a total of 30 new Pokémon. The same amount that was introduced in 4th Gen.
This leaves only 69 original Pokémon. At least 4th Gen added about 70-80 new mon.
PellOfTheTundra said:Also, I am pretty sure it was stated during the announcenent that there would be OVER 100 new pokemon.
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Aquapulse said:Oh that's so weird, I didn't see that one. Thanks.
(Ditto on that, another Jellyfish? No, just no. Jellicent rocks. I don't want another jellyfish to take the crown.)
Pokequaza said:Aquapulse said:Oh that's so weird, I didn't see that one. Thanks.
(Ditto on that, another Jellyfish? No, just no. Jellicent rocks. I don't want another jellyfish to take the crown.)
Remember that the rumor only states that it is the first stage of a three stage line, which eventually ends up being whale-like. Also, the descriptions given by ''Mr. XY'' are his impressions. The actual Pokémon, if this turns out to be true, might look quite different.
m7mad133 said:if the new pre-evos of pinsir and heracross do come out in march that doesnt really mean that the rest of his list is true...maybe he knew those only and made up the rest for more attention...
PellOfTheTundra said:m7mad133 said:if the new pre-evos of pinsir and heracross do come out in march that doesnt really mean that the rest of his list is true...maybe he knew those only and made up the rest for more attention...
Or maybe he guessed?
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garbodorable said:PellOfTheTundra said:Or maybe he guessed?
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Occam's razor. What is more likely, that at least one person in a massive localization project would anonymously leak work to the internet in 2013, or that a fan would happen to correctly guess not only two of the specific pokemon getting pre-evolutions, but also the time in which they're revealed?
Why would you put a date on something like that, with a chance to completely discredit you if you're wrong? A fraud would be more likely to "not have" upcoming date information, because that ensures they get attention for as long as possible.