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RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Damn, the poison/electric and "scariest" mud monster sound amazing...but the list screams fake.

I notice there aren't many that sound like particularly obscure or exotic real-world plants and animals, when every pokemon generation has quite a few. To me this is a major tip-off that it's just written by a fan, who may not be an especially big bio nerd.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Blob55 said:
And still no Black Bird Pokémon. :(

I don't like that GF made Froakie into a Fighting type, as it means it's weak to both starters.

Meh, that doesn't keep empoleon from being the BA that it is. Plus all three (if the rumor's true) are weak to both so what's your point?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Since Pokémon X&Y are released next month I added "speculation" to this thread. You can discuss Coro Coro or other speculations you might have.

Please make sure to give valid arguments with whatever you speculate on! Posts that do not elaborate on or explain why the rumour or speculation could be true or why they want it to happen will be unapproved and you might receive an infraction for spam.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Blob55 said:
And still no Black Bird Pokémon. :(

I don't like that GF made Froakie into a Fighting type, as it means it's weak to both starters.

....The starters have (almost) perfect balance with each other. Each one of the starters is weak to the other 2.

Competitively speaking, a Water/Fighting type is probably the most viable of all the starters (particularly if good mixed attacker/high speed).

And its not like we're forced to only use our starter to battle the opponents starter (altho it does provide nice balance for anyone who wishes to do so)

98Greener said:
So in about a week or two, we should expect our next leak. It'll also be our last one before X and Y hits the shelves. The only information I know of is this:

1. There will be more Mega Evolutions revealed.
2. We will finally get to see what Fairy is super effective and weak to.

So, what I wanna know is what do you guys think?
What are you hoping for?

(Oh, and if posting this kind of stuff is supposed to be a mods job, I'm really sorry. Please don't get mad at me. ;-; )

It's also been confirmed that there will be more normal Pokemon revealed as well.

I'm hoping that we get confirmation that Fairy is immune to Dragon, weak to Poison, resisted by Poison (I think the demo confirmed Fire resists it), and it can hit Fighting for SE damage.

I can't really say much about Mega Pokemon predictions since they could give it to pretty much anything.

I'm also hoping we get to see more Pokemon that are related to old Pokemon, I really thing there should've been more evos for existing mons, so if Sylvie's the only one then :(

I guess that this is logically the last time we can hope for a badass Poison Eeveelution, unless they're not gonna reveal it before X/Y's release and its just gonna be there ingame.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors


At least Litleo doesn't become a manticore, that adds a whole mountain of credibility right there!

In all honesty, it looks possible, most of these lists scream fake, but there are some that sound actually believable, (Houndoomed.. for example..) It's crazy, but fits within the GameFreak standards.

There's but one thing that makes it a little suspicious; where are the evolutions of older Pokémon? There's just Sylveon. GameFreak might use the Mega-Evolutions as an excuse for the absense of evolutions, though.
RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors

Pokequaza said:

At least Litleo doesn't become a manticore, that adds a whole mountain of credibility right there!

In all honesty, it looks possible, most of these lists scream fake, but there are some that sound actually believable, (Houndoomed.. for example..) It's crazy, but fits within the GameFreak standards.

There's but one thing that makes it a little suspicious; where are the evolutions of older Pokémon? There's just Sylveon. GameFreak might use the Mega-Evolutions as an excuse for the absense of evolutions, though.

That's the one we've been discussing :L

We've all pretty much agreed its fake, the list just screams fan-made and like Bogleech said, there are no really exotic ideas in there, and GF always include some exotic ideas in a gen.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Is anyone as curious as I am as to where the daycare might be in Kalos?
I have been looking all across the map of Kalos and so far I think the Route before Lumiose City might be the candidate I am not sure.

Will it be like BW2 in which you must beat the game in order to access it, or is it readily available after a certain point?

You don't suppose it's been moved to Lumiose?
RE: Rumors and Speculation

What I'm hoping to be revealed in the upcoming CoroCoro are the following:

- Strenghts and weakness's of the Fairy Type
- Which other previous gen Pokémon become Fairy types
- More Mega evolutions, hopefully those of:
- More new Pokémon
- Starter evolutions
RE: Rumors and Speculation

The things that force me to never believe this list are the zombie pokemon gamefreak would NEVER do that parents would be angry. PLus it would probably hurt their sales.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

What I hope will be true:

- 681: Basic, Normal/Flying. Dodo-looking brownish bird with a hooked beak and squarish head.
682: First-Evolution, Normal/Flying. Big bird, like a shoebill, with a large beak and hook-shaped tail-feathers.

- 697: Basic, Rock/Electric. Appears to be a Fossil Pokemon, little saber-tooth tiger with plug teeth fangs. It's wearing its evolutions pelt over its head and back.
698: First-Evolution, Rock/Electric. Larger and powerful looking saber-tooth tiger with black thunder stripes around its body, and two little spikes near its ears.

- 699: Basic, Rock/Ice. Appears to be the other Fossil Pokemon, little (but still pretty big) mammoth that also wears its evolutions pelt around its back. Has snowflake shaped ears.
700: First-Evolution, Rock/Ice. Large grayish mammoth with brownish fur, looks more elephant than Mamoswine, with bits of snow covering its back.

- 712: Basic, Rock. Little egg-shaped brown jaggy rock that has little cracks in the front where a beak and eyes can be seen peeking out.
713: First-Evolution, Rock/Dragon. Brownish rock cockatrice monster that looks like a large rooster.

- Helioptile's evo

- 725: Basic, Poison. Cyclopean black and red snake, with a spiky head and tiny arms coming from the front of its body.
726: First-Evolution, Poison. Now looks more like a horned lizard, with arms and legs, and a scorpion-like tail.
727: Second-Evolution, Poison/Dragon. Very large and powerful horned lizard, its tail has a second eye on the end and a mouth.

- 731: Basic, Ice. White shiba-inu dog with little shards of ice on its body. Its tail is made of ice-crystals.
732: First-Evolution, Ice. A wolfish creature made entirely of ice-crystals, very sleek and sharp looking.

What makes me think this list is fake:

- Zombie Pokémon (Sounds way too terrifying to be added into a Pokémon game)
- Excessive amount of humanoid Pokémon
- No evolutions/pre-evolutions for Honedge, Orooto and Noivern (Especially can't imagine that Noivern and Orooto don't have pre-evo's)
- Sylveon being the only Eeveelution introduced in gen 6 while in previous gens, Eeveelutions were introduced in pairs
- No other previous gen evo's / pre-evo's
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Garfieltwo said:
What makes me think this list is fake:

- Zombie Pokémon (Sounds way too terrifying to be added into a Pokémon game)
- Excessive amount of humanoid Pokémon
- No evolutions/pre-evolutions for Honedge, Orooto and Noivern (Especially can't imagine that Noivern and Orooto don't have pre-evo's)
- Sylveon being the only Eeveelution introduced in gen 6 while in previous gens, Eeveelutions were introduced in pairs
- No other previous gen evo's / pre-evo's

What's wrong with zombies? We basically already have ghosts, vampires and every other creepy thing you can imagine. Besides, (if it is true) the descriptions usually turn out to be different Pokémon than you expected them to be, and a zombie Pokémon would probably end up being cute after all.

I don't see Honedge gaining any evolutionary relatives, but that's just my thought.

Eeveelutions were always revealed in pairs as well. Sylveon covers the new Fairy type. It's going to be the only (and last) eeveelution.

I can imagine a lack of evolutions due to the Mega Evolutions.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

I can imagine very few but hopefully not just Sylveon. I mean, I like the idea of maybe only Gen I-IV Mega Evolutions then Gen V Pokémon getting evo's/pre evo's (like Audino pre or evo). I don't know why, I just don't like the thought of none.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Pokequaza said:
Garfieltwo said:
What makes me think this list is fake:

- Zombie Pokémon (Sounds way too terrifying to be added into a Pokémon game)
- Excessive amount of humanoid Pokémon
- No evolutions/pre-evolutions for Honedge, Orooto and Noivern (Especially can't imagine that Noivern and Orooto don't have pre-evo's)
- Sylveon being the only Eeveelution introduced in gen 6 while in previous gens, Eeveelutions were introduced in pairs
- No other previous gen evo's / pre-evo's

Eeveelutions were always revealed in pairs as well. Sylveon covers the new Fairy type. It's going to be the only (and last) eeveelution.

The last Eeveelution should be Normal type.
(hopefully this can come next gen, or whenever it is that more evos for old Pokemon arrive)
RE: Rumors and Speculation

Pokequaza said:
What's wrong with zombies? We basically already have ghosts, vampires and every other creepy thing you can imagine. Besides, (if it is true) the descriptions usually turn out to be different Pokémon than you expected them to be, and a zombie Pokémon would probably end up being cute after all.
The writer describes it as the creepiest Pokemon ever, going as far to compare it to this guy...

Easily the most unsettling monster found in basically any Zelda game ever.

Pokequaza said:
Eeveelutions were always revealed in pairs as well. Sylveon covers the new Fairy type. It's going to be the only (and last) eeveelution.
Last eeveelution of this generation, or last eeveelution ever? Because either way, I can't see how you'd know that with any amount of certainty...
RE: Rumors and Speculation

J.D. said:
Pokequaza said:
What's wrong with zombies? We basically already have ghosts, vampires and every other creepy thing you can imagine. Besides, (if it is true) the descriptions usually turn out to be different Pokémon than you expected them to be, and a zombie Pokémon would probably end up being cute after all.
The writer describes it as the creepiest Pokemon ever, going as far to compare it to this guy...

Easily the most unsettling monster found in basically any Zelda game ever.

I don't understand why you guys think GF wouldn't make something as creepy as that zombie sounds. I mean, we are taking about the same GF that describes some pokemon in the pokedex as creatures that kidnap children and kill them or a creature that will drag you into the underworld. There are a ton of creepy things in pokemon already. I wouldn't be surprised if this list is real though I am always skeptical until given proof, but I do remember when Gen 5's list got leaked and everyone was saying that GF wouldn't make a 3-headed Dark/Dragon type pokemon and that they would never make a baggy pants pokemon with a mohawk!

We'll get the new Corocoro in about 8 days anyways and I'll definitely be comparing these descriptions to any new pokemon that gets revealed.

Part of me really hopes this is fake because it has Litleo becoming a bipedal Fire/Fighting Lion!!! Please be fake!!!
Rumors and Speculation

zappy800 said:
The things that force me to never believe this list are the zombie pokemon gamefreak would NEVER do that parents would be angry. PLus it would probably hurt their sales.

Parents buy their kids Call of Duty. I'm pretty darn sure that they wouldn't stop their child playing Pokémon because there's an effing cartoon Zombie!
RE: Rumors and Speculation

If the list is fake (which I feel like it is) it was thought out nicely. Having the blizzard wolf and lunar moth in their really gave it a more realistic vibe because of those leaked names. The fossil Pokemon were also a nice touch, having ice age Pokemon would be the right choice for new fossil Pokemon since the age of Dino fossil Pokemon was like 2 generations ago.
RE: Rumors and Speculation

NO! I will not accept that my beloved Litleo will be turning into a Fire/Fightning, this better be fake. ):
RE: Rumors and Speculation

mastermagpie said:
zappy800 said:
The things that force me to never believe this list are the zombie pokemon gamefreak would NEVER do that parents would be angry. PLus it would probably hurt their sales.

Parents buy their kids Call of Duty. I'm pretty darn sure that they wouldn't stop their child playing Pokémon because there's an effing cartoon Zombie!

True but those parents don't care if their kids are desensitized. Plus look at the english banned pokemon episodes. :p
RE: Rumors and Speculation

zappy800 said:
mastermagpie said:
Parents buy their kids Call of Duty. I'm pretty darn sure that they wouldn't stop their child playing Pokémon because there's an effing cartoon Zombie!

True but those parents don't care if their kids are desensitized. Plus look at the english banned pokemon episodes. :p

That one episode with James....my eyeballs....
But yeah, parents don't care about what their children watch or play anymore.
Well, most parents. There are definitely still parents out there who still care....

But we're getting off the subject.
I like the idea of a zombie Pokemon. I don't know what it would look like though.
Maybe it could be a rotted corpse, with rocks attached it's waist, like it failed getting out of the grave.
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