XY Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments & Possible Improvements

RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I'll probably end up coming back with a more in-depth post later about a few issues, but for now the main thing that bothers me is the choice to "remaster" the older cries, even for those of Generation 5 Pokémon. I put the word remaster in quotation marks because in my opinion they honestly just butchered and/or murdered the vast majority of the cries I've heard so far. Most of them have lost their sense of personality, and compared to the cries of the X/Y Pokémon many of them sound muffled, choppy, or just extremely underwhelming. For many of them it's even hard to tell one from the other, and this is coming from someone who memorizes the cries of Pokémon.

When I make that more detailed post later, I'll probably go through the ones most affected by this. Off the top of my head, I was really taken aback by Charizard's new cry. Granted it needed to be re-done or Rhyhorn's did because they shared the same cry, but what they ended up with is just terrible.

Aside from cleaning up (emphasis on cleaning) some of the more "digital" sounds from some of the older cries, I don't feel changing things as drastically as they did was anywhere near necessary, especially in the case of things from later Generations. The fact I'm hearing Generation 5 cries changed when you've got things like Aromatisse's cry is just baffling.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Xous said:
I'll probably end up coming back with a more in-depth post later about a few issues, but for now the main thing that bothers me is the choice to "remaster" the older cries, even for those of Generation 5 Pokémon. I put the word remaster in quotation marks because in my opinion they honestly just butchered and/or murdered the vast majority of the cries I've heard so far. Most of them have lost their sense of personality, and compared to the cries of the X/Y Pokémon many of them sound muffled, choppy, or just extremely underwhelming. For many of them it's even hard to tell one from the other, and this is coming from someone who memorizes the cries of Pokémon.

When I make that more detailed post later, I'll probably go through the ones most affected by this. Off the top of my head, I was really taken aback by Charizard's new cry. Granted it needed to be re-done or Rhyhorn's did because they shared the same cry, but what they ended up with is just terrible.

Aside from cleaning up (emphasis on cleaning) some of the more "digital" sounds from some of the older cries, I don't feel changing things as drastically as they did was anywhere near necessary, especially in the case of things from later Generations. The fact I'm hearing Generation 5 cries changed when you've got things like Aromatisse's cry is just baffling.

This. They all sound so alike now, the only one i'm ok with is Swoobat's, but even that...

They didn't /need/ to redo 3rd, 4th, or 5th gen cries. Seriously, especially 5th. They only got the one gen to /not/ sound stupid. I just hope the shinx line isnt too mangled ;-; i love their little purr-like cries <3
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I agree that most complaints are going to end up being trivial because overall this generation has more good than bad. I hope that key features will remain in future games, such as Pokemon-Amie, roller-skates, trainer customization, and so forth. I am really enjoying Pokemon-Amie, even if I can't figure out how to make it register the faces I make all the time.

Does anybody else have problems with that? Especially when it comes to making a certain sized smile, the Pokemon never react and other faces are hit or miss when it comes to the game registering them.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Gamefreak shouldn't have rushed the production of X & Y; from the unoptimized artwork to the graphics, the lag issues (especially the Mega-evolutions), etc...

I don't think most complaints about X & Y are trivial; Gamefreak wanted to make X & Y from a different perspective, but I think the results backfires...
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I've got three major problems with this generation:

New Pokémon:

This may be a stupid complaint, but I really miss new Pokémon. :/
A new generation meant for me always to collect all those new and interesting Pokémon. Irony: I really tried hard to not get spoiled this generation. Finally, I ended up knowing half of the Pokémon due to official releases. But I gotta admit that this time the new Pokémon were more or less better made/put more thought into them. I seriously love Aegislash and Hawlucha. Too bad that Hawlucha lacks an Evolution even though I seriously expected one, since it looks so tiny. It just seems so rushed. Especially the fairy Pokémon. I mean, we got like a handful atm, don't we? And only one new fairy Pokémon has two evolution stages. Moreover I have the feeling that most of them will be useless competitively.
Oh and new ice Pokémon? We just got one, that's it.


In all seriousness, this story really sucks. Too many random characters and not enough depth. For example that giant dude (A-something) could've had more thought put into them or Flordelis too. The gym leaders were nothing more than another encounter. The same goes for the E4 and the champ. Until now at least the champ was always concerned about the problems facing their world. This one seems rather indifferent.
I like the idea of 4 friends traveling together with you. Especially at the beginning it was made pretty well, but as time went on, it seemed like they all disappeared. It would've been nice to see the big guy (dunno the names in english) fulfilling his dream of having a team of dancing Pokémon, instead we're the only ones fulfilling it.
Furthermore, the mega evolutions seem so unimportant. Like, you megaevolved Lucario and that's where the ME chapter is closed. Also this selection of just a couple people having a mega-evolution....seriously, give it a rest with this special treatment towards the protagonist.

Truth be told, Pokémon was never known for its story anyways, I mean just look at Ash. Picking Pikachu 12412434 times against a ground Pokémon and still being surprised about it every time.

Post game:

Tbh, I just finished the E4, but it seems like there is nothing much left to do anymore. Even though I took my sweet time with the game, it didn't take me more than a day to get through.

But I love the new generation, it brought a lot of positive change to the game (even though there are some cosmetic "bugs" P: )

And a side question: Does anyone know if there is a way to reduce the EV besides these rare punching bags?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Since when did a Pokemon RPG game get an exceptional story though? I already lowered my expectations for the "story" part because if I wanted to play a game with really deep story, there's always the Persona series for that.

I do admit the post game is lacking but it's most likely going to be either DLC content or a new game to milk out more money.

The lag issues of the game are very trivial compared to the crappy stuff we got during Diamond and Pearl, and lol.. all the complaints Blob has pointed out have all been trivial and more of his/her inability to play the game properly (or use the Home button) which causes the complaints in the first place.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

mastermagpie said:
The disappointments I have are that the gym leaders and Elite Four were the easiest ever! I went in to the E4 and used three revives and a few Hyper Potions and beat it within 15 mins!

Also, the frame rate drops are frustrating.

Apart from that, I have no qualms!

I definitely agree with the Elite 4 being way too easy. I never once grinded for levels in the entire playthrough. I didn't even use a single Revive facing the Elite 4. I just used 1 Hyper Potion and that was it. I only used Xerneas in the Water and Dragon Elite 4 members. I was expecting the Elite 4 to be level 70+ since the trainers in Victory Road were using around level 50.

I think the place you do battles post game to earn BP should have points it stops at like every 7 or 10 battles automatically. I think it starts out crazy easy for the regular battle, at least on Rotation Battles anyway. The difficulty goes up somewhat after you beat 10 opponents, but is still very easy. On the other hand, Super Rotation gets to be really hard fast. I had a couple close calls where I barely won.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I just thought of another thing that I am disappointed by and hope they will include again in future games: Seasons. The removal of this feature is wasted potential. Seasons were a nice addition in BW/B2W2 because they helped diversify the routes, offered slight variation in Pokemon, and opened up different paths that normally cannot be found. I think that the season system needed improvement and they could have done it in Kalos!

Even though there is a snowy area in Kalos, and a random desert, the seasons could have made those places interesting too. Its not like places with extreme weather don't have seasons. The snowy area could have had higher snow in the winter that is more difficult to travel through, like in Diamond/Pearl, and thick snowfall or hail. A better, more varied, selection of Pokemon could have been made more available during the winter in this area too, as well as within other areas. It would make catching them all a bit more challenging. Right now, the only way catching them all is actually challenging is simply due to numbers. It takes a while to get over 700 monsters but finding them could have been made more challenging and environment dependent. I think removing weather was a waste and there were many possibilities they abandoned by choosing to take them away.

Also: without seasons, what happens to Deerling and Sawsbuck?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Riskbreakers said:
Since when did a Pokemon RPG game get an exceptional story though? I already lowered my expectations for the "story" part because if I wanted to play a game with really deep story, there's always the Persona series for that.

I do admit the post game is lacking but it's most likely going to be either DLC content or a new game to milk out more money.

The lag issues of the game are very trivial compared to the crappy stuff we got during Diamond and Pearl, and lol.. all the complaints Blob has pointed out have all been trivial and more of his/her inability to play the game properly (or use the Home button) which causes the complaints in the first place.

WTF? I always press the home button when I'm not playing the game. :/ Also, what does that have to do with anything?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Blob55 said:
Riskbreakers said:
Since when did a Pokemon RPG game get an exceptional story though? I already lowered my expectations for the "story" part because if I wanted to play a game with really deep story, there's always the Persona series for that.

I do admit the post game is lacking but it's most likely going to be either DLC content or a new game to milk out more money.

The lag issues of the game are very trivial compared to the crappy stuff we got during Diamond and Pearl, and lol.. all the complaints Blob has pointed out have all been trivial and more of his/her inability to play the game properly (or use the Home button) which causes the complaints in the first place.

WTF? I always press the home button when I'm not playing the game. :/ Also, what does that have to do with anything?

I think they mentioned the home button since you whinged there wasn't a clock in game, and it's easy to press the home button and check the time which doesn't affect the game at all and takes minimal time.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

At least somebody got the point in one go. THe only major thing I've read here would be the "cries" and even that is not something that would totally ruin the game. The seasons would be an interesting addition though, but I would assume it would cause more lag issues due to added effects and more data to put into the game.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

TrainerSivan said:
I just thought of another thing that I am disappointed by and hope they will include again in future games: Seasons. The removal of this feature is wasted potential.
Personally I think that removing seasons was a good idea. At least we don't have to wait two, long months for a certain season.
TrainerSivan said:
without seasons, what happens to Deerling and Sawsbuck?
Maybe their color is up to the area where they are used? For example: Deering will be green, if you send it to battle in the forest. But this is only my guess. I don't know what really happens to them.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

First and foremost, I don’t have either version yet and this in no way lessens my desire for the games. However, from the spoilers, my number one disappointment is the fact that X/Y only has only a total of sixty-nine new Kalos Pokémon and that is just too low in my opinion. I understand that the Mega Evolutions are most likely the reason but (and this is my second displeasure) I think there were too many Mega Evo and they even introduced two versions which was OD. They should've given Mega forms mainly to the Pokémon that desperately needed a power-up like Minun/Plusle for example to actually make them playable. Thirdly, I think out of the new Pokémon, like Torimian(Furfrou), Ruchaburu(Hawlucha) and Dedenne especially the ladder, should’ve had at least a second form. And lastly, I was very disappointed that the spoilers for the ghost spider and desert snake didn’t turn out T_T My only hope is that in the Z version, at the very least, several more new Pokémon will emerge via DLC, etc.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Riskbreakers said:
Since when did a Pokemon RPG game get an exceptional story though? I already lowered my expectations for the "story" part because if I wanted to play a game with really deep story, there's always the Persona series for that.

True, but compared to BW this is a stepback storywise and at least that shouldn't be happening.
I'm not expecting a TW/ME/Batman plot, but seriously, even I could've done better than this.
It just feels rushed in general.
For example: The distance between the first and second gym was huuuge and after that you suddenly started gettin' dem badges like sh't.

Every generation felt kinda completed in itself (to me), but this one feels so holey. I guess Gamefreak just isn't that competent and eventually overestimated themselves with this edition.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I've found every "first game in a new generation" to be holey, this isn't really a surprise. If they made this game so pefect, then who would buy the third version?
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Riskbreakers said:
I've found every "first game in a new generation" to be holey, this isn't really a surprise. If they made this game so pefect, then who would buy the third version?

The only generation I felt like is holey without a third one was Gen III. The other ones were pretty ok by themselves, though I can understand why you think they felt holey.
But this time we're talking about holey on another level. We have just 69 new Pokémon and atm about ~25 Megaevolutions (dunno the exact number). The second legendary trio, which has become something like tradition, is totally missing.
The game is the easiest one in forever, the characters are kept as plain as possible and post game is a myth.
It feels like you have to buy the third edition to get the full experience of the new generation.

And let's keep it real, about 85% of the Pokémon community would buy the third edition just because they're hardcore fanbois/fangals, even if the first two would be "complete". Seriously, they'd even buy a fifth edition if there'd be one.
If these two editions would've been more complete, do you know how big the hype would be about the third version? But as things are right now, Z/Y2X2 really has to bring some content to make this generation complete. Like (at least) 20 more Pokémon, more content/postgame, more story depth. The last two are more likey. New Pokémon could only come in form of Megaevolutions, which I personally can hardly call new Pokémon.

The only reason why Pokémon can allow itself to slack off like this is because they're an empire by now. They have about three decades of players. The veterans like me and probably most of us, who started with the first generation and the newcomers who joined whenever a new generation came out. I think the largest party in the fanbase right now are the veterans and when they're gone, Pokémon will have some serious issues with their current niveau of games.

But I'm fine with the edition though. They brought a lot of new features and finally switched to 3D graphics, (which was due since DPP imo), but for that we have to live with some shortage on other things, which hopefully won't be the case anymore with the third edition :>
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

iDrake said:
Riskbreakers said:
I've found every "first game in a new generation" to be holey, this isn't really a surprise. If they made this game so pefect, then who would buy the third version?

The only generation I felt like is holey without a third one was Gen III. The other ones were pretty ok by themselves, though I can understand why you think they felt holey.
But this time we're talking about holey on another level. We have just 69 new Pokémon and atm about ~25 Megaevolutions (dunno the exact number). The second legendary trio, which has become something like tradition, is totally missing.
The game is the easiest one in forever, the characters are kept as plain as possible and post game is a myth.
It feels like you have to buy the third edition to get the full experience of the new generation.

Okay for everyone who wants to make this game harder...Don't use the Exp. Share! The game will boost in difficulty exponentially (okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still). Also try running a nuzlocke or something. If you want the games to be difficult you can make them more difficult so please stop complaining about how easy they are. Sorry if this came off as overly mean or aggressive, but the lack of challenge comments are getting annoying.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

I don't like how the day and night feature is in this game: it feels weird to see the headlight on your bike go on when it still looks relatively bright outside.

iDrake said:
Riskbreakers said:
I've found every "first game in a new generation" to be holey, this isn't really a surprise. If they made this game so pefect, then who would buy the third version?

The only generation I felt like is holey without a third one was Gen III. The other ones were pretty ok by themselves, though I can understand why you think they felt holey.
But this time we're talking about holey on another level. We have just 69 new Pokémon and atm about ~25 Megaevolutions (dunno the exact number). The second legendary trio, which has become something like tradition, is totally missing.
The game is the easiest one in forever, the characters are kept as plain as possible and post game is a myth.
It feels like you have to buy the third edition to get the full experience of the new generation.

And let's keep it real, about 85% of the Pokémon community would buy the third edition just because they're hardcore fanbois/fangals, even if the first two would be "complete". Seriously, they'd even buy a fifth edition if there'd be one.
If these two editions would've been more complete, do you know how big the hype would be about the third version? But as things are right now, Z/Y2X2 really has to bring some content to make this edition complete. Like (at least) 20 more Pokémon, more content/postgame, more story depth. The last two are more likey. New Pokémon could only come in form of Megaevolutions, which I personally can hardly call new Pokémon.

The only reason why Pokémon can allow itself to slack off like this is because they're an empire by now. They have about three decades of players. The veterans like me and probably most of us, who started with the first generation and the newcomers who joined whenever a new generation came out. I think the largest party in the fanbase right now are the veterans and when they're gone, Pokémon will have some serious issues with their current niveau of games.

But I'm fine with the edition though. They brought a lot of new features and finally switched to 3D graphics, (which was due since DPP imo), but for that we have to live with some shortage on other things, which hopefully won't be the case anymore with the third edition :>

I apologize if double posting is against the rules, but I am on a phone typing this:

While I may end up in your "fanboy" category for this, Pokemon has been a defining point in my childhood. Red, Blie, and Yellow weren't just my first Pokemon games ever; they were my first video games in general; they brought me into the video game universe.

Make of the world around you as you will, though.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

Riskbreakers said:
At least somebody got the point in one go. THe only major thing I've read here would be the "cries" and even that is not something that would totally ruin the game. The seasons would be an interesting addition though, but I would assume it would cause more lag issues due to added effects and more data to put into the game.

The point of this thread isn't to discuss things that would "totally ruin the game" but to discuss things you were disappointed by. Just shortcomings, things that irked you but are not deal breakers. Personally, I quite love the game.

As for the seasons, I doubt that they would cause much trouble. They are essentially weather effects, which the game has, and change in colors. I think it would be awesome to implement them.

And as for having to wait for the season you want to be in to capture certain Pokemon: that makes the game a bit more engaging and keeps it interesting even post game. If you were able to complete everything as soon as possible and always have the same options, the game becomes stale after a while. Seasons would help with introducing new, although not major, difference into the game and allow players to explore older areas and regain a sense of appreciation for areas they have already passed over. I love going back to earlier routes in Black 2 and discovering piles of autumn leaves that provided me access to areas I could not previously access. It made me want to explore route even more and to discover new Pokemon in changed environments. Its logical and mirrors the real world while adding a twist to rarity and value in certain Pokemon. Rather than merely having Pokemon be hard to find due to low encounter rates, seasons can make certain Pokemon appear more or for the first time at all.

Again, I see it as wasted potential and wasted potential disappoints me.
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements

PlatinaKoki said:
I don't like how the day and night feature is in this game: it feels weird to see the headlight on your bike go on when it still looks relatively bright outside.

iDrake said:
The only generation I felt like is holey without a third one was Gen III. The other ones were pretty ok by themselves, though I can understand why you think they felt holey.
But this time we're talking about holey on another level. We have just 69 new Pokémon and atm about ~25 Megaevolutions (dunno the exact number). The second legendary trio, which has become something like tradition, is totally missing.
The game is the easiest one in forever, the characters are kept as plain as possible and post game is a myth.
It feels like you have to buy the third edition to get the full experience of the new generation.

And let's keep it real, about 85% of the Pokémon community would buy the third edition just because they're hardcore fanbois/fangals, even if the first two would be "complete". Seriously, they'd even buy a fifth edition if there'd be one.
If these two editions would've been more complete, do you know how big the hype would be about the third version? But as things are right now, Z/Y2X2 really has to bring some content to make this edition complete. Like (at least) 20 more Pokémon, more content/postgame, more story depth. The last two are more likey. New Pokémon could only come in form of Megaevolutions, which I personally can hardly call new Pokémon.

The only reason why Pokémon can allow itself to slack off like this is because they're an empire by now. They have about three decades of players. The veterans like me and probably most of us, who started with the first generation and the newcomers who joined whenever a new generation came out. I think the largest party in the fanbase right now are the veterans and when they're gone, Pokémon will have some serious issues with their current niveau of games.

But I'm fine with the edition though. They brought a lot of new features and finally switched to 3D graphics, (which was due since DPP imo), but for that we have to live with some shortage on other things, which hopefully won't be the case anymore with the third edition :>

I apologize if double posting is against the rules, but I am on a phone typing this:

While I may end up in your "fanboy" category for this, Pokemon has been a defining point in my childhood. Red, Blie, and Yellow weren't just my first Pokemon games ever; they were my first video games in general; they brought me into the video game universe.

Make of the world around you as you will, though.

I'm sorry if it sounded offending to anyone.
I'm a fanboy myself, otherwise I wouldn't be playing this game. :>