Pokebeach Forum's 5th Anniversary

^ that was the main site used to look like, not the forums. however, the forum style did used to look a bit similar to that...it changed about 2-3 years ago when the site crashed.

there used be an even older format used on the main page from 2003 - 2005. however, we lost pretty much anything pre-2006 during the "april fools" crash, and it took about a year before we got the 2006/2007/early 2008 stories back.

on the old forum format, we also used to have hp, ev, experience points, and level bars under your avatar, and we also did not have userbars. the font style might have also been slightly different back then.

edit: i couldn't find any screenshots of what they used to look like, but here is something I found going through ancient threads: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=7716
@Blue Thunder: The whole hp/ev/ex. points/level bars on the profiles seems pretty interesting. That'd be kind of neat to have on our profiles. I also wish that they didn't completely do away with user name changes (although I could see how many members would take advantage of that privilege, unfortunately).
we also used to have username changes in ye olden days. while they weren't allowed when I first came here way back in 2007, they were eventually permitted for the second half of 2008. there was a rule where you could only changes names every 3 months, but it was still way too confusing, and was probably was why it was done away with at the start of 2009. heh, i had my name changed three times in the period! my original name was shaymingiratina8717, and I didn't get my current name until just before the name changes were banned.

don't expect hp bars and the like to come back ever. threads made by noobs regarding those in site discussion were a huge annoyance among the staff and experience members back in 2007...if you go back to the older pages in the forum, you can see countless locked threads regarding what they were and how they worked.
Some people try to be friends with the Staff Members so they can change their usernames, I tried it once. I wanted a staff member to change my username from Electric Pokemon Master to Electric Pokémon Master. lol
I always never got the reason of why people cry over name changes. If you want your name changed, then why did you register under that name, laughing out loud. At least that's the way I see it.

I still recall me joining. I didn't really plan on staying, but for some reason I did. I guess it was because everyone seemed so nice here (Unlike these people at Serebii >:O ). I've seen a lot of change during my six months here. Seen a lot of noobs get banned, and avoiding being banned. I've had fun on Shoddy, and chat when I do go on. I've spent way to much time in the game corner, even after they removed YPPYs. I joined the awesomest group, Team Dimensional. It's even had an impact on my life, in some way. Thanks, Pokebeach :D

I remember when I was junior modded. It was for less than a day though. My bar had Gyarados and a + symbol after 'Junior Moderator'.
Electric Pokemon Master said:
Some people try to be friends with the Staff Members so they can change their usernames, I tried it once. I wanted a staff member to change my username from Electric Pokemon Master to Electric Pokémon Master. lol

...what? You befriended a staff member solely for the purpose of making a minor change to your user name? Am I not the only one that senses something wrong with that?

Anyways, despite the short time I've been here so far, it's been a lot of fun, and actually changed me in some ways. Being one of my first forums, I've gotten to learn how the forums work when I first became a member. I also got to know some pretty amazing people- TheDarkLucario, Mudkip, and DNA, to name a few.
I've seen a whole bunch of things happen. Been here through the April Fools hacking and the more recent hacking.

The forum is a fun place and could easily survive with the amount of active people the forum has.
I've been here since '06, a few months after the forums started. Until I was modded, I was one of those members who mainly lurked -- I usually didn't post unless I had something really important to say. The mod apps thread was funny, mainly because I'm pretty sure I didn't post in the thread a single time -- again, it was enough just reading some people's comments. :p

Seriously, though, it's been a great few years, and I'm honored to now be part of the staff.
Happy Anniversary Beach! I've been here since '08 and even though I've drifted over the past half a year or so, I still remember all the good times and hope there are many more to come for everyone!
I can't believe I have been on for two years, I find it harder to believe that the people who have been here for over 4 years haven't been banned yet! Well congrats to WPM and all staff.
I don't believe I recall anyone not liking pokebeach, there have been a lot of good times with this forum and the games, if more poeple were to join forums relates to their favorite game, it would be much more fun. Anyway happy 5th anniversary and a happy new year.
When I see Electric Pokemon's usertitle, I laugh. The chances of that is unbelievably low.

I remember useless knowledge from what I've seen, like Pokequaza's view on on Double-Tpye moves, and me getting banned, of course. :p
I always never got the reason of why people cry over name changes. If you want your name changed, then why did you register under that name, laughing out loud.
Have you ever seen the threads of people that just joined, asking how they could get a name change? Those were pretty funny.
For the moderator application, I was going to apply. But I didn't think I was ready.
You're a very smart fellow, EPM.
I also got to know some pretty amazing people- TheDarkLucario, Mudkip, and DNA, to name a few.
How am I amazing? The higher-ups can't trust me as far as they can throw me :eek:
Many memories... Getting denied the spot of Drawing Pokemon on The Beach Magazine. Failing the Moderator Exam. Goooooooood times.
I don't really know many people myself, other than

EPM, aggiegwyn, HeroOfSinnoh, Alvin and the Minezumis, Zircon, pokemaister899...
Now mods, don't attack me, but I miss Tofu and Gail. There were great people from my state who don't even play the TCG anymore (haven't seen them since Regionals 2010).
I miss them too nick. Does Brandon still play TCG?

I've had some interesting times here on PB >.<
I got banned like 10 times when I first joined, and barely avoided a perm. I remember freaking out about the HS prank like a complete nub. Placing third in PBT5 was nice, and of course the strange people over the years bring back memories. (Bacon boy, shining suicune, that hoop hoop hoop guy, etc.)
Mmmm, Pokebeach was what really transferred me from TCG to VG. I came here after I recieved a lot of, erm, infractions. I didn't know what flaming was at the time, so yeah. I came here in search of a more, friendly hang-out. After a couple of months, I couldn't really afford to play TCG anymore, so I got into VG. I remember a lot of big battles that took place, and why they were so important. My match against Amt in PBT2, where I was swept by a bibarel, who was baton passed an agility, NP, and 2 stockpiles. Then, PBT3, where I took on graysonviolin and lost 2-0. After that match, me and him sort of formed a team. He taught me about VG competitively and such, and well, I listened. xD Not much longer after that, I met Pulse. Pulse is simply the reason why I still play pokemon. I play almost solely just to make it up to him, for everything he did for me. I knew him in person, and he was the nicest guy one could know. He always had this sort of, chilled out, feeling around him. Never acted out, or anything. I can really say he's the reason why i'm playing VG.

About a year later, things were getting very dramatic. IRC was really bringing in a lot of extra drama in my life. With Bela being banned, I was the next in line, as I was basically, Bela's little "buddy". I was banned from IRC about 4 times, with the last being 5 weeks. Since then, Nothing has happened. Everything has gotten better and well now, I'm moderating my home forum. It doesn't get better than that.
@Nick~ It's Gale, not Gail. ;D

I enjoyed reading the April Fool's thread a couple years back. Or whenever it was.

EDIT: The HS one. Not the "I HACC YOUU".