PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I wouldn't object to unbanning Bright Powder and Lax Incense. Most of the Pokemon would benefit more from any other item such as Leftovers or Life Orb. The only time that Bright Powder / Lax Incense could cause problems is when used in conjunction with Snow Cloak / Sand Veil in the corresponding weather. I still don't feel it would break the game enough to be ban worthy. Double Team was a major threat with Bright Powder, but since moves that raise evasion are banned, I really don't think it needs to be banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I agree with DE. Brightpowder/Lax Incense only reduces accuracy by 10% where as Double Team and Minimize increases evasion 1 stage, that combined with Snow Cloak/Sand Veil causes a major evasion problem since it can make almost any attack except never miss attacks like Aura Sphere, Shock Wave and Shadow Punch. Now Brightpowder and Lax Incense when used with Snow Cloak and Sand Veil only causes a 30% chance of an attack missing.

But I would like to suggest that accuracy reducing moves such as Flash, Sand-Attack and Mud Slap be considered for banning since there are pokemon that would suffer when exposed to these moves.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
But I would like to suggest that accuracy reducing moves such as Flash, Sand-Attack and Mud Slap be considered for banning since there are pokemon that would suffer when exposed to these moves.

You aren't dishing out any damage with Flash and Sand Attack. Mud Slap dishes out minor damage that is affected by the type chart in addition to lowering accuracy. It is easy enough to just switch out. The turns used to lower the opponent's accuracy could be spent better by damaging it or putting a special condition on it, such as paralysis. Those are permanent where as accuracy modifications are temporary. The only way I would ever consider banning it is in a no switch battle / tournament since then it is easier to set up.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

The one hit by accuracy reducing moves can switch out anyway. Just reiterating what de said just for emphasis.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Now I get why Drizzle+Swift Swim is banned in OU, but I would like to know why isn't Drizzle+Rain Dish banned? Thats an easy HP recovery without using Rain Dance.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Drizzle+Rain Dish sin't banned because its not broken. Drizzle+Swift Swim was banned since there was nothing that could switch repeatedly into Specs Kingdra without sustaining major damage, nothing that could revenge kill it, and nothing that could stop it from switching out to attack again later. It was just about impossible to defeat rain teams with Swift Swim Kingdra without a weather user of your own (and even then it was extremely difficult). Drizzle+Rain Dish has none of that. The HP recovery is nice comboed with Toxic (Spikes) and other entry hazards and makes for a good Pokemon on a stall team, but any well built team can deal with it with a bit of good prediction.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Kingdra is the Palkia of OU -_-. In the rain its pratically unstoppable.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

That doesn't even relate to what I said. I said Specs Kingdra with Swift Swim in Drizzle was OP, but Rain Dish+Drizzle wasn't. What does Kingdra being like Palkia have to do with anything?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
Kingdra is the Palkia of OU -_-. In the rain its pratically unstoppable.


Like DV said, that has nothing to do with anything. Plus, the only way to get Swift Swim in rain is as a Drizzle counter or on a Rain Dance team (which is more difficult to use).
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

True but Sap Sipper makes all grass moves fail and boosts the attack stat. That I think makes it worth the while. But I would say NU for that particular pokemon.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja, Azumarill is UU with Pure Power. Why in the world would you use an ability that makes it bad enough to fall into NU?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

My bad. I ment UU to OU depending on how well it works. Now I do have one question. Why did 2 of the Deoxys forms get droped from Ubers?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja, why in the world would a Pokemon with 50 base attack and an awful attacking movepool be OU or UU? The only thing keeping Azumarill in UU is Huge Power, which makes its attack in the 100s, which is a respectable number. It would have literally no use whatsoever if you gave it Sap Sipper. As for why Normal and Attack form Deoxys are Uber and Defense and Speed form aren't, its because Speed form's stats (other than speed, of course) are rather meh in this metagame, so its not too much of a threat. Defense form is because it just plain wasn't good enough, maybe because Psychic is such a horrible defensive typing?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Riskbreakers said:
My God, do you want EVERYTHING banned?
...I love this post right here.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I always found Deoxys-D to be a very bulky guy that could handle well in Ubers.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Ubers tier isn't a "real" tier. It's just a place where the imbalanced stuff from OU get thrown into. We don't care how good a pokemon performs in Ubers, we care about how said pokemon will overcentralize the OU metagame. If said pokemon does, it gets thrown to ubers. Get a grip.