PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

(Why did this get locked? o_O)

Latias and Latios aren't broken at all. Scizor, Tyranitar and Blissey do everything needed to counter them, and things like Reuniclus Jirachi, Starmie and Ferrothorn (barring Hidden Power Fire) check them comfortably.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Blissey I wouldn't exactly say counters them since Psyshock is something that can terrorize Blissey. I tend to run that on Latios / Latias just so I don't have to switch out on Blissey.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I vote to remove the item bans (Lax Incense/BrightPowder). They are dumb and I feel we only banned them because smogon did. They are not really gamebreaking. Who's with me?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

TheDarkLucario said:
Does anyone want to remove Lax Incense and Bright Powder and put them under the evasion clause? Nobody is really going to use them now that Chomp is long gone (sub leftovers chomp was actually better, jus sayin). We already have this in our tournament format thread:
Sand Veil and Snow Cloak do not break this clause. BrightPowder and Lax Incense do break this clause.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I agree with TDL. If its already banned in tournaments, why not make it officially banned in this thread as well.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

How about remove the ban but have some sort of other restriction, such as you can only have 1 of said item anywhere on your team.
I can understand the reasoning why Smogon banned it, but at the same time it's also pretty silly (in my opinion anyway).
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

No. No restrictions. Just straight up allowed for use. Seriously, why are these banned? It's been proven that LI/BP are statistically weaker than leftovers.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Ask when Contrary Serperior is released.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I don't think Contrary Serperior is broken. It only gets Leaf Storm, Normal attacks, Twister (lol) and Hidden Power for its offense, so its stuck with two move coverage; either Leaf Storm/HP Ground or Leaf Storm/HP Ice. Choosing HP Ground as the second coverage move leaves Serperior helpless against Latias, Latios and Hydreigon, while having HP Ice as the coverage move means that Heatran walls Serperior forever. It really doesn't matter though, because we won't be seeing it for a while.

(Nice going with the ninja :p)
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Don't forget Contrary makes all stat moves and abilities do the opposite of what they should. So if Serperior is hit with a move that would lower its Speed it raises it instead. Contrary could make it a boosting sweeper if used right. Not that it would match Speed Boost Blaziken but still a true threat all the same.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Wrong. Serperior is horrible. Nothing lowers stats in the metagame except for Mence and Gyara with Intimidate which doesn't help Serperior at all. Gengar occasionally runs Icy Wind, but since Garchomp's ban few use it, and nobody would use that on a Serperior, so its really no threat. Serperior's movepool is too awful for it to threaten anything.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Get off the topic, it isn't released yet. Bring it up again when it is released, but even then it won't be broken since it in no way can overcentralize the metagame.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Not anymore anyway. Its to easy to counter with Fire attacks which are in high supply in any tier. But I do have to wonder about where Ho-Oh will do with the new ability Regenerator.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Stop talking about stuff that isn't released yet. If it isn't out yet, it's banned until it comes out (ex; eccentric ditto, genesect). Ho-oh is uber regardless if we do give it a new ability that's better than it's current one. What's the point in bringing it up?

Anymore posts that talk about unreleased Pokemon or abilities, such as Shadow Tag Chandelure, will receive a warning for spamming. Bring them up when they're released, not when we have no idea on if they'll even come out.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I hate to tell you this but I think Shadow Tag Chandelure has been released

I hate to tell you this, but no, it has not. ~ SL
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

AlphaNinja said:
I hate to tell you this but I think Shadow Tag Chandelure has been released

I hate to tell you this, but no, it has not. ~ SL

Trust me.

You WILL know when Shadow Tag Chandelure is released.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

PMJ said:
I vote to remove the item bans (Lax Incense/BrightPowder). They are dumb and I feel we only banned them because smogon did. They are not really gamebreaking. Who's with me?

I agree here. They do little to change the nature of the game, so in the interests of having a streamlined tier list I'll vouch for their legality. If they didn't break Garchomp of all things, they won't do anything at all for the current OU tier.

I can't really say that any Pokemon's position on the ban list is all that questionable actually, pretty neat metagame we got right about now.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I don't really like them because they just make the game too much luck-filled, the only reason you would really use them over an item with a definite gain like Leftovers is if you plan on relying on luck to save you, and I'm against anything that involves luck and no skill. I'll roll over if no one agrees with me though.