PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

If I see anymore posts that say "I'd like to see this banned" without proper or any reasoning, you will receive a warning for spam. Also, this isn't the thread to ask if something is released, this is a thread to discuss the ban list. Google it instead of asking here. -.-
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I always found these three the worst problem I could face in WiFi and I am glad are banned. Speed Boost Blaziken, Sand Veil Garchomp and Sand Rush Excadrill. They are the most powerful pokemon I have ever seen. I am so happy that they got banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I like the ban list ATM.

I'm just wondering why we banned Pokemon that haven't even proved themselves worthy of a ban?

I've tried Keldeo, and he doesn't have the Defense, and Attack power every says he has...
Just thought I'd run that by you.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

They are banned only because they are not released yet by Nintendo and can only be obtained through glitches or an outside source. Once they are released they will be OU.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I find that in Ubers they have little effect. But since they are unreleased if you wanna use them you gotta go Uber. Since I like the finner things example Heatran, Ferrothorn, Jellicent, Latios, Blissey and Virizion, it doesn't matter to me.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

That's not entirely correct. They are not part of the uber tier. They are strictly banned from any official PokeBeach event unless specifically noted. You can not use them, at all, ever.

That said, if you wish to host your own tournament that allows their use, then by all means you may do so.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I'm not a tournment kinda person so count me out. I would think a item like Bright Powder and Lax Insense would be banned. That combined with Sand Veil or Snow Cloak is a 30% accuracy reduction and a very high chance for moves to miss. Though its just my opinion.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Except there are no viable that use Sand Veil or Snow Cloak.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

^That is true...

+ I have yet to see even one of those items, in any tier I battle. (I battle on just about every server, and in every tier.)
Is Lightning Rod Zapdoes banned?
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Lightningrod Zapdos is unreleased, so for places that ban unreleased Pokemon (which is most places), it is considered illegal.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

^Ok, I just didn't see it on the list, unless I'm starting to suck at reading.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

For Pokemon with Hidden Abilities, you would check the list of them. Anything that isn't on the list is banned.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

The Rugged Mountain was just released internationally yesterday. I actually have a female Bagon with Sheer Force to prove it. Here's a list of the Dream World abilities that are now also legal, in alphabetical order:

Absol - Justified
Bagon - Sheer Force
Beldum - Light Metal
Burmy - Overcoat
Cacnea - Water Absorb
Croagunk - Poison Touch
Hippopotas - Sand Force
Larvitar - Sand Veil
Machop - Steadfast
Magby - Vital Spirit
Magnemite - Analytic
Makuhita - Sheer Force
Mankey - Defiant
Numel - Own Tempo
Phanpy - Sand Veil
Rhyhorn - Reckless
Skorupi - Keen Eye
Slugma - Weak Armor
Spinda - Contrary
Teddiursa - Honey Gather
Torkoal - Shell Armor
Trapinch - Sheer Force
Tyrogue - Vital Spirit

*Please note I have only listed the Basics. The hidden abilities for the evolutions, if any, may differ from the previous forms. In some cases, like Trapinch, the evolutions may not have a hidden ability.

Source page: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rugged_Mountain
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

Hippopotas, Larvitar, and said Bagon are the most interesting ones. I still think Intimidate will be the ability of choice since Sally would lose Outrage... And the other two are only notable because it means Sand Stream can be banned without having that side effect of banning Tyranitar and Hippowdon. Maybe it'll open the possibility (of banning) to other players because of it.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

I like the Teddiursa, he looks cool, and I don't see an immediate use for him, which mainly attracts me!
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

shadow_scyther said:
I think Bagon also gets Outrage through DW so that won't be a problem.
Yes he does. The Bagon in question that I wished for actually had Outrage as her special move. Dragon Dance is also a possible.

Unfortunately it would cause Salamence to lose a few other breeding moves, and would require people to soft-reset in the Entralink for a good Bagon (which is what I plan to do), but hey, I don't doubt Moxie Salamence would become popular.

Pride said:
And the other two are only notable because it means Sand Stream can be banned without having that side effect of banning Tyranitar and Hippowdon. Maybe it'll open the possibility (of banning) to other players because of it.
I actually noticed this myself also; you could ban auto-weather without banning the Pokemon themselves along with it. Except for maybe Abomasnow.
RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List

This thread isn't used to report violations of our ban list. If it was a tournament match, get with the person running the tournament. If it wasn't a tournament match, just talk it over with him.