PokeBeach's Official Redshark League! Where did everyone go?

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RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Jamtok said:
Zyflair said:
And why wont you play Jamtok?

I think the reason is because I always get on hamachi so late because I actually do my homework. Hey, I've got a random question to ask? How do most people persuade their parents to come with them to like regionals or whatever; I mean, do parents really fall for this crud. Is it really possible that they will spend a whole weekend or whatever at some random city, and take time out of their job just so YOU can go to "some game tournament" which is all they hear; they don't hear that it's your passion to play this sport. That's right; a sport.

no flaming, but thats your parents, not ours.
you can also go with the train or the bus, and ask 1 of your parents to come with you (mostly the one without a job on that day)

oh, and my parents understand me maybe yours don't but hey, thats your problem.

if you explain it as a strategy game (wich it fairly is) and as a strategy game with a little childness figures, they will understand you.

why would you play chess?, right because it can be fun, zo can pokemon be
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

red blastoise said:
no flaming, but thats your parents, not ours.
you can also go with the train or the bus, and ask 1 of your parents to come with you (mostly the one without a job on that day)

oh, and my parents understand me maybe yours don't but hey, thats your problem.

if you explain it as a strategy game (wich it fairly is) and as a strategy game with a little childness figures, they will understand you.

why would you play chess?, right because it can be fun, zo can pokemon be

1. As AMT says, please don't try to mini-mod.

2. Princeton net defines "flaming" as: criticizing harshly, usually via an electronic medium. Nowhere in my previous statement have I "criticized" anything what so ever; I was simply complaining. Based on Princeton Net, complaining is completely different from flaming/criticizing, so please try to get your wording straight.

3. Unlike your parents, one of my parents is on the other half of the world...PERMANENTLY!

4. I'm pretty sure your father wasn't a Marine Drill Instructor for ten years, and sees Pokemon as completely childish and irrelevant to one's life no matter how many times you try explaining it to him. I know it can be a very mature game w/ childish figures, but it is literally impossible to explain it to someone with a perspective on life like that.

5. I will stop now before I break the rules. ^_^
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Jamtok said:
1. As AMT says, please don't try to mini-mod.

2. Princeton net defines "flaming" as: criticizing harshly, usually via an electronic medium. Nowhere in my previous statement have I "criticized" anything what so ever; I was simply complaining. Based on Princeton Net, complaining is completely different from flaming/criticizing, so please try to get your wording straight. -_-

3. Unlike your parents, one of my parents is on the other half of the world...PERMANENTLY! Ranting is a nono here. Please send you troubles somewhere else.

4. I'm pretty sure your father wasn't a Marine Drill Instructor for ten years, and sees Pokemon as completely childish and irrelevant to one's life no matter how many times you try explaining it to him. I know it can be a very mature game w/ childish figures, but it is literally impossible to explain it to someone with a perspective on life like that. See #3

5. I will stop now before I break the rules. ^_^
Glad that's over.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

I played Ariadosguy, we went down to one prize each and a flip was going to decide it so we called it a draw. I don't know if that was legal, if it's not, the flip was in his favor for the 5th time in a row XD.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Well I was just defending my case against RedBlastoise, but everyone loves picking on the new guy. (^_^) I have a question about the whole "challenging once a week" deal, though. If you challenge on saturday, could you challenge on sunday (new week) or do you have to wait until next saturday? I think it would be fair if it were the first way I mentioned.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Celebi23 said:
I played Ariadosguy, we went down to one prize each and a flip was going to decide it so we called it a draw. I don't know if that was legal, if it's not, the flip was in his favor for the 5th time in a row XD.
So... he basically won but you guys didn't count it because it was the coin flip ending?

Jamtok said:
I have a question about the whole "challenging once a week" deal, though. If you challenge on saturday, could you challenge on sunday (new week) or do you have to wait until next saturday? I think it would be fair if it were the first way I mentioned.
One whole week. This is to prevent over occurrence of the challenge in the first place. Your first idea is a loophole.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

After a whole week of waiting, I finally was able to challenge Flygon999 and got very lucky with my omastar in the end. It was the closest match I've ever had on RS. There's something I just realized though; what would Flygon have gained if he won? I think the challengee (person being challenged) should get some kind of reward if they do win, so that way, they would WANT to be challenged, and you don't have to beg them.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

oh, i challenge cool2def, but i never seem to find him online

EDIT: i am also logged in on another computer for day or something, will delete that after a while.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Jamtok said:
There's something I just realized though; what would Flygon have gained if he won? I think the challengee (person being challenged) should get some kind of reward if they do win, so that way, they would WANT to be challenged, and you don't have to beg them.
Hmmm. I'm not sure. Any ideas?

And RB, you have to wait until he's online to challenge him.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Yeah. That's the basic idea. It was never-before-played rogue vs. never-before-played rogue anyway. And my match with Flygon999 isn't up there.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

What match against Flygon999?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Celebi23 said:
I played Flygon999 and won, but because we're not within 3 rank of each other it doesn't count, right?

That match.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Ah, Flygon999 has not reported anything to me yet, but I'm submit it anyway...
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Were having some technical dificulties, celebi and me. whenever we try and start redshark match it says not connected.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Hmm... the guest needs to have the host's IP in the preferences and you guys need to start at the same (or close to it) time. One of you guys have to be the host while the other is a guest.
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