PokeBeach's Official Redshark League! Where did everyone go?

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RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

They beat you to it. Try to post your results a little faster...
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Yeah. I know everything Superwolfe did was fine because I've been a guest enough times now. What I did was put his IP into Host IP and he put mine in. I chose option 3 and he chose option 4, but then our Redsharks stopped responding...

I also agree with Jamtoc about the person who is being challenged getting something if they win. Otherwise, what's the point. The problem is that there is no way to give something to the person of higher rank without being unfair to someone else...

Lastly, when Superwolfe tried to join, it told him the network was full...
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Hmm... I'm not sure what's exactly wrong...

Celebi's side worked before since I've played him already... Try playing against someone else (or me if I'm on).
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Celebi's Tournament! Sign up NOW!
(Zyflair gave me permission to post this)
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Celebi23 said:
Otherwise, what's the point. The problem is that there is no way to give something to the person of higher rank without being unfair to someone else...
Sigh, this is troubling. Anyone have any suggestions?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

okay, i beat hebi, gengar VS t-tar (me was gengar) we where down on 1 prize tough

EDIT: just played cool2def, i was 3-1 in front with prizes, and then the connection lost, and his hamachi turned off, is this a win/loss/draw?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Lot of things happening. 4 Challenges in less than two weeks.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Zyflair said:
Sigh, this is troubling. Anyone have any suggestions?

I've got it! You should make it mandatory for people to challenge. (New Rule? - You have to challenge at least once a week. Also, you must be challenged once a week, and to challenge someone from now on, you have to send a request to Zyflair. Oh, and nobody can choose the same person to be challenged. Example: Two people want to challenge Zyflair, but no more than one person can challenge one person, so the two or more people that want to challenge that one person battle it out to see who gets to challenge Zyflair. The loser will have to choose someone else; even if they've already been chosen; duke it out to see who gets to challenge that person. This way, the challengers are literally forced to challenge at least everyone except who's ever at the bottom of the ladder, but that person still has to challenge somebody. Sure it may very sloppy at first, but I think everyone will get the hang of things. To start, you should make a "Challenge Request sign up list", and have it close at a specific date. When it is closed, those will be the official challenges, and then have the sign up list open again as soon as everyone's finished with their challenges. They should have like a week to finish their challenges. If they don't finish their challenge, then there's the problem. Other than that, I think this might work pretty darn well.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Zyflair said:
The problem I've noticed is that in tourneys, people have trouble playing the person they're supposed to play.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

^ Wait, why are you quoting that?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Celebi's telling me that my idea won't work since people have trouble trying to get the other person to play in a given time. People need to like schedule appointments to battle. Arrange a time that's good for both; Monday at 4PM eastern time for example, meet on hamachi on this network, or whatever. You know what I mean?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Sorry. I put that there in a rush. My point is that doing this will defeat the "relaxing" part of this leauge. Everyone will be rushing to challenge and pressure people to challenge them. I think that we need some kind of reward system if you go down in rank from a challenge.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

True to that. How is the reward system going to work though; well Zyflair? ^_^
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

I'm not sure what to do here... The best I can do a full immunity for a week.
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Wait. I have one more idea. What we can do is if someone gets challenged, they have to accept. If they don't, they automatically lose that challenge. If it is a terrible time for them, they have to do it within 3 days. This is a way that will keep the leauge somewhat more relaxing than Jamtok's way, but also keep a competitive edge on it. What does everyone think?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

Zyflair said:
I'm not sure what to do here... The best I can do a full immunity for a week.
For a week? Meh, this is confusing. Can you ask people on your hamachi network if they have any ideas? Then again, I think the way it is right now is okay, I guess. I mean, you can't make people accept challenges no matter what, so you'll just have to hope the person you want to challenge is not a douche.

@ Celebi - Awesome Idea, but everyone will always have an excuse for not battling; "I'm kinda busy right now" or "Maybe tomorrow". Stuff like that; you know?
RE: PokeBeach's Unofficial League! Signing up!

I like Jamtok's Idea so people cannot say no to a challenge if they are scared.
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