Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

There is always evil people ( I realisedd that myself a few weeks ago) however in your place you cannot merely take different route home.

If you know anyone who happens to know them, try to get them to mention it to them, because they will seriously not want to lose any freinds.

If you just ignore them after unfortunatley a long time they will get the message that you dont care about them, but whatever you do do not react, they are only doing this to get a reaction out of you, which they think after all their torture will make you quit pokemon, which is their goal, apart from making you scared.

Try to stick with freinds ( preferably more than they have) or be near a teacher, they will either be scared of the teacher or worried that you and your freinds can do more than they can.
Yeah, I have this exact same problem! (except ive never been called ash) What I did was that I stopped talking about, never mentioned anything about Pokemon. After about 3 weeks, people (yes people, not brainwashed aliens) stopped making fun of me! Its that easy. But, I really dont know how mean the people the at your school are.(DO NOT TELL THE TEACHER, as it will probably get the people that you told on dislike you more) If none of this works, make up stupid jokes and say random things(such as,"PIGS! THEY CAN FLY!") Just don't say anything that will get you in to trouble. But whatever you do, dont give up on pokemon! (Just tell the people at your school you dont like pokemon that much anymore) (WOW! This the 62nd post. Thats an even number!)
If it comes down to it, pin it on somebody else that you don't like and say that they play Pokemon too. In a little while they'll stop bugging you and start bugging them. JK... don't do that, that could suck. XD
How to get people to stop annoying you about Pokemon:

1.) Man up and take it. Throw some comebacks at 'em. Tell them why you shouldn't play Pokemon.
2.) Tell the teacher, at least they know what's going on about it.
3.) Get off the chair and start pumping iron or do some sit-ups and get a six-pack.
4.) Get a life. (I'm not saying you don't.) Go to socials. Dances. Whatever.
5.) Punch someone. Kick someone. Eat someone. JK.
6.) Play a sport or something. Get out and do something, relates to #4.

Yah. Do something like these.
dude, don't let them know and it will be fine. but if its to late, and you don't mind lying, you can be like"OMG, that freakin (place name here) is an idiot and trying to spread a crappy rumer again."
OK, i know whats it would be like. For me, being in 7th grade and 5' 10" helps a lot. And I know you have no chance at ignoring them. I mean, your going to be successful at life isn't very persuading. One thing I found out from being a boy scout is that if you are kinda quiet, and don't laugh a lot or blurt thing out a lot, it helps. One thing, is that if someone teases you laugh, and if they make a joke not at you, don't laugh. It makes you feel like crap when you say a joke and no one laughs, right. use that against them. also, I have no clue how to get a girlfriend, because a couple girls asked me out, but I don't really know much about that. any time you suck at something, actually admit you suck, don't try to make excuses. also, get some friends.
Ignore them, or tell them, "So, is Bob The Builder interesting lately?" or, if you find them ugly, "How's the ugly shop been? Seems you've bought some new clothes there recentely." Also, just act weird and they won't bother you. If you want a girlfriend, that option won't work. There are some pretty girls in my school that are weird, and if I act weird, they constantly follow me. Try that ^_^
Why are you getting so upset over someone calling you a simple name? That's why they're picking on you, it's MUCH more fun that way.
Seriously, we all pick on others, it's human nature. If anybody denies it then you are a liar. Whether it be your little sibling, peers, or your best friend, it gets annoying when they just don't care...and what do you do? You stop.

Now - Trust me - Middle School is worse than high school in so many ways. NOBODY will care once you get to high school. I know what you're going to say, "But it matters NOW!!" I don't really care. I KNOW you won't listen to me. I had SO many people tell me the same thing and I never listened to them.

Okay - and on another issue of yours - why are you desperate for a girlfriend? It only leads to one horrible thing: Heartbreak. DON'T be desperate. A middle school relationship WON'T LAST. I got desperate a couple months ago at the start of high school and got my first boyfriend, completely ignoring the fact that I couldn't stand him.
It was over in 2 weeks.

So - what I want to emphasize - is that being yourself is the best way to be happy. You will have many more friends and have much better self esteem than if you pretend to be someone else. I went emo in middle school, because I just couldn't be myself. Guess what? I started being my OWN person - and all of the emotional pain stopped.
