Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

Okay. I am in High School and NO ONE likes pokemon, I mean it is the gayest thing ever right?

Well, I have gotten them not to make fun of me (and I have tons of friends) by telling them,

"Why isn't it okay to play pokemon at 14?"

THEM: "It is gay."

ME: "People that are 30 play pokemon"

Them: "They are gay too."

ME: "Look at all the teenagers in Japan, they play."

Them: "That's different."

ME: "How?"

Them: "I guess you are right..."

They're not out to get you. They're just mules following the trend. For the real people who try to get under your skin, it won't work. THey'll put down anything, anyone, to support their own fascist agendas.
You have 3 options at this point:

1. Quit Pokemon.
2. Say you quit Pokemon.
3. Actually stand up to them.

You might not like it, but that's the truth.
I believe that to win these sorts of arguments, you have to use whatever beats their argument, not the truth. Say anything to beat them verbally. If they know that you're not scared or stumbly about your beliefs they can't do much to you anymore.

Though this only really works on the first few times, really, and you have to do all of them at once.
SO these guys who are bullying you - plant some cards in their lockers, and when their friends see they have cards there, they'll be the bully target. there must be small gaps above each locker for a peice of paper to fit through - right? If they have cards in there and their friends see, I doubt they will be able to ocnvince the others they aren't really into pokemon.

There are two possible outcomes of this:

1. THe bullies will start being bullied and stop bullying you
2. If the bullies are really cool, and 'it' then people will think pokemon is cool. You'll get let off the hook.

Meh, its nasty but hey, who cares :p?

Also, Stigma, I think relationships ARE worth it. If someone genuinely likes you and you genuinely like them, it works. The plust side is, it makes you look 'cool' if your in a relationship, like this guy is trying to be, kind of. Relationships normally ARE worth it, and most of them end off badly, but it doesn't matter. If you ever want to get married, you have to start with a GF. If you've never had one by the time your 21, your going to find it much harder to ask someone to marry you if you're not going out with them :/
OOO!! I like that idea! Except there is a 3rd outcome:

They figure it out. -__-

Nasty is good. Well, look on the bright side. Their 8th graders. They'll be gone next year. (unless it is a k-12 school.)

OK, to end this pointless relationship debate, It is worth it, but only if you find the right person.
ShinyMew89 said:
OOO!! I like that idea! Except there is a 3rd outcome:

They figure it out. -__-

Nasty is good. Well, look on the bright side. Their 8th graders. They'll be gone next year. (unless it is a k-12 school.)

OK, to end this pointless relationship debate, It is worth it, but only if you find the right person.
I agree.
Why do we keep discussing stigmas personal choice. It doesn't matter! Anyways I'm beginning to think that if I just say I left the game then how do they find out? They don't they are stupid noobswho don't pay attention to detail.
Well 1st of all: Why did you tell them? I mean really bullies feed off stuff like that. Telling them you quit won't really make a difference as they still knew you played but it is a worthy solution if it works. But hopefully you don't look too much like a nerd and you can get a gf like you want. Im not trying to insult you in anyway but GL with whatever you do.
I told one class when we were forced to present a hobby. We had to use friends for verification. So as a ploy I told them I played Pokemon and that I'm pretty good at it and well now this happened.
Won't work. Any attempt to throw the topic off will be laughed of as a feeble attempt to... change the topic. You have to prove that your hobby is just as good as any of the others.

By the way, if you keep coming here for suggestions and confront them with disjointed arguments I'm pretty sure they're figure out that you're going on the internetz for ways to deal with people. If that's the case, I'm pretty sure your case is lost already.
befriend a girl, and see what comes next, to me, all my frends are just as important as a GF, and the difference is that if you know someone as a friend, knowing someone as a BF/GF is easier then normally, and you can stay friends afterwards.
oh, and don't tell someone right away, first tell your best frend and make him/her play the game too, if your with 2 the buillies will leave you alone.

i walked in a pikachu suit in toysRus and all my frends know, the bullies don't.

heres a picture (lou cypher is on the left, im the pikachu)
That's not a good idea, Scotty. =/
Just be friendly to people and be yourself and you'll make friends. :)
Your idea.....it can't work.

And so what if you're interested in Pokemon? If it proceeds, keep your interest to yourself and those who are interested. Everyone on here is interested in Pokemon and that creates a large majority. :p