Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

Just don't mention it for a long time and they'll forget. It got out that I liked Pokemon, and I didn't mention it except for when people wanted a Pichu pic or something.
Now when people make fun of me, my best friend (who will be joining soon, probably) will say something like, "So? I like Pokemon, too, so stop making fun of him."
Then they immediately stop.
you know what, we should make a huge gang of pokebeach people and go beat the crap out of all them. Scotty, did you not read he is in MIDDLE SCHOOL
To be fairly honest, the friend thing just throws him into the outcast area too. Unless he's in the higher social circles. Usually I find the higher social circles are the ones who do the ridiculing.

Scotty's not being serious. So stop responding to him.
^ Guys, Houndooms right. Your not understand this guys position, or in fact the sad truths of the owrld. THere are the cools, and the people who aren't cool. If you're not one of the cools, you're a target. If you play pokemon, thats just giving them more reason to bully you. Even if its a stupid reason, like it is, they;'ve got something they can hold against you, and their gonna spam it out for all its worth.

You have to remember, they're not targeting you in particular. They're 'cools' so they have to proove to each other that they deserve the title, normally by picking on the people who aren't cools. IF you take away the reason for them to pick on you, they won't stop.

See, they don't care if you like pokemon. Thats a cover up reason, its their 'get out' reason, according to them, their not just picking on you for the heck of it, which they wouldn't be able to do. When that happens, you can just say stuff like what have I done? And it gets conmplicated. They're using pokemon as a scapegoat. ITs now pokemon's fault your being bullied.

THere aren't many courses of action:

1. Ignroe it. Go to your real firends, ignore the bullies.

2. Stand up for yourself. The way I se it, you take it like you don't care. Tell them that you hate them you're going to report them to teatures or whatever, and you're really upset by what they've done. Sometimes the best cause of action when standing up for yourself is to make them feel stupid. Saying true stuff like: 'Picking on less cool people just to impress tohers is really sad.' or making yourself out as the cool one. The best thing that works is telling them that they're a stupid person who spends they're whole liufe picking on others. They're miserable really, they have no hapiness other than picking on you, and no real friends.

See thats the clincher. They don't actually have any real friends. ONce they've proven to be uncool, whoops, their out the gang. You have real friends. Thats something to hold against them...

Hope I've given the discussion some food for though :)
@valk: Yeah so he's in middle school? Just go an hero.

I'm in the higher social circle at school. I like pokemon =/. Your friends really shouldn't care. Else they arn't friends dude.

I also thought it was cool for americans to like pokemon? Or is that just the emo kids.
No, it's been "out of fashion" for over 10 years. At this ponit they still mock you with how "zomg want my chaizard it does 100 damage".

And half the time they're cool because they have charisma. They have popularity because they don't look somewhat stupid, for the most part. I expect they're rather ruthless as well, which is a proof of strength to most people, and so that's why they are at the top. THe herd flocks to the strongest as leader.

And don't kid yourself, you don't have anything on them. They have more friends (who probably are there for the status), and they ahve more influence. You can't reprimand them, you're in a lower psychological position then them. You can't belittle them because they've already taken the upper hand. Redirecting the verbal attack doesn't work, you have to counter it and blow it back to their face. It won't stop them finding you prey, but they will probably respect you a little more.
Middle School is such a cruel place.

Kids in my middle school teased me about Pokemon a bit, but it seems you have a bad case on your hands.

I got teased and even had cards stolen from me at one point. I learned the hard way, and basically what I did was keep it on the down low after my 6th grade year. Honestly, if you don't want people to view you as weird for liking something, don't mention it to them. It's none of their business what you like.

It's waaay tough, I know, and kids can be very cruel at such an age. But wait until High School. I found that many people grow up a lot once they get into High School. I've been with Pokemon now for about 10 years now. NO ONE ever stopped me from liking it. You never have to give that up. I just found it's best to have a small circle of friends, or siblings that enjoy it as you do. (and not to announce it)

But look at it this way. That's their view. They can point and say whatever. But nothing, NOTHING, can change your mind unless you let it. Same with your dreams. If you want to go to college or something, DON'T LET ANYONE, tell you that you can't go. Don't let them make you stop liking something.

It's people like us that come to this forum, that play the games, collect the cards, that's what keeps the game alive.

I wish you luck, man.
I'm pretty sure self-fortitude is your best option. Don't falter in the face of adversity and you'll be able to manage. Meh, it's the same advice for everything.

Also, don't start bringing anything related to it around, it's just a target point for them.
Yeah, like they said. School can be a pretty cruel place aswell.

What is the age range in "middle school". I imagine it's different from here in Scotland. Primary school is from 5-11, and high school is from 11/12-16/17/18(you need to be at least 16 to leave)
I guess when you get older it will be fine. because its not like adults care, but now, it matters to other people. So, I guess you can weasel your way out of it?
How's he gonna do that? Every single time i've tried it, I end of in worse condition.

Having a small circle of friends is better, because:

A. If there's 4 or 5 of you, their less likely to make fun of you than if your all by yourself
B. If any of them are girls, then they DEFINETELY won't make fun of you. They'd become outcasts for insulting girls, I see it at my school all the time!
I like pokemon and the only person in my whole school that knows is my best friend so no one ever picks on me.However since you're already getting picked on... I recommend you try to do the George Lopez technique and perplex their mind with the perplxiness of the Perplextion. Perplexing isn't it.No but to be serious, brush yourself up on countering the insults they throw at you.This not only could stop that insult throwing session, it also may let them know that you don't care what they think.If all else fails, learn some kind of Fighting. I used a MMA triangle choke submission hold and he ran away crying.Never saw him again.I hope I helped.
The only thing I can say about it is just ignore them, but that's almost impossible. But I can just fit right in with them some of the 8th graders at my youth group think I'm in 9th grade actually and I'm really in 7th and I wasn't held back I'm just really tall. Or maybe you could take up an instrument like the guitar or bass then you could get a whole lot of girls and then the 8th graders that pick on you might leave you alone.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
To be fairly honest, the friend thing just throws him into the outcast area too. Unless he's in the higher social circles. Usually I find the higher social circles are the ones who do the ridiculing..

My friend is kind of popular, not 'cool' but popular enough that no one makes fun of him...
ShinyMew89 said:
How's he gonna do that? Every single time I've tried it, I end of in worse condition.

Having a small circle of friends is better, because:

A. If there's 4 or 5 of you, their less likely to make fun of you than if your all by yourself
B. If any of them are girls, then they DEFINETELY won't make fun of you. They'd become outcasts for insulting girls, I see it at my school all the time!
I think you should use B. I use it, nobody insults a girl..(except another girl)
Well, if they are constantly bugging you, I would go to school, but I would pretend to be all crazy and I'll be really, really into it. Then they will think that you are nuts and they might leave you alone.

But thats just me.
Just be confident in who you are, the kids that matter will respect you for it and so will the girls that are worth anything. Middle school is almost always tough for everyone, even the ones dishing out the wrath. Also combing your hair might help with the girls, girls like the boys that comb their hair:)
if you provoke them and lead them on more by verbally attacking back thye are seeing that they are getting a reaction and they will keep doing it. If you just let it roll off your back and just ignore them then they will get bored of you and stop teasing you. i went through a minor epidosde like this when i was in middle school. Luckily, most of the people i interact with liked pokemon too so it was kind of easy. now that were are a little older more of my friends lost more interest in the games but i havn't, i think its just because i still have some kid in me that remembers falling in love with pikachu and his friends all those years ago and never letting go. pokemon is a worldwide phenominon that can be for anyone interested. i made up a little saying - "your never too old for something untill you lose interest in it"

if what ive said above doesn't help at all i have a few more tricks as well (note these might be some of the things i would do with my personality in effect):

1. you could slap the guy that's teasing you right across the face when your coach isnt looking its actually quite fun and satisfying trust me ive tried it :D but please refrain from doing this because its violence and it would get you introuble. dont let it lead to physical confrontation.

2. Think and practice something that you could say to rebuttle what this jerface says to you all the time when he teases you. and you could also add in " you got burned/moded" at the end. (i know moded is old but its pimp lol jk you might wanna just say burn)

3. tell a parent abou the situation, if they love you, they will care :D

4. move to another school (not reccomended, cause this is running away from something you need to conqure)

5. ignore them, let what they say roll off your back and they will eventualy get bored and stop bugging you.

k so as for a girlfriend...you probly shouldn't mention to them you play pokemon unless you find out she has similar interests, if not she might be repulsed. and the rest you will have to do on your own....maybe your just not ready for a girlfriend, maybe you need to wait till your older where you can actually go somewhere with a relationship not just play around for no reason and break up a couple weeks or a year later and get nothing out of it.

Also telling a teacher about this won't help at all, well, maybe if you just tell them that kids are picking on you that would be fine but not because of pokemon cause she/he might not care.

in the future its wise to keep what you play and do at home to yourself. like me, i just go to school to do what im supposed to do there. there isnt any need to talk about if you play pokemon or not just go to school to learn and come home and play your pokemon no discussion at school needed.

Hope this helped you. now get out there and do the right thing young one :D

(i am sooo the next Dr Laura)
Read and understand.

One thing many people here are saying has to do with "becoming like them", so that they will stop messing with you.

Do not become like them in order to get them to stop. That's one of the stupidest things you could do in a situation like this. YOU, 2d165, have been given the opportunity to not be "one of them", and what a privilege it is!

I say you've been "given the opportunity" because you are not one of them right now; you have the opportunity to be different. You haven't been caught up in their flood of persuasion and malice. They haven't stolen YOUR life, and made it THEIRS.

Those poor, manipulated souls.... I feel sorry for them (and furious at them) sometimes. Their minds have been brainwashed with lies and evil. You know who does this to them, aside from themselves? It's something I hate with a passion: the media. Just about EVERY modern show on TV has, at some point, some guy being made fun of because he's different than the others, or something. Kids feed off of this madness.

The media treats the outcasts like worthless, mutated rats that need to be thrown into the fire, and because of this kids learn the following lesson early on in their lives: "If you're [insert characteristic here], you are not going to be liked, you'll never have a girlfriend, and you'll be a failure in life."

So anyway, kids take this lesson and apply it to their life, and since they're so insecure and pathetically weak in their thinking, this lesson provides a blanket of security for them, because now a certain group of people (outcasts) have been defined for them as the ones who, for whatever stupid reason, need to be picked on. By picking on these people, kids "become like" the actors on television (whether they realize it or not), and now they feel as if they're accepted and going to be liked; they begin to believe that they're better than the outcasts. And most of the time, they are liked, because everyone else is under the same Curse of the Media, as I call it.

Like I said earlier, this provides a "blanket of security" for their immature, insecure minds. Think about blankets for a moment. Blankets cover things to keep them warm and comfortable. In the same way, this way of life covers their insecurity and weakness so they don't feel so bad, but most assuredly, the insecurity is still there, underneath the blanket.

Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay is the man who gains riches by unjust means. When his life is half gone, they will desert him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool.

Yes, yes, that quote is from the Bible, but don't worry, I'm not trying to invoke theology here. I quoted it because it fits perfectly with this situation:

"Gains riches by unjust means" = Gains their popularity and plush from the destruction of others.

"When his life is half gone, they will desert him" = When the blanket of security is ripped from his grasp, his insecurity and weakness will be obvious, and the world will abandon him in his misery.

"In the end he will prove to be fool" = Even though he seems all great and amazing to people now, it won't be that way for too long. His foolishness WILL be uncovered, and it will be made known what a fool he really is for allowing his mind to conform to evil (I could say more about this point, but then I'd be invoking theology).


Oh, yeah, the point I'm trying to make. You, by already being different from them, have not been taken over, like they have. Do you want to be like them? Do you want to be manipulated like they are? Do you want a blanket to hide your insecurity? I sincerely hope that you don't want to be like them. You become just as wicked as they are if you allow them to rule you, if you become one of them. Now you too begin to pick on people in order to build yourself up. You become one of the people you hate, and you make people like you hate you, if you become one of them.

It's a hard path to take, that's for sure. Being different from them, I mean. Much harder than they'll ever have it. But this is one of the beginning steps to true strength, not passing strength like they have, but strength that will last.

If you want to make the wise choice..... Do not conform your life to evil, like they have, or you may never escape its painful grasp.