Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Best Wishes Episodes

just saw the episode where kibago was kidnapped

what does team rocket want with resort desert?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

A lot of talky this episode, and I had no idea what they were on about. Hurrah for bulbapedia's informativeness.

Decent ep though, highlighting how much Kibago sucks was quite entertaining. And Doryuzu, so awesome. Moody as Charizard/Mamoswine though, that'll get tiresome really fast.

As for next week's episode, it looks great. As far as I can tell from the scoreboard, Ash starts with Pokabu and Mijumaru, which are both KO'd by Shooti's Hatooboo. Since we see Pikachu against both Hatooboo and Janovy, I assume that Pikachu beats Hatooboo. After that, who knows?

I tell you what I'd love to see... Ash's Mamepato evolving. It's possible, given that quite a few of Ash's Pokes evolved in battle against Paul, and also that Starly evolved after only 11 episodes.

(It goes without saying that I'd like Mijumaru to evolve too, to Futachimaru. Of course, it has already learned Shell Blade, which in the games it learns the same level it evoles. Of course, levels don't mean anything in the anime, so I guess it has to stay small and cute for a while longer.)
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

I like kibago, especially even more now that i have seen him battle. Yeah Hatoopoo knocks out Mijumaru and Pokabu then I'm guessing the final battle is Pikachu vs. Janoby nor Jalorda and Janoby wins.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Except you're forgetting about Puririrurururirurirurriruriruri. So we can assume that Janovy is defeated, maybe even by Tsutarja.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Shooti got his Tsutaja way before Ash got his, so Janoby would be stronger, i know Pururiru is there but i expect it to go like this

Hatoopoo vs. Mijumaru: Hatoopoo wins

Hatoopoo vs. Pokabu: Hatoopoo wins

Pikachu vs. Hatoopoo: Pikachu wins

Mamapeto vs. Random Shooti Pokemon: Mamapeto wins

Tsutaja vs. Other Random Shooti Pokemon: Tsutaja wins

Mamapeto vs. Pururiru: Pururiru wins

Tsutaja vs. Pururiru: Draw

Janoby vs. Pikachu: Janoby wins.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Havne't watched the episode yet, I will be watching it soon. I looked at the episode pictures and it seems like the beginning of the episode is just mostly Iris and Dento fighting.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 8: Darumakka and Hihidaruma! Secret of Clock Tower!

The episode starts of with the gang residing near a river, having dinner. Ash asks for when it will be ready, so Iris puts a plate of berries on skewers in front of him, she says she made it early so that they can watch the full moon early tonight. Dento says it’s not really a meal but Iris says that is still tastes good. Before Ash can Om nom nom on the berries Dento pulls it away to put with his rice dish that he is making and Ash is even more excited. A Darumakka comes near the group and it says it’s name.

After the opening, they have a look at the Darumakka. Ash examines it with his Pokedex and i says that when it sleeps it cannot be awaked for a long time and it can’t fall over. Iris pulls on it’s right eyebrow and it blows a Flamethrower in it’s face. Dento mentions that Darumakka never give up and are fortunate of good luck. Then something steal Pikachu’s bowl of Pokemon food, Pikachu and Kibago being on the table are stunned. Ash comes over and asks what happened and Pikachu said his food is gone and Kibago took it. Iris says Kibago wouldn’t do it and maybe Pikachu ate it. Ash asks if Darumakka saw anything but Darumakka is asleep. Iris tries to wake it up and she tires to make it fall over but it doesn’t. Then Pikachu sees a Darumakka take Kibago’s bowl of food and Kibago says that Pikachu did it. The two start fighting and Ash and Iris breaks it up. Pikachu says Darumakka did it but we see that Darumakka is asleep. But then we see a Darumakka that stole the food. The gang notice it and chase afterwards it, then the Darumakka that is asleep wakes up and jumps over Ash and Co. and fires a flamethrower in front of them. Ash calls out Mijumaru, Mijumaru fires a water gun but the two dodge and the two Darumakka fire a flamethrower at Mijumaru which badly injures it.

The Darumakka leave and Ash notice a town in the distance where they decide to take Mijumaru for healing. Nurse joy takes Mijumaru to get healed and Tabunne rushes it off to get better. Team Rocket are sitting in the same town near a river and are at a cafe table outside. A waiter comes over and Jessie utters a special password which the waiter understands, so the waiter gives them a cappuccino with the letter “E” in it, Jessie stirs the cappuccino. Meanwhile at the Pokemon centre Mijumaru is healed and Ash returns it to it’s Pokeball. Iris talks about the Darumakka and Nurse Joy understands. Joy mentions that in this city there are two Darumakka and a Hihidaruma, it’s evolved form. They used to be nice around town but lately they have been stealing food. She doesn’t know why but She knows that they live in the clock tower in their town, but since the tower is old it will soon be destroyed.

Ash gets hungry and they deiced to spend the night at the Pokemon centre. Iris and Ash chow down on some food at the centre and Dento mentions that they are actually alike(in terms of personalities), but Iris and Ash see that as an insult. Nurse Joy comes in and mentions to everyone in the dinning room that their ( is candy in her van) are special moon shaped dumpling in the kitchen and they will have to come with her to get them. They go to the kitchen and they come across the two Darumakka again. The two have been stealing the food from the kitchen, so they run out of the kitchen window. Ash calls out his Mamapeto and the two give chase, Iris and Dento follow. The Darumakka jump through town trying to stop mamapeto from catching up. Soon the Darumakka split up at a intersection. Ash and Iris goes to the right and Dento goes to the left. They try to chase after them, but they lose them and they find each other again. All three turn their heads right and notice at the end of the road to their right is the clock tower and the Darumakka enter it and Ash and Co follow them in.

Team Rocket are on a bridge surrounded by mist. A mysterious woman approaches them and she gives them a brief case, she tells them to go to shippou city and await further instructions.

Ash and Co. Run up the the stairs and the Darumakka notice them so they run quickly. Ash runs up the stairs and the two Darumakka are behind him and they fire a flamethrower at Ash but Ash used quick attack and he dodged it. Then Ash tells Mijumaru to put out the flames with his water gun. They fire another one but Pikachu stops it with thunderbolt. Then Ash’s Mijumaru fires a water gun at the Darumakka, they fall on the ground and they go to sleep. Iris and Dento walk up the stairs, the Darumakka wake up and jump over them, they all tell the Darumakka that they want to help them, so the Darumakka point to a opening above them. Ash climbs up through it, then Tsutaja lifts Pikachu up, the rest of the gang follow, and then when they are up on the next floor they notice the next floor above is really hot. So they all climb some stairs and notice a Pokemon up their. Ash checks his Pokedex the Pokemon is a Hihidaruma and it says that to restore it’s strength it changed to a different form. They notice that heat is emitting from it. Hihidaruma uses psychic and it brings the stolen food from Darumakka in it’s mouth. Iris asks if it should of returned to it’s normal mode yet but it might not have had enough food. The Darumakka give the gang a metal stick which used to hold up the bell but apart of it is now straightend. The gang notice that Hihidaruma is making the bell above it float. Dento understands now, the bell fell and Hihidaruma lifted it up but because it was weak it went into psychic mode and lifted it up with psychic, so the Darumakka have been trying to give it strength by feeding it. So Hihidaruma is lifting the bell up to stop the bell tower from falling.

So the gang have to fix the ruined metal stick, Ash sends out Pokabu and Pokabu uses ember on the stick in mid air but it isn’t powerful enough. So they throw it up again and the Darumakka help this time so they all burn the stick. Dento brings out Yanapuu and Yanapuu uses Bullet seed on the stick to make it an “S” shape. Mijumaru cools it down by using Water gun and the sick is perfect now. Hihidaruma lifts Ash and Pikachu up to fix the bell. So Ash puts one end on a hook and he goes to attach the other end on the bell but the bell falls down with Ash hanging on, but then Hihidaruma goes back to normal mode and throws the bell up and fixes the bell. Hihidaruma and everyone else is now happy. After that night, they walk out of the city and before they do Nurse joy walks to them and mentions that the tower wont be knocked down anymore. So now they are happy and they wave goodbye to the Darumakka and the Hihidaruma which are standing on the outside ledge of the clock tower. Ash and Co. leave town.

Good parts

We got to see all of Ash Pokemon in use again in this episode.

The story line

The Darumakka and the Hihidaruma

The bad points

I hated the episode at first but it takes a couple of viewings to like it

James still doesn’t have a Pokemon

After the first view i no longer saw Ash with a Hihidaruma but after the 3rd viewing i don’t know


Sorry for the lateness, i had school work, i will give you the next episode tuesday or wednesday, if not saturday.

Do you guys want me to write a review/summary for episode 1 and 2, when i have time?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Finished watching the 9th episode. The first half was just mostly a battle between Dento and Iris and then they talked after the match. Didn't understand what they were talking about though. Overall the episode was great to watch.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Pokemon Best Wishes Episode 9: Out of control Pendora! Rescue Kibago!

The episode starts off with a battle between Dento and Iris. Ash is sitting on a rock on the sidelines with Pikachu beside him. Ash asks if he can battle Iris instead but she replies no because he takes battles way too seriously. Ash tells her that’s what battles are meant to be like but she doesn’t want her kibago to get hurt by volt tackle, so Ash says he wont use that move but she still wont let him battle. Kibago is happy to fight, Dento says that Yanapuu should do what it is told so Yanapuu agrees, Ash doesn’t understand but Iris tells him that he should wait and see so she orders kibago to use scratch.

After the opening Kibago runs in but Dento orders Yanapuu to fire a Bullet seed attack, gently. So slowly, one by one Yanapuu fires single bullet seeds. They hit Kibago but it starts to hurt it which send Kibago to start crying. Iris calms it down and she says it’s just a practice battle. Iris and Dento explains that it’s just a battle to get Kibago used to battling. Ash says that it would be better if it was a proper battle, but Iris says that’s what makes him a child, because Dento is a gentleman and that he is helping her by Dento only using 20% of Yanapuu’s power so Kibago doesn’t get hurt. Ash mentions that it’s the first time she has battled in front of Ash and Dento tells Ash kindly to let Iris do what she wants. Ash lets it go and Iris asks Kibago if he is ready. Kibago says yes and Iris goes in for another scratch but Yanapuu holds Kibago’s head while Kibago tries to scratch Yanapuu. Iris asks Dento what he is doing and Dento explains that is a technique, Yanapuu prepares for a Solarbeam. While Yanapuu gets ready to attack, Ash asks if Kibago has another attack, She says yes but she doesn’t want to use it, Ash asks her again but she says no. Yanapuu fires a small and weak solar beam, it grazes Kibago’s head and Kibago rolls backwards while that happens, Ash mentions that it’s a solarbeam like he has never seen before. Ash asks if she should do a real battle now and she says fine so she said Kibago has another amazing move, Ash is exited and Iris tells Kibago to use Dragon Rage. A blue aura builds up in Kibago, it turns into a blue sphere, then he unleashes and bites on it creating a crater around him. The smoke from the blast goes away and Iris mentions that it flopped.

We cut to Team Rocket (in Shippou city) in a rundown building, they are talking to giovanni via a video on a laptop. He mentions that they need to go the resort desert, he says that the continents in the Pokemon world used to be one, but a meteor was burning up on it’s way to earth and it split into multiple pieces and they split up the super continent into smaller ones. The biggest piece from the meteorite is in the resort desert in Isshu. He mentions that the area near it is giving energy from it which is similar to the energy at the dream site, and he also mentions that another agent *CoughTakutoCough* will go with them as well because it’s a big mission.

Then we go back to Ash and Co. chilling in a tree branch, Dento mentions that the attack from kibago should be called Dragon sneeze, Ash agrees and Iris gets angry and says it’s a real problem. Ash asks if it knows anymore attack, she says no and that Dragon rage should of looked different to what happened during their practice battle. She says that it will be a long time until kibago becomes a Ononokussu and that she has been taking Kibago’s battling slowly. Kibago runs up a nearby tree with Pikachu following, Kibago takes two apples off the tree and his tucks hold them by poking his tusks in the apples. Kibago comes back and Dento and Iris praise Kibago so Kibago runs away to collect more apples. Ash Praises Kibago’s power and Dento does as well, so Ash asks Iris if he can battle now, she is shy and says that she doesn’t want it to get hurt. Ash asks how she got Kibago and Dento asks as well, so she replies by saying she got it from her home town’s Matriarch. We go to a flash back and we see that her town is known for dragon Pokemon. The Matriarch says that she needs to go on a great trial, the old Matriarch opens a basket and a Kibago was inside sleeping, it hatched the other day and she asks for Iris to take it, so Iris does, the Matriarch says that by evolving kibago into ononokussu, it will help her mature as a trainer, she says that Iris can raise it however she wants but don’t ever forget about it. The flash back ends Iris says that it has been a while since Kibago battled so she asked Dento to do it. Ash asks if the Matriarch is Iris’s grandmother but she says she is just the chief village.

Kibago is on another branch far away and it then falls while pikachu watches, Kibago falls in-between a Pendora’s horns. Pikachu jumps down and uses Iron tail, but it did nothing Pendora runs after Pikachu with Kibago still stuck between it’s horns. Kibago launches another bad Dragon rage and Ash and Co. notice it and run after it. They run into Pikachu and Pikachu tries to tell them what happened but they don’t understand. Then they see Pendora and they notice what has happened to Kibago. Ash scans Pendora on his Pokedex and it mentions that Pendora is tough in battle and that it will try it’s hardest always to deliver the final hit. So Pendora chases the group and spits out a toxic attack on a nearby rock. Dento and Ash call out Tsutaja and Yanapuu, Yanapuu fires a proper Bullet seed in front of Pendora as it runs and Tsutaja grabs Pendora by the horns with vine whip but Pendora is strong and it throws Tsutaja causing it pain. Ash recalls Tsutaja. Iris pulls out a Pokeball, Ash and Dento are shocked to know that she has another Pokemon, Ash tells her to bring it out but she is reluctant, so then she throws the Pokeball. Out comes Doryuzu, in hibernation mode, because it is scrunched up like it is drilling. The pokedex says that when it drills it can pierce through an Iron plate. Dento wonders why it is like that, Iris just leaves it there, they decide to attack again. Ash sends out Pokabu, Ash tells Pikachu and Pokabu to use Thunderbolt and Ember. They fire it in front of Pendora, Pendora stops running and Dento’s Yanapuu fires a powerful solarbeam which hits Pendora. Iris swing down from a tree vine and grabs Kibago from Pendora’s horns. Pokabu and Yanapuu return to their Pokeballs. Pendora is angry and it kicks the ground with it’s back left leg, that leads to it kicking Doryuzu.

Doryuzu rolls down and falls on a nearby rock, drill first. It drills through he rock and comes back up to attack Pendora, Ash tells Iris to order it to battle, but Iris says no because it wont listen, Doryuzu hits back a toxic attack from Pendora because it doesn’t affect Doryuzu, which Dento said. Doryuzu uses Drill liner and attacks Pendora, then Pendora charges towards Doryuzu but Doryuzu throws Pendora into the distance. Iris apologizes to Pendora. Doryuzu goes back to it’s hibernation mode. Iris returns Doryuzu. Dento mentions that Iris should take things slowly with Doryuzu and Kibago. Ash asks for a battle but Iris says no and that Ash should battle Pikachu with himself. Ash takes that seriously and gets ready for a battle, Dento calls Pikachu and Ash a unique couple. Pikachu used Thunderbolt on the wild Ash but it’s not effective, Pikachu uses Voltackle and Ash uses Quick attack, the attacks collided and Iris, Dento and Kibago watch while Ash continues to battle Pikachu.

Good Points

Iris’s backstory

Kibago’s backstory

Doryuzu kicking Pendora’s behind

Team Rocket

Bad Points

Pendora, it was kind of annoying, yet i feel sorry for it because it didn’t do anything wrong, forget it.


I have exams so i will bring the next episode summary/review wednesday, thursday.

Can't wait for the next episode, the battle will be awesome.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Good episode, the only downside was Ash being an idiot and wasting two pokemon when he should have used type weaknesses to his advantage.

Still, good battles, and I look forward to next week.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

The Ash vs. Shooti episode was good. Although their are a few bad things about it.
1. Ash is being a noob again!
2. Shooti is way too good to be a starter trainer.
3. The battles were pretty lame. Nothing cool happened in most of them.(exept for Tsutarja's battles)
4. I wish we could see more of Shooti's pokemon because he has at least 2 more!

I would give it a C+
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

16th December
BW013 - Chillarmy is Tidy!?
Bel appears in this episode, what do you think will happen?
In the summary its written that Araragi gives Ash a badges case.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Forgot to mention

Ash and Co. meet Belle, a young girl asked by Professor Araragi to deliver a Badge Case [to Ash]. The Badge Case was deep inside Belle's bag and is covered in dust, but Ash takes it gladly. But then a Chillarmy takes the case away.

I hope Chillarmy goes to Iris.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Well since we know Bel is in the series that can only mean one thing, Cheren is in the series as well! Because, come on we all should know that we can't have a season of Pokemon without the in-game rival(s) being in it as well! Also if Bel and Cheren are in it we can't leave out our awesome little green haired evil team menace N, and if N is in the series we just know the Plasma Pawns are soon to follow. We'll likely see Team Plasma introduced around the same time that the previous evil teams (Aqua/Magma/Galactic) were brought into the series which would be later on in the season after or around the time that Ash gets his 4th or 5th gym badge! I hope and pray that they introduce N at the time of Ash's 3rd gym battle or by the time they get to Shippo City so we can at least see a battle between him and Ash! As for the episode with Bel it seems interesting that they introduce her in such a minor role as to giving Ash the badge case, and with Chillarmy being fully introduced (outside of its minor appearance in Kanoko Town running with those two kids of course) it may be likely that Bel catches it and uses it on her team along with her starter (if she has one that is) and she could maybe have chosen the Pokabu that was left over from Araragi's lab! Either way I look forward to seeing this episode when it airs.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Do you guys expect Iris to be Bel's rival or do you think Ash will? I hope Bel is Iris's Rival.

Also do you want me to put up a summary as soon as i see it or as soon as i can see the subbed version?
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

It would be nice to see if Iris is Bel's rival. Since in DP Zoey was Dawn's rival, it would be really nice to see both of them battling it out and seeing who is the best. Since Ash already has a rival I am guessing that Bel will be Iris's rival.
RE: Best Wishes Episodes

Umm.. isnt cheren played by Shooti in the anime or not..? i'll be thinking that if shooti really is cheren... then ash maybe got another rival prob touya or touko..