Pokemon Best Wishes: Season 1 Episodes (No Season 2 Discussion)

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Just saw BW034, pretty awesome ep. The 3v3 battle was great, all the matches were interesting. It was also a pretty interesting ep for character development too, I assume that Shooti had some kind of important thing that I didn't get, cos Japanese.

Also, BOUFFALANT! Squee. Also, AFRO BREAK! Double squee!

And finally, Cilan flipping out and going crazy about the leaves in his food. So lulz.

Next week's ep lookes interesting too. Cilan fishing lure, lol. So very Misty. And hints that he may catch Palpitoad, which is probably the same one as was briefly featured in this episode.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

YakobTheRed said:
Just saw BW034, pretty awesome ep. The 3v3 battle was great, all the matches were interesting. It was also a pretty interesting ep for character development too, I assume that Shooti had some kind of important thing that I didn't get, cos Japanese.

Also, BOUFFALANT! Squee. Also, AFRO BREAK! Double squee!

And finally, Cilan flipping out and going crazy about the leaves in his food. So lulz.

Next week's ep lookes interesting too. Cilan fishing lure, lol. So very Misty. And hints that he may catch Palpitoad, which is probably the same one as was briefly featured in this episode.

Who woulf catch palpitoad.....I wish it would be ash...but maybe cilan...i don't know...But i'm sure cilan will catch audino and ash will catch roggenrolla...how about the foongus maybe iris:))) i can't for that episode...go pokemon!!!!
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

I doubt Ash will get Roggenrola but Cilan and Iris probably wont be getting anything before the movie.


So they could get more Pokemon, come episode 43, which should be the episode which is after the movie, what with the 3 skipped episodes and assuming there will be no breaks, except a break on the thursday before the movie.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

yehey ash catch palpitoad and cilan catch stunfisk.......http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ash%27s_Palpitoad.....http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cilan%27s_Stunfisk
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

zOMG! Ash is going mental with those Pokéballs... crazy. Really need to see this episode now. WHY U NO ON YOUTUBE?

I just don't understand the logic behind this capture. He's already got a water-type, which is basically immune to electric attacks. Why get another?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

so i gusse ash now has 2 water type unova pokemon
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Well why did he catch sewaddle when he already had Snivy? It's obvious that he's going to catch a lot this season and that means he will have more than two types. It has happen before too.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Sewaddle is part bug. And yes, I remember Bulbasaur/Bayleef.

But hey, I guess there's still hope for Krokorok/Krookodile to be caught!

EDIT: Just watched BW035 in full, brilliant episode. I'm always a sucker for Oshawott, and it was a fun episode. Cilan is rapidly becoming my favourite human character too.

IT'S FISHING TIME! He made fishing more interesting than I've ever seen it before. :p
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

It actually happen before that. Krabby and Squirtle; You could also say Butterfree and Pidgeotto. I think he's going to catch it too.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

BW039: Fossil Revival! Ancient Mysterious Bird Archeos!!

Team Rocket, Fennel, Juniper, Archen and Archeops are in this episode.

Professer Juniper and Professor Fennel are holding the restored "First Bird Pokemon" Archen. In order to become good at at flying, Ash does some intensive training with Archen, when suddenly Team Rocket Show up.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

BWO39 sounds nice, hope we see Archen or Archeops' Acrobatics in that episode.
And could it be possible that Ash catches Archen?
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

no i dont think ash will catch archen but i think cilan might since everyone else has a flying type (ash has a tranquille and iris has an emolga)
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

More possible evidence to Ash getting Krokorok. It's probably just advertising it as a recurring Pokemon, but Roggenrola's line got a set and it looks like it's going to be caught.

RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes


Translated, it tells us briefly about the next couple of episodes.

Iris gets a Rival, Ash gets a New Pokemon(Roggenrola, most likely) and a fossil gets revived.

Even more evidence for Ash to get SK, or some other Sandile/Krokorok. Because Roggenrola's line and Sandile's line both got Pencil sets.

Pokemon: Black and White Episode 32: Beloved Monmen Rides the Wind!!

Scraggy pulls up it’s skin like pants, he then drops them and Ash tells it to use Headbutt. Iris tells Axew to dodge, Axew jumps to the left and Scraggy goes through the air on its side with its eyes closed, past Axew. Iris tells Axew to use Scratch, Axew scratches Scraggy’s head, Ash is worried and Pikachu cheers Scraggy on, Iris tells Axew to use Dragon Rage. A blue/blackish flame fires from Axew’s mouth, it forms into a Charizard/Dragon looking shape, it then gathers and goes towards a scared Scraggy. It hits Scraggy causing a black smoke with glowing bits of blue parts inside the smoke, to rise into the air. Scraggy slides on it’s back head first along the ground, Scraggy then stops sliding with it’s eyes closed and Ash seems annoyed. A big wind breezes through the air, leaves riding with the wind, Ash holds onto his hat and Iris holds onto her hair as the wind blows. A Pokemon rides the wind, it floats through the air slowly, it descends until it lands right above Scraggy’s head, Scraggy opens its eyes to see the Pokemon.


Cilan is on Ash’s right now, Ash asks what Pokemon it is, Cilan with his hands behind his back tells Ash that it’s a Cottonee. Ash brings out his Pokedex from a back pocket, he holds it out in front with his right hand, it shows pictures of Cottonee rotating, it says “Cottonee, The Cotton Ball Pokemon. When attacked by an enemy, it shoots cotton off of its body, then grabs the chance to escape. They move wherever the wind carries them.”. Scraggy gets up and stares at the floating Cottonee, Cottone shoots off 4 bits of cotton from its body, Scraggy keeps jumping up, waving its arms, trying to get the bits of cotton. Cilan mentions that it is weird for a Cottonee to be by itself during this season, Ash doesn’t understand, so Cilan continues to explain further. A fantasy shows up of Cottonee by themselves, Cilan says that Cottonee are often in groups and then couples will be formed in the groups. Then the fantasy changes to the Cottonee in pairs, each pair is one next to each other, with their leaf wings touching and they’re floating whilst smiling. Iris walks up to Cilan, she asks him if he means group dating, a fantasy appears, of Cottonee floating in pairs together, in the sky of a big field clearing, during daytime. The pairs of Cottonee are rotating together, Cilan says that it is something like that and he says that the couples ride the seasonal wind to honeymoon. The fantasy ends, Iris takes a bite of a green apple, she has her eyes closed, she puts her left hand palm on her left cheek. She says whilst chewing that it is romantic, Cilan closes his eyes, he puts an embarrassed/unsure look on his face and he tells Iris that it isn’t something to say whilst biting into something. Ash turns to Iris and Cilan happily, Cilan and Iris open their eyes, Ash asks if couple are just compatible friends, Iris says that Ash is really such a child. Ash doesn’t understand and Cilan starts to have a thought, he brings out his town map, he looks up something, a few beeps come from the map as Cilan searches for something.

He was right, he says that the Rainbow Valley is nearby, Ash doesn’t understand and Cilan tells Ash that is is a rainbow site. He holds his right hand out in the air as he closes his eyes, smiling happily and the seasonal wind blows there is called the “Diamond Breeze”. Ash again doesn’t know what Cilan is talking about, Cilan says that apparently, the wind glitters and Ash sounds surprised. Cilan says that the Rainbow Valley is a famous place where Cottonee gather and they set off, floating along the Diamond Breeze. A fantasy background shows a valley with big cliffs on both sides, a river with a tiny island in the middle, bushes on the island, the land surrounding the river and some are on the cliffs. There is a rainbow in between the cliffs with sparkles in the air and Iris says that it is even more romantic, the fantasy ends and Ash and co. are behind Cottonee, Cilan behind it, Ash on his left and Iris on his right. Cilan is sure that Cottonee is headed to Rainbow Valley, the group hear Scraggy, Scraggy is moving about fast, walking backwards and forwards really fast and it’s pointing towards something. Ash asks what the problem is, Ash and co. see another Cottonee floating in the air, where Scraggy is pointing to, Iris says that it’s another Cottonee, the first one blushes whilst closing its eyes. Iris thinks about something, Cilan asks if it is possible, if Cottonee left its swarm to follow this other Cottonee. Cottonee blushes more, Cilan says that he knew it and Iris says, “That means”, Cilan spins around as a pink background goes behind Ash and co. and the Cottonee. There are also love hearts in the background, Cilan spins whilst saying that “It’s Confession Time” and he gets on his right knee, putting his left hand to his chest and he holds out his right hand, as if to show off Cottonee and he finishes saying “It’s Confession Time” when he kneels. Axew and Iris are happy, Ash stands there clueless, he doesn’t know what is going on, Cilan stands up, the background disappears and Cilan stands back up.

Iris and Axew are smiling with their eyes closed and their mouths open, Cilan tells Cottonee happily, it needs to reveal its feeling earnestly. Iris takes another bite out the apple, whilst chewing she tells Cottonee to push forward, when it comes to love, being aggressive is the right thing to do. Cilan face looks like he is annoyed, he says that he would prefer it if she doesn’t speak, whilst eating the apple. She closes her eyes looking proud, saying that she is hungry, so it can’t be helped, Ash steps in happily, he asks if Cottonee just needs to ask if it can be friends. Iris opens her eyes, she asks what Ash is going on about, she says that he really is a child, Ash asks why, Cilan tells Cottonee that all it needs to do is practice. Cilan pushes Cottonee forward, gently and Iris says that all Cottonee needs to do is to push, push and push some more. Cottonee floats towards the one it likes, still blushing, Scraggy is in front of Ash and co., Cilan wonders what will come of this love. Iris wonders what will happen, the one that the main Cottonee likes, turns away from the main one and it uses Stun Spore on the main one. Cilan says the Stun Spore was sudden, Iris asks if it means that it dislikes it, the one that rejected the main Cottonee uses Razor Leaf, it’s leaves outline in a green glow, it fires leaves from the leaves on its body. They continue to hurt the main Cottonee, Cilan says that it is a confession that turned into “Battle time”, Iris asks what is going on, Cilan says that it is probably a test of how well it can do in battle. The one the main one likes, grows a tiny green ball in front of it, it grows into a Energy Ball and it shoots it at the main Cottonee, it hits Cottonee, causing a grey dust cloud to form in front of Cottonee and to hurt Cottonee enough, that it closes it’s eyes. Ash says that it needs to dodge, the main Cottonee uses Razor Leaf, it fires it, but the leaves miss the other Cottonee. The other Cottonee watches the leaves going past, Ash asks the main Cottonee, where it is firing, the main Cottonee’s leaves on its body shine green, it fades and it grows an Energy Ball out in front of it’s body, it finishes growing and the attack is fired. Iris says that this one knows Energy Ball as well, the Energy ball goes off course until it hits the ground, near a nearby tree, the other Cottonee watches the failure. Iris plants her left hands palm on her face, Cilan seems annoyed and Ash clenches his right fist in annoyance. The other Cottonee turns towards the main one and fires an Energy Ball at it, it hits the main one, the main one falls to the ground from the attack and the other one leaves.

Cilan says that it left, Iris asks if it means that it was rejected, Cilan says that it seems like it. Cottonee is on the ground, injured and crying, Ash kneels on his left leg, Pikachu is still on Ash’s left shoulder and Scraggy is behind Ash on his left, he asks Cottonee, if it is alright. Cottonee rolls over so that it faces away from Ash behind it and Iris and Cilan are behind Ash. Cottonee is still crying, Iris is now biting into a red apple, she says while chewing, that if it is that weak in battle, the other Cottonee wont deal with him, when it comes to love, you need to settle it beautifully and with a wham. Cilan is sitting on a chair, with a medicine kit on the ground, to the right of the chair, Iris is standing on Cilan’s right and Ash is on the left, Cottonee is floating in front of Cilan. Cilan mentions that Iris shouldn’t eat while talking, Cilan says alright as he puts a bandage on Cottonee’s forehead. Cilan tells Cottonee that if it wants to be a part of a couple, it needs to be a strong battler to some extent, Ash and Iris seem pumped, Ash says that in that case, it needs to some special training. Cilan stands up, he says that they will do anything to help Cottonee, it will get stronger and it will fight that other Cottone once again. Ash tells Cottonee that they should do it, Iris says that it should go out with a boom, Pikachu agrees and Cottonee waves the leaves on its sides, up and down. Scraggy tugs on Ash’s pants, on his left leg, with his right hand, Ash understands that Scraggy wants to be its battle opponent, Cilan says that starting off with Scraggy might be the right thing to do.

Ash starts a battle on big dirt patch with Cottonee battling Scraggy, Pikachu is on the left of Ash, Scraggy is in front of Ash, Cottonee is apart from them, facing Scraggy. Iris and Cilan are on the sidelines, Cilan tells Ash that he is counting on him, Ash tells Cilan to leave it to himself, Scraggy pulls up it’s skin pants and then drops them, Ash tells Scraggy to use leer. Scraggy puts on an intimidating stare, he looks at Cottonee, Cottonee feels as if Scraggy is huge and it is stading over itself. Cottonee becomes scared and it flies away, to behind a tree that is mostly broken off, except for the bottom part of it, it has a bit of grass surrounding it. Cottonee peeps from behind it on the right side, Ash says that it can’t escape, Cottonee is back to floating on the side of the field where it was before, Ash tells Scraggy to use Headbutt, Scraggy launches a Headbutt, but Cottonee stops it by shooting lots of cotton that gather and float in the air, in front of Cottonee, so Scraggy’s head gently bounces off of the cotton. Cilan says that it is Cotton Guard, Ash says that it is useful, Ash walks over to Cottonee, he kneels on his left knee and tells Cottonee that it they will help it to learn how to dodge moves normally. Cottonee nods, Ash tells it that its opponent uses a move, he asks if Cottonee understands, Cottonee agrees, Ash says that it needs to watch the opponent closely without averting its eyes. Cottonee agrees Ash opens his right hand to have his palm facing Ash’s left and he makes a fist that faces his right, Ash tells Cotton that it needs to then move its body out the way. Ash pushes his open right hand to Ash’s left, but outwards from Ash a bit in a swerving motion, before pushing his left hand fist forward, past his right hand. Ash tells Cottonee that if it averts its eyes, it wont be able to dodge, Cottonee nods in an agreeing fashion, Ash tells Cottonee that they should do it.

Ash is on the sidelines closely to the battle with Pikachu on his left, Scraggy goes forwards using its Headbutt attack. Ash tells Cottonee to watch the move closely, Cottonee watchs Scraggy, Cottonee watches hard, Cottonee gets hit in the face as Scraggy Headbutt’s Cottonee, on its side with its body facing to the left side of the battle. Iris sighs, Ash runs over to Cottonee, Cottonee has its leaves close to its face with its eyes closed and its face is looking towards the ground in shame. Ash bends his knees, lowering himself closer to Cottonee, Ash says that watching alone wont help, he tells it that it needs to dodge, Cottonee looks at Ash, Ash walks behind Cottonee, facing Scraggy, like Cottonee is. He is holding Cottonee on its sides with his hands. Scraggy runs in the same spot, Ash tells Cottonee to listen and to watch its opponent carefully. Scraggy charges at Cottonee, but Ash pulls Cottonee to the left a bit, Scraggy walks back to where it was, Ash tells Cottonee that it needs to dodge quickly, after making Cottonee dodge, Ash says that, that is how it should dodge. Cottonee nods in agreement, Ash tells Scraggy to do it one more time, he tells Scraggy to use Headbutt. Scraggy charges forward with its head out in front, Cottonee watches Scraggy, Scraggy uses Headbutt, but Cottonee dodges by floating to the left a bit. Ash tells Cottonee that it can do it, if it tried, Iris tells Ash that there is still hope, Ash agrees, Scraggy is on the right of Cottonee and they are both facing Ash. Ash says that it should dodge upwards next, Cottonee nods, Ash starts training again, he tells Scraggy to use Headbutt, Cottonee dodges upwards as Scraggy misses. Cottonee keeps dodging the attacks, Ash tells Cottonee that it shouldn’t forget this feeling, Cilan says Cottonee is a fast learner, Iris says that it is surprisingly good. Axew, who is sitting on Iris’s left shoulder talks to Iris, Iris asks Cottonee if it really wants to battle Cottonee. Axew talks to Iris again, Iris says that she knows what to do, Iris walks over to the Ash and the battle and asks if she can join.

Some Cottonee are singularly spinning in the wind, Meowth is watching them through a pair of binoculars that are annlysing the Cottonee. James says that the Cottonee have been spotted, Meowth counts them, but soon stops at five, but he is still looking through the binoculars, James is touching buttons on a grey touchpad with the purple rocket sign on the back. Jessie says that five wont be enough and after all, Cottonee form groups of about 100 during this season, James says that if they aren’t in groups, they’re useless, Jessie says that they need to get them before they ride the seasonal wind and when they scatter away. Meowth says that they will get a big haul. James says that he will definitely get the Cottonee group, on the pad is a blue screen which shows the valley. Team Rocket were and still are standing on the cliff of mountain, looking at the Cottonee. Back with Ash and co., Scraggy is on Ash’s left, Pikachu on his right and Cottonee in front, it is about to battle Iris and Axew on the other side of the field. Cilan asks if the two are ready, Iris says that they are ready whenever, Ash tells Cottonee to listen and to watch its opponent carefully. Pikachu and Scraggy agree, Iris tells Axew to use Scratch, Axew jumps in the air, it continues to use Scratch, but Cottonee keeps dodging. Cilan clenches his right hand gently, he rests his chin on it, Cilan says that it’s movements have become smoother. Ash cheers towards Cottonee that it did a good job and that it should keep it up, Ash tells Cottonee to use Energy Ball, Cottonee’s leaf wings shine light green but fades, it grows an Energy Ball in front of itself until the perfect size and it shoots it. The Energy Ball moves bumpily through the air, but it crashes towards the ground, near a tree. Cottonee is embarrassed, it scratches the top of its head with its right leaf wing, the group surrounds it, Cottonee looks towards Ash, Ash points away and says that it needs to aim properly before firing. Iris says that Axew was like that before, it had trouble firing Dragon Rage at first, Axew has its eyes closed and it places its right hand on the back of its head. Iris bends her knees to go closer to Axew, she tells Axew that it should teach Cottonee how to fire. Axew takes its hand off of his head and opens its mouth wide, he opens his eyes, he look and talks to Cottonee. A blue orb is inside Axew’s mouth. It fires out a Dragon Rage attack, it turns into the shape of a Dragon and it gathers and shoots out again, it destroys the top of a rock nearby. Axew walks over towards the rock, he puts an even smaller rock on top of the now flat surface on the top of the rock. Axew closes his eyes happily and tells Cottonee to fire at the rock on top. Cottonee’s wings flash light green, an Energy Ball grows in front of its face, the Energy Ball then shoots off and hits the dirt ground not that far away. Ash says that it is way off. Ash kneels down towards Cottonee on his left knee, Ash tells it to aim, where it wants to shoot towards. Ash points towards the rock and Cottonee nods, Ash grabs it with his hands, he says that it needs to be careful that it needs to stand absolutely still the second it uses the move. He says that if it moves the slightest bit, its aim will be off after all, Cottonee nods and Ash says that they should try it. Cottonee’s leaf wings flash light green, the Energy Ball grows, the flash on its wings fades and then it stops enlarging. The Energy Ball is fires, it hits and destroys the rock that Axew places on top of the bigger rock, Ash praises Cottonee that it is right and it is doing well. Cottonee’s eyes close in joyfulness, Pikachu cheers, Cilan says that he is its next opponent, he tells Dwebble to use Slash, Dwebble’s claws glow white, Ash tells Cottonee to dodge, Dwebble keeps using Slash, but Cottonee continues to dodge. Cilan tells Dwebble to use X-Scissor, Dwebble creates an X shape with its claws, it puts its claws close together with a big purple X in front of its claws, it goes towards Cottonee, Ash tells Cottonee to use Cottone Guard. Cottonee uses Cotton Guard and the X-Scissor hits the Cotton, which stops the attack. Ash tells it to use Razor Leaf, Cottonee’s leaves outline in light green, it faces its leaf wings out in front and leaves fire from its wings. The leaves hit Dwebble badly, Ash says that it was a good job, Scraggy and Pikachu cheer. Cilan says that Pansage will be up next, he holds Pansage’s ball in his right hand and Pansage comes out. Ash tells Cottonee to use Razor Leaf, Cottonee fires the leaves from its wings, Cilan tells Pansage to dodge, Pansage jumps up and the leaves go past Pansage. Ash tells Cottonee to use Energy Ball, the Energy Ball hits Pansage while it is in mid air. Ash says yeah as he high fives Cottonee’s left wing with his right hand. Cilan and Iris walk over, Cilan tells Cottonee that with this much skill in battle, it should be fine, Iris has a light green apple with dots on it, in the palm of her right hand. She brings it up to her mouth, she takes a bite out of the apple, Iris tells Cottonee that it shouldn’t mope just because it was rejected once and that it needs to attack again and again. If its enthusiasm to its opponent, she is sure that things will work out, Cilan says that a normal maiden wouldn’t be able to swallow food if she so much as thought about love. Iris has her eyes closes and she shrugs saying that she sometimes gets hungry when she thinks about love and that she is famished. Cilan says that they should to look for the Cottonee, Ash says that it could have gone to the Rainbow Valley already. Cottonee talks in a sad tone, Cilan says no the Diamond Breeze only blows in the valley after a full moon and that is why he thinks that that it hasn’t gone there yet. Iris says that Cilan is right, she says that yesterday, the moon wasn’t full yet. Ash says that they should set off then, Pikachu and Scraggy agree, Ash brings out a Pokeball, he says that Scraggy should return, Scraggy waves his arms about frantically, Ash asks if it worried about Cottonee, Scraggy says yes. Ash points towards the sky, he says that they should go to the Rainbow Valley together.

Tranquill comes in and lands on the ground in front of Ash and co., Ash asks Tranquill if has found it, Tranquill shakes his head from side to side, saying no. Ash understands, he says thank you, Ash brings out his Pokemon and he returns Tranquill to its Pokeball. Ash wonders where it is, Cilan closes his eyes, he places a finger from his right hand, on his chin thinking, he says that Cottonee can’t fly by themselves. He says that if they find the path of the wind, they should find the Cottonee at the end of it, Iris says that it is a good idea and Ash doesn’t understand, Cilan says that it is where the wind passes. Cilan says that it is wind searching time, whilst pulling out his Town Map, he presses buttons on it, whilst Iris licks her index finger on her right hand, before lifting it into the air, Iris closes her eyes and lowers her head, she opens her eyes and lifts up her head saying that they have south wind. Cilan, still typing on his Town Map says that the wind will be there at the hut of the mountain, in front of the group, past a forest is a mountain and Cilan says that they should go there. Woobat comes flying in downwards until it lands on Jessie’s left hand which is extended for Woobat. She asks it if it has found the Cottonee, Woobat, still in Jessie’s left hand palm shakes its body, saying no. James pulls out a metal box, he holds it out in the palm of his left hand, he says that it is the little guys turn, a stick comes out of the top, four blades come up from the rod, the rod stops and the blades spread in all four directions. Meowth does the same thing, in his right hand, the blades spin and they ascend into the air and then more metal boxes go into the air. Ash and Cilan walk slowly and they then stops, Cilan looks at the Town Map in his hands, he looks upwards and it arrives and clashes with the wind where they are. Ash says that it is complex, Iris, with Axew on her left shoulder, pops out of the leaves, of a nearby tree, Iris says that reading the wind is hard after all. Ash turns around, looking at Iris, Iris brings her left hand into the air and sticks her index finger into the air. She tells Cilan and Ash that they have west wind, she puts her flat hand with her palm facing downwards along her forehead, looking to the sky. She says that watching the clouds carefully, she then looks towards them, she points to the sky saying that north wind is blowing in the forrest over there to where she is pointing. Cilan looks at this Town Map, he then looks to sky and wonders about the north wind, he says that it means that the wind, he puts on a joyful expression and points to somewhere in front of himself. He says that it gathers in the foot of that mountain, Ash says that they should go, Ash and Cilan run off and Iris goes back inside the tree. Team Rocket are on a path, Meowth is standing, facing right towards James, Jessie is bending her knees, towards James who is kneeling on his right knee, he says that this is where they are, as he is holding the touchpad and they’re all watching the touchpad. Jessie asks if it the humidity levels and temperatures in the various ares, she asks if she is right. James says that she is right, he says that it is also the winds direction and strength, James is touching the pad, which has a blue screen full of pictures of the temperatures and humidity levels in the areas near the. Jessie then wonders where the Cottonee are, James tells her kindly to wait, he drags the touchpad’s screen downwards as the map goes forwards and it then zooms in on the spot they want. James says that at this point in time, the wind gathers, A green circle goes around the location that they want, a picture pops up of the valley near the green circle. The valley is the place what James is talking about, where the green circle is and boxes of information pop up onto the touchpad. Jessie says that she sees and they all start to chuckle quietly. It’s now night time, the moon is full in the sky and Cottonee are by themselves in a field, Ash and co. walk into the field and they stop. Ash notices the Cottonee, Ash is holding Cottonee in his hands, Cottonee is facing forwards like Ash and Cilan says that it would be good if that little one was here as well. Iris spots it and she tells them where it is, they all notice it, Cottonee is in front of Cilan, Cilan tells it to do its best and there is no need for it to strain itself. Cilan is holding a red apple in her right hand, she has her eyes closed, she hold the hand with the apple in, to Cottonee’s level, she tells Cottonee that it should settle it with a bang, she opens her eyes, she brings her right hand in and sticks her left one out in a punching motion. She holds her hands into the air a bit, her left hand is clenched to a fist, her right hand it a bit higher up and a flame burns behind her, eyes widened showing her fiery passion. She holds her arms out into the air, her left hand is opened, palm facing up, yelling out “Wham” she says that is should push forward, she says “Whoosh”. She tells it to flare up, she says “Bam” and she tells it to charge in. She happily takes a bite out her apple with her eyes closed, as she calms down, Cilan says that it sounds like martial arts, Iris says whilst chewing, that they are similar. Cilan closes his eyes in with an unsure/embarrased expression, he says that he would prefer it if she either ate, or talked about love. Cottonee flies forward, Ash tells it to do its best in battle, Pikachu and Scraggy cheer Cottonee on, Cottonee flies to the one it loves, Cottonee talks and the one it loves turns to see the main Cottonee, Cilan closes his eyes in joy, head raised high, he places his right hands palm on his chest, he sings out, “The Confession Time” returns. The main Cottonee talks to the one it loves, but all of the Cottonee get blown away, the cause is a big mechanical fan, with an “R” symbol on the side of the big and long part of the fan, that blows the wind. All of the Cottonee get blown into a big net, Iris wonders if it is who she thinks it is, the net closes and the Cottonee can’t escape. The net is on the back of a rod, which is on the back of a machine that Team Rocket are in, handles at the front like a motorbike and James holds onto them, Jessie behind him in her seat on the left side of the back seats and Meowth is on the right side. Team Rocket recite their motto, Ash and co. get angry, Cilan asks how dare they, he asks what they are trying to do with the Cottonee, Meowth presses a button on a tiny hand held trigger in his right hand, the fan moves until it it aims at Ash and co., Ash and co. are blown backwards, Team Rocket drive off in the machine, Meowth says goodbye. Ash and co. are on the grass, the wind blowing against them, Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, so it does and the attack hits the fan, causing it to explode. Ash throws out a Pokeball saying that he chooses Tranquill, Tranquill comes out of its Pokeball, Tranquill chases after Team Rocket, Ash tells it to use Air Cutter on the bag, Tranquill flaps its wings, the Air Cutter on the bag, the Air Cutters hit the bag, but it do nothing. Team Rocket looking behind them towards Ash and co., Jessie says that they expected that, James says that they have a countermeasure against it. Iris and Cilan looked shocked, as Ash looks angry whilst he clenches his fists and holds them out in front, Team Rocket looks surprised as they look at the bag, the bag quickly becomes bigger and bigger, Jessie asks what it is, Cottonee burst out of the bag, breaking it from using Cotton Guard, Cotton balls cover Team Rocket, James says that he can’t see ahead, Jessie asks what is happening. The vehicle swerves, The Cotton are off of Team Rocket, except for James, especially his eyes, James wipes it off and after all of them having their eyes closed, they open them to see a big rock ahead, the vehicle crashes. Smoke from the crash goes into the air, Team Rocket fly out of it in their Jet packs. James says that they were so close, Jessie says “Remember us.”. Team Rocket fly off into the night sky, Ash, Pikachu and Scraggy cheer, the Cottonee lower from the sky, the main one goes up to Ash, Ash holds it in his hands, he says that it is safe. Iris mentions that she sees the little one again, it is floating above the grass again, Cilan tells Cottonee that their is no one to interrupt anymore, so it should go and confess. Iris tells it to not hesitate and to be confident, Cottonee flies over to the one its love as Pikachu and Scraggy cheer it on. Cottonee talks to its love, the one it love turns to see Cottonee, Cottonee talks to the one it loves, but two other Cottonee come in, one on the main ones left and the main ones right. Cilan says that others have come, Iris says that it has many rivals, the two Cottonee push the main one out into the sky. The two rival Cottonee’s wings outline in a light green glow, leaves shoot out out their wings as they flap them. But the main one protects it with Cotton Guard, the leaves hit the Cotton balls, Ash tells it that it did it a good job, for blocking it. Pikachu and Scraggy, cheer as well, Cilan tells it to go and counteract, Iris tells it to do it, the two Cottonee each fire an Energy Ball, the main one flies forward, dodging them. One of the two Cottonee is scared, the main one fires Razor Leaves from its wings, as they stick out towards the front of itself. The Razor Leaf attacks hit the two rival ones, Iris says that it is good and Cilan tells the main Cottonee to go and go, the main one uses Energy Ball which hits the two rivals, sending them falling towards the ground, knocked out. Iris puts her hands together, eyes closes and she sways about saying that it is amazing, a direct hit on both Cottonee. Ash says that Cottonee is the best, Cilan calls it an excellent taste, the one the main one loves becomes infatuated with the main one, the main Cottonee turns around from looking at Ash in co. to see the one it likes, the one if likes becomes shy. The main one flies over to it, the one it likes turns to see the one it now likes, they face each other, like they’re in love. Cilan’s eyes widen, he says happily that the love has ripened, he says that the girl one has become the main ones vintage. Iris now has an orange Apple in her right hand, Ash says that he is happy that the Cottonee has a best friend now. Iris takes a bite out of the apple saying that Ash is a kid, Ash asks what is with her and Cilan calls her one too. The Cottonee pair up, they join by their leaf wings and spin as one, Cilan says that once they set off to the Rainbow Valley, the will have a happy ending. Ash says that they will go to see them off too, later into the night Ash and co. walk up a mountain, Cilan says that they have reached the Rainbow Valley. They come to the valley, there are two waterfalls falling down next to each other, they look at it, Ash says that it is amazing, they turn around to see the Sun rising. Iris turns around and points towards something, telling them to look the others turn around, they see the Rainbow, Iris says that it is a big rainbow, Ash says that the valley is glittering. Cilan says that the whole valley consists of minerals, a wind blow past them, they turn around, Ash says that it is here, Cilan says its the Diamond Breeze, the diamond sparkling win passes through the air. Ash throws a Pokeball out, telling Scraggy that they’ve arrived, Scraggy comes out, he pulls up his skin pants. Ash tells it that the Cottonee are setting off and they should see them off, cheerfully. Scraggy nods his head, the Cottonee paired together pass through the wind, they go by Ash and co., and Iris says that it is such a pretty sight. Cilan says that it is a beautiful taster to set off with, they see the Cottonee that they paired together passing with their eyes closed in joy an Ash and co. chase after it, with Scraggy running in front of them. Ash tells them to take care, Iris tells them to be nice to each other, Cilan tells them Best wishes and to have a nice journey. They run, Ash has his right out in the air, the two Cottonee that they paired up, go from being in front of them, to the two rising into the air, eyes closed in Joy, Ash and co. run after it as the Cottonee fly gently along the Diamond Breeze.
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

Ash is going to have to spend so much time on the phone with Juniper asking to switch Pokémon about. Since Pikachu is a permanant fixture, and the three starters seem to be too, that only leaves two slots between Tranquil, Swadloon, Scraggy, Palpitoad, and whatever else he acquires...
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

aash is really getting a lot more pokemon this season. This is great! more diversity and more pokemon seen! lol
RE: Pokemon Best Wishes Episodes

i really want ash to catch sunglasses krokokrok and a rogganrola would be a cool pokemon for ash
who will be iris's rival the girl from bw036?