Pokemon Pokemon evolutions that got it all wrong

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I'm not going to address most of the ignorant comments about evolutions. but heres what i will talk about:
1. NINTENDO can do whatever it wants - Magneton, Dugtrio, Electrode
2. ALL the starter evos definitely make sense.
3. IT doesn't matter how much the pokemon's appearance changes; IT'S EVOLVING, it only happens once or twice in a pokemons life, its not like its just slightly growing up.
4. FEEBAS - MILOTIC makes sense
5. KEEP in mind what level the pokemon are evolving at before you question it.
XieRH said:
safariblade said:
Pretty much EVERY SINGLE Gen V Stage 1 pokemon. They really couldve stuck with basic -> final evo with the majority. If you don't agree, go through the list of sugimori art, and just tell me which ones are necessary (besides starters and maybe a few others that really needed two evolutions)

Come to think of it I've always questioned the necessity of evolution as a whole to begin with. Who wants a monozu when they can have a sazandora? In the end, the pre-evolved forms are really like just temporary stages before you hit the end product you really want. And this applies especially in the competitive scene where evolved pokemon are obviously favoured over their earlier stages.

Just give me the final evo. I'd take it over the basic anyday.
Then go play Digimon. :p

Really people, this is pokemon! If they they really wanted to, they could make a chair pokemon evolve into a unicorn-dragon-werewolf-cheese-squirting-space-mermaid pokemon who's cry is friday by rebecca black.

But anyway, most evolutions do make since when you some research.
as far as looks go, blastoise's evo line makes sense.. but wartortle's info doesn't.. if wartortle lives to be 10,000 years old.. why would it want to evolve into a blastoise and die sooner?
^Where does it say that about Wartortle?

Most obvious one of all..

Magikarp->Gyarados..because yeah..sure some like 2lb fish turns into basically a chinese dragon..yeah that makes sense XD
Magikarp to Gyarados is based on 'weak become strong', and the story of the carp who jumped over the Dragon Gate would become dragons.
thread necromancy is a bad, bad thing
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