pokemon flint version.

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  • it is great and should carry on!

    Votes: 22 50.0%
  • errrr,not too bad...

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • no,the pokemon are horrible and you should quit now

    Votes: 7 15.9%

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RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

don't tell me teudemon/deteu/deteun is a legengary line plz... :(
oh by the way, I could finally find the CD where dinoruption was!!!
just one thing, inthe original drawing, the tail wasn't shown so I creepely  made one with paint, but it was small so I enlarged it and it sucks, it's just to show the idea more or less... i'll draw a better one later to show it. when the four things join, they can generate energy and release it in the form of: beams, fire (furnace blast, the move I said in one of the first pages, when I joined) or magama.


  • dinoruption.bmp
    309.4 KB · Views: 10
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Dinoruption's line is replaced with dragolias.no more fire types.teudemon/deteu/deteun isn't a legendary line:)its possible names for it.i pick deteun.Anyone else vote?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

NO you can't do this!!!! c'mon tere aren't that many fire pokes and in R/S, there were metagross and salamence, 2 *super-strong but not legendary lines* and dino means all to me plzplzplzplzplzplzplzpzlzpzlplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz (plz extends to the infinite) AND in oly less than 20 or 15 minutes, there were 3 downloads, thing that never happened before with my artwork, even thogh the tail sucks because of an error.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

That was in hoenn.this is all sorted out:)You'll have to kiss my feet.there is too many fire pokemon.anyway,the pokedex has been updated.and we need more pokemon.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

then can't you remove another fire line instead?
and feet kisses can't be posted so... plz anyway
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Well there isn't much fire lines we can throw away:
Plessiash(Legendary trio.no)
Burnel,scorcoon and scorpire(They are starters and mabye my best.no way)
Kitfire,nyarpuss,roalion and roaliess(every region has a cat.no)
True actually,I'm sure we had more.But the main reason is pokemon quartz's tyrannosaur.Dinoruption looks exactly like it,and it is also fire type to.*sigh*If only this where easier....
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

can I see those quartz's things? It makes me mad to make something and then you say it looks like that quartz's thing AND I EVEN DON'T KNOW WHAT's ALL THAT grrr...
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

dunno where to get the pics.and calm down,its ONE pokemon.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

1and the other two preevos?
2well I was calm all the time, but that thing annoys me a lot
and 3 c'mon, there are very few fire pokes in the other gens
4 last, who knows that quartz's thing? just ignore that, if it isn't a pokemon, we shall ignore it. by that case, the pyrock you pruposed was just like shellmon
this is just an opinion. think about it, I think that isn't much to ask...
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Tyradino it is.and the game HAS BEEN SOLD(I got it in my stocking for xmas,its not very good) SO NO WE WON'T IGNORE IT.The other two prevos of what,are you talking about?
pyrock is not going to be magcargo evo.And lets count fire pokes in each gen:

1st gen:Charmander,vulpix,growlithe,magmar,flaeron,ponyta,moltres,
2nd gen:cyndaquil,slugma,ho-oh,entei,magby,houndour
3rd gen:torchic,numel,torkoal,
4th gen:chimchar,magmortar,heatran,arceus
Our gen(There are so many fakemon games):Burnel,kitfire,pyrock,plessiash,kraytor,somebody else.

Its just tyradino.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

can i join?
also, i'm new here, so i still can't find you fanfic. sorry.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

Hi, I've had some previous expercience with Pokemon sprites, and I'd llike to do atleast a couple POkemon notable:

Could I possible make them?
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

yeah sure!they're like demons wearing cloaks.Well,Sharmoons head is like a pumpkin(black instead of orange).Thanks!
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I was thinking they would look more like little critters. Well atleast Shardon, which Shar'ds out of the back, and it rolls into a balll and the Shards stick out and attack the Pokemon. Umm, with a black auaro, and evil eyes.

Possibly I think I might do some other one's instead.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

(oh finally back...)
-well welcome both of you
-and what is tiradino? the quartz thing? or have you accepted my poke? and when I talk about the 2 preevos I mean lizire and combustaur (first pages)
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

14.pinscnip(bug baby pinsir)
15.pinscrape(bug/fight pinsir evo)
16.scythrip(bug/flying baby scyther)
22.pandizzy(normal spinda evo)
28.spireon(ghost eevee alternate evo)
29.inseon(bug eevee alternate evo)
35.freezeblub(water/ice dewgong evo)
49.mantalord(water/flying mantine evo)
57.kabakan(gas cloud)
61.pigloon(thick fat)
62.vapork(thick fat)
63.aquoink(thick fat)
and look up embaby evolves on youtube.
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

huh? some pokes have their types next to their names and other have their abilities? o0 and torrent/blaze/overgrow are only for starters...
last thing, could you change peregill's name? because in my language, peregil is a plant and a not-so-agresive insult...
EDIT: oh it was true... I can't believe that there was a game like that... it's odd, since it doensn't appear in any webpage as a game... it isn't from nintendo, is it?
EDIT 2: how silly of me... it was a hacked game... now, it's just a fakemon game, juts like our project. and by the case, it would be the same that happened with blaziken/infernape, only that that was official, unlike this.... well, at least dinoruption's preevos aren't like those... and lizire doen't look in anyway similar to embaby, and doni's line was planned to be a 600 totas base stat line, unlike tiradino's one that was a starter line. see?
well I haven't finished watching the video so I've still havent seen tyradino...
EDIT 3: WHAT???? they don't have a hair(well, in this case a scale) in common!!!!!! according to the sprite, tyradino would look like this


  • dinoruption.bmp
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  • Escanear0008.bmp
    191.1 KB · Views: 7
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

*continues from last post* then, I dunno why can't dino enter.
first excuse: waaay too many fire pokes: What are you talking about?
only burnel, kitfire, plessiash, pyrock, kraytor and... no one :( and, I suppose you know but there are very few fire pokes in the previous gens, and if you considered that there are too many fire pokes, take out kitfire' s line, add dino's one, and you'll have one fire poke less.
second one: too similar to tyradino: well just look at my pics... if you don't believe me go to youtube and in the search bar write: embaby evolves as CF said and you'll see (I'm saying this to anyone that is reading this)...
also, you said that it was brilliant in one of the first pages so.....then I don't understand.
If you have a personal problem with dino(no need to say what is it), tell me and I'll stop bothering you, but don't say things like the ones I've mentioned. for example: i dont like it- i think it's ugly- dragolia is better- i had another idea or- I have a personal problem- ... wathever.
and remember, no offense here. it's the truth from my view
RE: pokemon iolite (spip:super pokemon image project)need people to help with stuff!!fakemon game.

I'm now thinking of doing : 44.rieruu(ground)

Mainly like a Kangaroo, coming out of the ground.  Maybe change the name to: Riniroo?

Also I'll draw you a sketch and art soon, doing homework at the moment. So then I'll sprite, mostly using Diglett Grund, edited. For Starters.