Pokemon Ice Version

I told you I dont want to infringe on your ideas about this. They thought a wikia would be good so I set one up but a forum will be organized and easy to discuss things so I put one up too. Il take either down at your request. And if you looked at my post from earlier I said I would make you the highest mod on there. Do you think the forums will work? And a friend of mine might be working on a backround and banner for the forum.
I dont think mod status is really neccesary. Right now Im a mod becaus eI have a lot of experience with proboards forums and Ice is a mod because hes the creator. Im thinking not right now, not because you dont deserve it but because it should be part of Ices descision and that Im just getting it started and know what Im doing opposed to others. IF it becomes a sight where many people who play the game from across the internet visit then sure, and Id expect all core members of Ice version to become mods. Again, it is Ices descision really though.
Not much, but I do no how to work on forums, and even if I have trouble, my dad knows EVERYTHING about computers, including stuff like forums, so he can help me if there's a problem.

I added five new Fakemon on my thread, at the bottom post and in the main dex. Tell me if you want any in the dex.

I have one new unnamed Fakemon if you'd like to name it. :D
Here is the Fire starters first stage template, not sure if I should post it here and also the ice version forums or just on the Ice version forums.

Name= Blazard
InternalName= Blazard
Pokedex= It uses the horn on its tail as a weapon. Its tail is like a spring and can wrap around things with ease.

Weight= 54 lbs
@patrick like I said, I bet you and silazu would get it as soon as it becomes a site for the game.

@silazu good job with the template on the forums
All right guys, since the forums seem to be going good so far, we can keep them. Though lets not discuss a lot about the forums in Pokebeach, it'll be better if we discuss some forum matters there. This thread will be where artwork is posted first. The forum is just for organization and stuff like that.

I should have all the templates completed tonight. I just need to catch up on some things.
Cool. I am going to make some Pupic, because Voltaz needs a basic form and I already made its template. :)
@Ice glad you like it, the threads are organized on there so all completed stuff should be in one palce to make it easy on you :)
It is much organized. :)

Though I will be posting screenshots here first.

Most of the game bugs are fixed. Templates as well as Route 2 screenshots will be posted soon.
OK, I took out the items thread....but leave the characters one right? And anything else you want with the forum or anything else?
At the moment everything seems fine. Thanks.

@silazu: Have you ever made a male/female trainer sprite? Not an overworld sprite.
@IceArceus no, I haven't. I could give it a try though. Just let me know what dimensions the sprite needs to be.