Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

=) sure thing. i'l see what I can do
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Garitter. ;)

I will also try to make some new Pokeballs for the game as well and see how it turns out to be.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

^_^ how is this?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Much better I like it. Thanks for making the snake. I will add it to the front post later on.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Hey Garitter whenever you have time could you try making a fish type Pokemon? There isn't any rush, just want to ask you if you'll be able to draw it later for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Hey, just thought I'd stop by and say that I'm a huge fan of the concept of this game and would love to see it made into a real RPG. Wish I could help on plot and ect., but I have a lot on my plate as it is. Keep it up, guys!

Edit: If you'd like, when I have free time I can have all of the information for this game summarized organized in a document, such as describing characters, towns, Fakemons, plot, ect.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks SinnohTrainer17. I am glad that you are a fan of this game. Also I hope to make this game actually work out. I am getting some programming done and hopefully the game will turn out to be a great game for the community.

Also yes whenever you have time you can summarize the information into a document.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I figured that I'd just gather together all of the Fakemon we have here, the ones that have been approved and the ones that haven't and we could sort this out as you'd like. Same goes for plot/characters/locations/ect.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Okay SinnohTrainer17. That'll be easier.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*


I know you didn't ask me to do these things but i couldn't help myself, here is a fish and poke-balls.:D
(Tell me what colors to fill in the fish if you like it.)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I really like the fish looking Pokemon. Though the Pokeballs I cannot really tell out since they are kinda blurry. Can you take clearer pics and post them, because that'll be easier for me.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I can't read the writing on the page either.

I would like to help. I can draw fakemon.

I presume you'd like an example before I start. Here is an example of my drawing:


It's a Vampire Cat called Vamcat or sommat like that. Evolves from Kitpire. Sorry if it is so big.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@PokabuLugia: Wow that is really cool. Thanks for actually drawing that for us. I appreciate the help. :)
I will post that with the other art onto the front post. Also we would love if you could help us out with the art.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Sure thing. =) I'll draw a fish Pokemon
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

^__^ Here you go:


Name: Guppini
Type: Water
Classification: Guppy Pokemon
Height: 1' 3"
Weight: 7lbs
Ability: Swift swim
Pokedex Entry: GUPPINI often squirt water at trainers that are nearby streams where they live. It easily becomes jealous and as a result, it shows off by jumping in the air multiple times to grab attention.
Gender differences: Guppini will evolve into two Pokemon. The Pokemon it evolves into depends on its gender.

Name: Visquerade (Viscount+Masquerade) (based on ribbon tailed Guppy and a masquerade)
Type: Water
Classification: Escapade Pokemon
Height: 3' 5"
Weight: 35lbs
Ability: Hydration
Gender: male
Pokedex Entry: VISQUERADE enjoy performing in front of large audiences, and are often seen being used by traveling circuses. It likes to battle other Pokemon just to show off.

Name: Majesteen (majestic+Queen) (based on a ribbon tailed Guppy and a masquerade)
Type: Water
Classification: Majestic Pokemon
Height: 3' 8"
Weight: 30lbs
Ability: Natural Cure
Gender: Female
Pokedex Entry: MAJESTEEN never put its own tail in danger and dislike fighting. It performs elegant dances underwater, proudly showing off its beautiful tail. It becomes angry when its tail is touched
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Garitter for the awesome Pokemon drawings for the game, as well as the Pokedex information. I also am really busy with a lot of things at the moment and am hoping to get some things updated on the front post by adding all the Pokedex entries we have for the game as well as updating the art section with the current Pokemon drawn by our wonderful artists. I also need to add some pictures of the game play. All this will hopefully get done in time and am hoping that this game turns out to be a great one.

Also Garitter if it isn't too much to ask could you make a ghost/dark type Pokemon for the game. Sorry if I am keep asking you, but I really need to catch up with some things for the game. The ghost/dark type Pokemon should have another evolution if you want, but not three.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Sure thing! I'm having trouble thinking of things right now, so ask away! =) It would be very helpful.

What program do I use? ^^ I use Photoshop elements and I use a Wacom Tablet to draw with.

I used a Wacom Tablet to draw, and the program I used is Photoshop elements. =)