Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks angelo1104, I just thought that the Pokeballs should look clearer so the people who come to check it actually get a better idea of how the Pokeballs look like.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I have maden fish fakemon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Your "Eevee" style Pokemon have been obviously ripped from others. I see Rhyperior, Snorunt, Giratina, Infernape, Gastly, Raikou and a few more. They're not really scratch spriting.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Shaymin6.6: Did you use other Pokemon parts that were already used?

@Zircon: If you have read my post then you would know that I have already discussed about this matter. I am trying to use sprites that haven't been used already or parts that belong to other Pokemon. We probably won't use those sprites since they seem to be a fusion of multiple types of Pokemon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Chiraami: Thank you for checking with the game. We are currently trying to get as many artwork completed for the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I can create new pokemon for you, with designs, names, details (weight, species, abilities etc) and stats if you want. The only thing to do with making fakemon I don't do is sprite and making the really good artwork as on the main post.

Just one question: can I create new abilities for some?

Sorry if you have no spaces.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Wobbuffet: Sure you can try creating new Pokemon for the game. Though I will see when they are posted if they are good enough for the games. You can try creating new abilities if you want to. If you could put the names, details, stats, etc. for the Pokemon then that would be very helpful.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks! I'll start making some soon.

Edit: One more question. Will you be keeping the same TM and HM list as HGSS?
Edit 2: Another question, will you be having move tutors?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Ice Arceus: I didn't use other parts for fish.
@Zircon: I didn't use Snorunt or Infernape.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

@Wobbuffet: I don't know yet if I will be having the same TM and HM list as in HGSS. Though I will most likely have move tutors in the game.

@Shaymin6.6: Okay, I was just making sure.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Shaymin6.6. Also could you try making the sprites of the other fakemon? You're one of the best spriters for the game and you actually get them finished on time, so I would like you to try making the sprites for the fakemon.

Also I will try to make the sprite versions of the Pokeball ones angelo1104 uploads the clearer pictures of the Pokeballs drawings he made.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I've just finished one evolutionary chain.[attachment=5884][attachment=5885]


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RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Did you copy the layout off of Serebii?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Well can you try making a new layout. i don't like copying from other people. If it is possible for you to do this then that would be great and very helpful.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Well the information of the Pokemon yes, but the layout different. We need a layout that we have made and not taken from somewhere else.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Okay, here are the modified versions:


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    84.5 KB · Views: 8
  • Clawnetic.doc
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