Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Garitter, I am hoping to see 5 Pokemon drawings done by Saturday. If this is too much then you can do as many as you like two or three. I am trying to catch up on things with the game which means we need to catch up with the game play and art. I am interesting in seeing a cloud-type Pokemon, electric-type Pokemon, and also a new a space-type Pokemon. The rest you can thing of. If anyone else has any suggestions on what they want to see in the game then you can post your ideas.

Again Garitter do as many Pokemon as you would like. Saturday is just a day that am hoping to at least see 5 Pokemon. It doesn't matter if it is completed next week. Take your time on it. :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

^_^ I should be able to do that.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Garitter I can always count on you. :)

Anyways I am planning to update the front post soon, but am trying to get some new things added as well on the front post. If there are things that you want to see added in the games then post some of the things you want to see in the game and we will try out best to see if it is possible to include that in the game. If there is also anything you would like to see on the front post then let us know.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Here is the cloud Pokemon you requested. ^^

Name: Clouchi (Cloud+Mochi)
Type: Normal/Flying
Classification: Sky Dancing Pokemon
Height: 2' 2"
Weight: 25lbs
Ability: Cloud Nine
Pokedex Entry: Clouchi enjoy twirling around on white puffy clouds and anything soft that resembles a cloud. Its tail is able to fill with air, allowing CLOUCHI to levitate to high altitudes.

-no evolution
fun fact: Clouchi, despite being a flying type, cannot learn the HM move Fly.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Space Pokemon :)

Name: Empeteor (emperor + meteor)
Type: Normal/Psychic
Classification: Dimension Pokemon
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 269 lbs
Ability: Pressure
Pokedex Entry: Empeteor came to earth on a meteorite. The gems on its legs and the arms coming from its back allow it to communicate with other Pokemon and people. It has a strange psychic power that can manipulate fragments of space and create portals to other parts of the world.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks a bunch Garitter, I appreciate all the help by creating the new Pokemon. I really like the space type Pokemon and will hopefully add them to the front post with the other previous artwork soon whenever I am free.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Cool thanks Shaymin6.6. I appreciate the help that you have given us for the game.

I still need to update the main post, hopefully it should be done soon.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

O_O I am very sorry... for not getting you those five Pokemon on time. Something came up and I was very busy over the weekend.. I will get right on it though! I should have them to you before tomorrow!!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Garitter its fine, lol if you were busy then you can make the artwork whenever, it doesn't really matter. Take your time on the artwork there isn't any rush for me. It was just a date that I wanted to see if you could get the artwork done.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

XD alright. That's good to know.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Hopefully I should get time soon to update the front post. I want to try to get a new layout in as soon as possible. Also I want to see if people can get some sprites done as well for the game. We are kinda behind with the sprite making so we have to catch up.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

If you need someone to sprite i can help with that, i will post some examples eventually...
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Yeah we are currently in need of a spriter. We currently have one really good spritist, but we need more since this is one of the places we have to complete. If you could post some examples of your work then that will be appreciated.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

I have maden more forms/evolutions.

Can this fakemon be this game's "Eevee"?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

Thanks Shaymin6.6, but I am trying to avoid Pokemon that are consisted of other previous Pokemon parts. I would really appreciate if you could help out with the sprite versions of the Pokemon that are located on the front post. I really like how you are helping out with the game making fabulous sprites, but they seem to be fusions of other sprites (which I am trying to avoid).
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Updated Front Post*

The image size is clear. But I cannot really turn out how the Pokeballs are looking. Try making them individual so we get a better idea of them.