Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version

I think that would be a great idea MotorRotom.
@ Ice Arceus: What ever happened to charidude and Charizard88? Are they still with the Ice Staff?
EDIT: Everyone who is Ice Staff should put Offical Pokemon Ice Version {Staff Title} (namer, spriter, programmer, etc.)y
EDIT EDIT: If Hooker is no longer with us, may I be the lead Name Creator?
EDIT EDIT EDIT: I have another name for a town too :) Icotropyc City- A city at the Edge of the arctic and volcanic regions. It has a snowy, but sometimes warm climate, due to the Volcano.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Thanks! I'd still like to wait for the go from Ice Arceus, but that's a confidence-booster for sure!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Here is a rough draft of Tetrock. Tell me what you think. I can always change the design. Sorry Im not the best at legendaries. :/
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

@MotorRotom: That would be a pretty cool idea and when downloading the game people will be able to find cards as well in the folder.

@Dustin: The reason why I am not taking anyone's name off is because we can't be for sure that they are gone. Some might be gone for a long time because they probably have to take care of some business. So I am not going to take anyone's name off until they have told me that they don't want to help out. Though if they did help out then I will give them credit in the game. Also you can be name creator if you want. Well the problem is since this is an ice version game of Pokemon I don't want EVERYTHING in the game to be based on ice maybe different names.

@Cofagrigus: That is actually a pretty nice sketch, and I seriously do like it.

Couldn't get to updating the front post yesterday, but will get to it for sure today/tomorrow. As for the programming I am still going to be working on it more and try making more events so the game doesn't seem boring. If anyone wants to help out by creating the game by adding tiles and whatnot then just post saying you want to help with the gameplay.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Okay Ice Areceus :)
@Cofagrigus: Oh my gawsh! That's so freaking amazing!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! THAT's EXACTLY WHAT I HAD IN MIND! OMG OMG OMG OMG! *admires it so much that I get lost in thought* :F *druels*
EDIT: I think that Trectrock should be collossal like Regigigas. Same with Rectrice. The should'nt be as small as Regice and Regirock IMO. Just a thought :D
EDIT EDIT: Coloring Trectrock sketch in MS Paint :\ Phtoshop expired for me :S (I know that sucks) If someone could recolor it in Photoshop that would be wonderful, but give me a change to recolor it first, because I know what colors I want for Trectrock :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Well isn't Trectrock a rock type? So I guess it should be colored brownish? With green for those circles under it's eyes that how I see it.

Anyways the player in the game will be meeting a mysterious man in the next town who will give you information about the legendaries. The event for me will be pretty easy to make.... hopefully.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Wonderful Idea :) It is Rock/Fire :p
EDIT: It's going to be a very dark green. Almost blackish if that's ok :)
EDIT EDIT: Trectrock color added. Please view!!!!!!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

I was just programming and tested out how to buy things in the game. It actually turned out great and will probably change the whole layout and also get rid of some things as well.
Also when the trainer is in Route 1 there will be a house which contains only a man inside but if you talk to him he will give you the map of the region.

I will try to post some pictures soon of the gameplay since the game is actually turning out very nicely.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Great sketch Confagrigus and nice color scheme for it, Dustin!
@Ice Arceus: So, do I have the ok? And if i do, some cards won't have names or maybe i'll try to think of them for the card.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Thanks MotorRotom! :D Cudos to Cofagrigus to the amazing drawing!
EDIT: I am a great sprite re-colorer. If you need someone to recolor a sprite, I'm the guy to PM ;D I have worked with superfoof, and most recently Cofagrigus :)
EDIT EDIT: New Fakemon name! Malevolusk. A combo between Malevolence and Dusk. Will post more in a while ;)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

The coloring is pretty nice, but just a few details need to be added like the shadow. Also aren't the circles under the eyes supposed to be green?

But overall you did a very nice job.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Oh Ice Arceus. It was not intended to be a final version :) Just is to be a color template for Trectrock for someone to do in Photoshop like Sugamori rt :D Sorry for the confusion.....
Malevelusk- The Malevolent Pokemon
Malevelusk is a Pokemon found to be......evil. (needs work :p)
Electrawn (See what I did there? [electron])- The Brawn Pokemon
(Electric+Brawn=Electrawn) Electrawn is the third "brother" of Rectrice and Trectrock. It is found inside power lines transferring electricity to the region.
EDIT: Actualy the "dots" are green. You have to look closely......Sorry the quality changed from when I put it on Photobucket :| lol It is much darker now than it was in paint.....
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Oh no I was just saying in the final version it needs to be a bit detailed. Also the green seems to be a very dark green.

As for the other Pokemon, I actually do like the names, but will need to see the designs as well.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Does anyone know any good websites for card templates? I don't really care which series as long as it's DP-on.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

That would be great Cofagrigus :D If you could follow the color template of Trectrock, that would be epic in Sugi Style Art :3
RE: Pokemon Ice Version

Oh wow alot has happen in my absence O_O Looking good, is there anything I could help name or do minor work on?