Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

Can't wait until screenshots! I preordered Black at Gamestop too :3I'm so excited! I think I'm going to call it a night, but I'll be on tommorrow.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

If I do post the next batch of screenshots it will probably be around whenever I finish Route 2.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

Sure if you created the whole thing from scratch.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

"Check Post 1653" does not work because if any post gets deleted, the post number gets adjusted accordingly.

This is why you link stuff in the first post.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

What does that even mean Ice Arceus? I only have 112 Pages not 1653.....Was the original thread moved or something? By the way, nice thinking PMJ :D
(Really Off Topic) PSSST: By the way PMJ, I really LOVE Seven Days of Terror.....My favorite story on The Beach'
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

I have made like 10 Evo lines, as soon as my scanner works, i will post. :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

@PMJ: Alright I have added the pics to the front post.

@Ludicolo909: Okay

I am going to be posting some more pictures soon after I have changes the zoom more. I am currently using the default zoom which makes the buildings look bigger. As for the Everglow town (North of Route 1), the town is mostly finished but just have to make some minor changes and add more events.
If any of you guys have any suggestions for the towns or how they should look then post and I will try adding those ideas into the game.

EDIT: Anddddd I am still getting the battle system to work. I got the main script but just can't get it to work. xP
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Post 1653*

Hey, i have this program called scratch and its REALLY easy to script on, you might wanna try it. Go to Scratch.mit.edu. As i said its really easy.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

@Ludicolo909: Sounds great! Can't wait for the art!
@Ice Arceus: Awesome! I anticipate the pictures :D
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

Well the thing about scratch is that it is not that sophisticated but ok, Good Luck :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

I am getting used to using Ruby which is provided with the program. Also for the game I was thinking while I am editing the script more I need to make some changes to the game intro since it is adjusted to it's default intro and looks plain. So if any of you guys want to make the game intro like the 'Press Start' with the legendary Pokemon then post your it here once you are done.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

I think it should be like with the Legendary Pokemon. One complaint though, we really need some different boxart with the "Ice Legendary" (forgot its name). No other "suggestions"
EDIT: I think we should have "moderators" for this game. Like I'm the Lead Name Creator. You're the Head Honcho. Someone is someone else, etc.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

I think we did have a box art created by somebody featuring the ice legendary, but it is probably located somewhere throughout this thread (which I have forgot to add to the front post). xP
Also the legendary will be featured on the game title, but need someone to actually try making it since I don't really have times on my hands to create one at the moment. As for the "moderators" for the game we somewhat have one or two. If you check on the front post I have a section on the jobs list listed 'Co-Leader' who is supposedly to be in charge of this thread when I am not around and help out with the game. To become a co-leader you need to contribute a lot to the game and actually help out with the thread. At the moment all the co-leaders we had have either been inactive or have left the forums.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

Ohhhhh. Alright :) I see what you're saying. Hmmmm......I could do a "color template" for Serpentice if you would like.
Hmmmm......Do you need a lead Art Dept. person?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

Taken from the front page:

New Name : Serafine (Means 'Burning fire')
New Name : Dreetle (Dragon beetle)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

@Dustin: Well if you do want to be the lead person for the Art. Depart. then I guess you can be, there isn't really be any difference accept helping out approving nice work.

@Hooker: I really do like the names and will add it into the game database.

The battle system is still experiencing some problems that I hope to fix soon, and will upload some more pics.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

@IceArceus: In terms of evolutions, where do you want them to be level-wise? The first 4 generations were about the same but black and white screw things up. On pokemon doesn't evolve FOR THE FIRST TIME until level 59, and another evolves for the last time at level 64.
Should I go with generations 1-4 or generation 5?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Screenshots Added - Check Front Post*

I was thinking that if the Pokemon is a two-evolution type then it should evolve later in the game, which means that the Pokemon needs to reach a pretty high level before evolving. If it is a three-evolution type Pokemon then it should evolve somewhere around the 25s and then evolve into its last, final stage around the upper 50s.
Okay. That seems more like Black and White evolutions. Usually third ev. is high thirties to low forties, except for powerful pokemon like Tyranitar, Dragonite and Garchomp.
What level for the other pokemon that only evolve once? All Black and White pokemon that only evolve once don't evolve until level 34 at least. I checked virtually the entire pokedex.
It is on serebii.net.