Pokemon Ice Version

Do you mean Pokemon that only have one evolution? If this is what you are stating then the Pokemon will evolve later on in the game around the 30s-40s.
Trexor- The Electric Rock Pokemon (Legendary)
Xander- Rival's Name
Hmmmm.... I'll think of more.
@Ice Arceus: I just like fancy titles :D
EDIT: @Hooker: Didn't I tell you a few pages ago to give me your avatar before I take it? *rips it off of profile* That'll teach you to take from me! Just kidding!!!!!! Great Fakemon :)
Xander is a pretty cool name for the rival, but am thinking that the player will be able to name the rival trainer in the game if he/she wants to. If this doesn't work out then I will just name it something....
At the moment I don't know when I will be posting the new screenshots, since I am still getting the battle system running. I got the main script, but when play-testing it, it doesn't really transit into the battle. But I hope to fix it hopefully this weekend.
God, I'm saying this so many times i should just copy it.
I've been gone a while and now im back. I was wondering if i could get back in?... I'll finish the storyline =)
If i am in i need the forum address again.
charidude nice to have you back, I was wondering if you would ever show up again....
Of course you can get back in, I never did take your name off the jobs list since you were ever did plan to come back and help us out. As for the forums are you talking about the old one where we posted the storyline and the pokedex entries?
Hmmm......I think I have a good idea for a color template for Serpentice. I will be working on it soon :)
Nice to have you back charidude
I think we have Serpentice in colored form. If you do check in the previous pages you should be able to find it.

I am going to try fixing the battle system more today and see if it works or not.
I have a question: for the Ice Version PokeDex, are you planning on making 150'ish new fakemon like how B/W is or are you making a smaller number and adding pre-existing pokemon?
I am planning on having less then or equal to 150 Pokemon, it really depends if the artists really want to help out since at this moment things are going slow for the art. I am planning on adding around 10 pre-existing Pokemon into the pokedex.
Do you have any plans of which Previous Pokemon you will include? Articuno? Regice? Arceus? LOL. Just curious.
At the moment I don't know exactly which Pokemon I will be adding into the game, but what I do know is that Articuno will most likely be presented into the game.
If you have any suggestions to what Pokemon you want to see in the game then just tell me.
Ice Arceus said:
Articuno will most likely be presented into the game.If you have any suggestions to what Pokemon you want to see in the game then just tell me.
Can't have Articuno without Zapdos and Moltres. Maybe a sidequest, postgame?Here's an idea:

Team Terrafrost has stolen DNA from the three Legendary Bird Pokemon in order to create a new Pokemon, having all of the powers of the Birds. It could be Dark/Flying type. After you find out about the experiment, you can go to a new area called "Dark Canyon". At the end of the area is a building called "Remote Factory". Enter, and you'll see a dark, black, shadowy wall. You'll hear a voice that says, "He'll never figure out that he'll need to catch all three legendary birds to break the field. Hahaha." Then go catch the three birds, bring them back to the factory. They'll break the wall for you, and reveal a door and a PC. Go through the door and you'll see an old Admin with the Dark/Flying Legendary bird. It'll attack the admin and sends him/her to an alternate universe. Go up to it and defeat/catch it to bring the admin back. He'll thank you, and asks you if you'll forgive for his evil ways.

PS: Sorry for being a n00b by claiming I would help but never did. Hopefully that^ will make up for it.
That is actually a pretty good idea you have there and will mostly be used in the game. I will see what I could do to make that as accurate as possible.
@Hypnotic Luxray: Only one problem with that; Lugia is made with all of their power.....Wouldn't it just be a repeat of something that has already been done (Shadow Lugia)? Set aside from that, it is a great idea.
At the moment I am not finalizing it since I haven't really gotten to that point.
I am at the moment working on fixing some things around with the game as well as getting the battle system on working without getting annoying errors constantly.
@Dustin, I don't know much about pokemon origins. But if that is true(which it might be, as I said I don't know much), what's Ho-oh made of? If your arguement has something to do with Shadow Lugia, I'm pretty sure it only exists in Colleseum Games. I've never played one of those, so I know even less. If it is true then, alter it. I don't care.