Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

/me walks in slowly...

What's been happening here lately? Sorry I kinda of dipped out. I had computer issues.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

heres another logo and this one took 5 HOURS

By leebro96 at 2010-12-29
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@Night Pokemon Master: I like the snowflake. Though the other one is nice though you can't really see the title. Overall very nice.

@Master☪Illusion❈Zoroark: Sure if you can help with the sprites then that can be great.

@Unseen Psyco Poke-Fan: Thanks and I also do hope that this game turns out to be great.

@Charizard88: Well I got started with the programming. Things have been going slow with the sprites and art. We have gotten the region map done (though will most likely edit a few things).

The programming is going good and hopefully I should get done with some things. I also will be getting to the update as soon as possible.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

Can i please join? I can make sprites for pokemon and other stuff :) i will also put the banner in my sig :)
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

Ice Arceus, I can help with naming the Pokemon....
Also, AMAZING work!!!!!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@Night Pokemon Master: The logo looks better and I will add it to the front post whenever I update.

@Ludicolo909: Sure you can join. What could you help us out with?

@RAWR: Helping out with the names will be great. There are some links that say No Name. So you can help us with those Pokemon names.

Still programming.... I am learning more things and it is going great.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

Thanks a lot!!!!

http://i429.photobucket.com/albums/qq14/arrancar12341/FireFakemoncomplete.png-can be Firobot

http://i780.photobucket.com/albums/yy89/garitter/bugdragon.png-can be Prayko
Praying Mantis+Draco

http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y306/angelo1104/pokemon/PICT00612.jpg-can be Chinchice? (what type is it?)

http://i864.photobucket.com/albums/ab210/pimpboo/Untitled.png?t=1289092952-can be Icpike- (pronounced Ice-Pike)

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1236/5177387073_0505a91c5f.jpg-can be Psyphere-pronounced Si-Fear

http://i56.tinypic.com/2ujiofc.png-can be Volcanion

http://i52.tinypic.com/x43brc.png-can be Romano
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@Ice Arceus: Did you put my fakemon on the front page? I'm just curious (・・?)

BTW, would you like the pokemon to have Japanese names? I cam help with those!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

im still thinking of ideas for new fakemon so things are going slowely.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@RAWR: Thanks for the names. I will finalize them when I update the front post, since I am transferring all the data into the game database.

@LostVoice: Yeah I have to update the front post, there are many things that need to be added, and I will be getting to it. Also it would be great if you could help us out with the Japanese version of the names.

@angelo1104: Okay.

I still need to update the front post with new things and I am also transferring things slowly into the game. I will be starting to work on the Pokedex entries.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

I can help with those names when iaturday but is good. I am on vacation until saturday but when I return, I can start working on those.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@LostVoice: Okay. Also could you possibly help out with more fakemon?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Region Map Added*

@Night Pokemon Master: Why Sparks, not saying I don't like it or anything, just wondering why that name? Is there like a meaning behind it? Also do you think if the professor should be a man or a woman?