Wi-Fi Trades Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :

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RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

I can't trade now how about tomorrow
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Alright, sure :3

Rayquaza for 10Anniv Raikou, yes?
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

I can trade now if you can
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

I'll trade a Rayquaza for shiny Chimchar. :3 Its Lv76 and I need to check the stats but I can attach a MBall

Forgot about above. I can trade now.
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

ok just a sec i need to clone my pokemon
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Sure thing,

my FC is 5285-0000-8801
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

got it do you have mine if you don't it is 3695 5122 0786
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Already in, I'll be on Standby. :3

I'd like to trade something for a Shiny Chimchar. :eek: I have an Aggron, JP, and others. I also have a UT JP Bulbasaur
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

No prob.
Is there anything specific you want for Shiny Chimchar?
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

no sorry
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 56 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Octisnow257 said:
OK don't forget

I won't :D

I'll add you to my waiting list
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Hello, i have an UT Regice and an UT Regirock that I would like to trade for a 10 ANNIV celebi, and a Shiny Eevee, if you dont mind :]
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

CMT for Shiny Groudon Please!!

I trade more than one thing for it. 1 Event and SHiny or 2 Events. Or 3 of the special offer.
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

What nature is the Shiny Gengar?
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

jboy: Impish
Zac: I don't have one
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

CMT for these Shiny Bidoof UT, Shiny Pachirisu UT, Shiny Heracross UT.
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

how about the Shiny pineco, Bagon and whimsar for them
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

Would you trade my UT mystry mew for your celebi?
RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :)

I getting one from someone
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