Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Beta Version): A.S.F.: Game to be restarted with edits

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RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1


Yes catutie. lol.


Bored with the sleeping victor, Gaius floats around and happens upon Catutie, eating his food. "Hey, can I have some?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

IC: seeing gaius next to him he breaks him off a piece of his kit kat bar...which gets the song stuck in his head. "BREAK ME OFF A PIECE OF THAT KIT KAT BAR" he yells in tune with the song.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Gaius eyes the candy, and quickly swoops down at the very second catutie breaks off the piece, he promply gobbles it all up. "Yum. Where did you get that from?" Gaius looks down the hall Catutie came down
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

he points down the hallway and says "Sakura may still be yelling at the other members to stop stealing from the vending machine" after gaius leaves catutie decides that his team mates might already be in bed and that he should join them so he hits the sack...hoping he doesnt sleep in again. before bed he remembers the riddle and still cant figure out the answer so he sleeps on it and looks forward to the answer from his teammates (OOC: :p i have no clue. maybe its a third evolve they gave to someone in HGSS....wait ill PM what i think). thinking about the riddle makes him tired so he hopes that the answer comes in his dreams

OOC: sorry i know its only 8:30 here but i had to wake up at 5:30 am today im exhausted
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Gaius floats down the hall, and eyes the snack machine. The room appears empty, so Sakura and the others must have gone to bed. He phases through the glass and proceeds to eat all of the kit kat bars, wrapper and all. "Yummy" Gaius said. I wonder if they will notice in the morning, matter.

Gaius continues to float around and see if anyone else is awake
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

not even getting a wink of sleep gives catutie time to figure out the riddle. excited because he didnt ask anyone for the answer and being able to figure it out on his own he runs to tell the commander but remembering that he is asleep he goes to get a midnight snack and a glass of water. finding no more snacks in the vending machine he wonders what happened and just gets a glass of water. he sees gaius floating down the hall and wonders what he is up to but forgets about it and tries to go back to bed and is careful not to wake his other team mates. "i wonder what we will be doing tomorrow" he whispered to himself
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: alraight guys, I will be gone tomorrow and the next day. Have fun and I'll just catch up when I get back.

To my team: sorry guys, but you can handle it! Good luck!

IC: safari slithers over to the larvitar. "take over for me buddy. I need to take care of things. Be back in two days"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: did we appoint you leader? WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT OUR LEADER....

IC: scared of what he just heard from safariblade he thinks of how he is gonna keep his composure during those 2 days...whispering to himself "maybe ill just let sakura be in charge....wait...where is safariblade going anyway?" catutie doesnt worry about it to much and finally falls asleep
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: idk I guess I'm leader. Were all kinda equal, but I like to just regulate things for our team, so I guess that makes me like a leader. Just PM me any an everything that you need help with or that happens ad I will get back to you guys asap.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1




Gaius goes to sleep in his bottle (he would need to in order to keep his gas from escaping right?) and closes the lid.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Nice job role playing so for guys :D

So here's the riddle again:

My third form hidden until recent times, first one then three, then one last time

And the answer is...... Magnemite, Magneton, or Magnezone (anyone of these three would have been right)

Huh? Oh, I see.... (what your gonna be thinking pretty soon as a heads up)

So heres how it works:

My third form hidden until recent times, - Magnezone was not available until the release of Diamond and Pearl

first one then three, then one last time - This refers to the number of bodies that make up the Magnemite evolution line but it can also refer to the number of eyes they have (Magnezone has one main eye)

Also the third post in this thread is now an announcement board!

RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Out: It makes sense...okay, now I know to include all
pokemon and not just the legendaries.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1


hey just woke up


Gaius wakes up, and floats toward everyone else, hearing the riddle. "maybe it means someone who's a steel type pokemon?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Jason wakes up and goes to where everyone is."It could be Lux,or Maxy.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Gaius replies "yeah. Unfortunately that means it possible 2 teams are the bad guys. Who else do you suspect?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: Got back from school. Anything new go on? Saw the answer to the riddle (thought it was Magnemite at first, then decided it was wrong...)
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: Same, just got back from school. Mlouden, put what pokemon you are in your sig, reading your posts involving me were confusing since i have no idea what pokemon you are.
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: do I link images like that?
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

OOC: Look back a few pages, EPM posted it for everybody
RE: RPG: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: A.S.F. (You can still join by PM): Game Start! W1

Out: just got home from school. It looks like my partner magically turned into a Charmander.

In: Chill suddenly appears from the ground(I used Dig). "Lets not forget the other attributes of Magnemite, and besides it's the first riddle.
We shouldn't jump to conclusions..."
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