Primal Clash Leaks / Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX [12/28]

WPM, could we get some information on what slot stuff like the Ancient Traits take up, if we don't know that information already?
Yeah, my mistake. It was the Treasure Tin that the holo Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip were in. . This is Pokebeach's article on it, which shows the three cards that are also now displayed on the Primal Clash leaks.

The Hoenn Collection had actual alternate art holo promos of these, here is Pokebeach's article on the Hoenn Collection.

Both of which are completely different from the Hoenn Region collection album noted at the top of the main page where the early spoilers from the set are coming from.
I can imagine a Doublade Fliptini False Swipe and LaserBank deck... one way to counter the OP EXs :p
I assume you're talking about the ancient trait Bidoof GadgetJax, and as sad as it may be to say, that Bidoof card is nice looking.
Apperently, Maxie's Hidden Trick is called, get this...

"Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick".

That just might be the stupidest anything in the history of anything. There was no reason to call it that, and no, I'm not making this up, look here...

Oh wow... That's sad. Talk about a mouthful say let alone anything else. I think the Pokemon community is just going to go with Maxie's Trick...
The holo half arts look kind of stupid with a yellow border. Should have gone the flare card route and made them all holo.

I think the thing I don't like about this set is it reminds me of Legendary Treasures, too many common and uncommon cards that are trying to be interesting/rare cards... All these half art rares are just going to make finding ex's harder overall, or in other words a lot of disappointment(Almost as bad as the blue border cards in B&W)

Also Kyorge needs some help, he looks bad in every card in the set except the full art Primal card imo.
Seeing some possible combos.

Sceptile (Barrier) with Celebi EX or Memory Shrine can use Grovyle's Agility, making it immune to attacks and trainers. Fliptini or Trick coin can help with the flippy nature of agility.

Eelektross could be good with Dragonite EX, or it could be redundant as the both do similar things. Time will tell.

Ludicolo (with the heal trait) can combo well with Ludicolo from Plasma Storm which can heal 20 each turn. Trainer Center (FF) gives them more HP to avoid OHKOS and Hard Charm could also help.

Primal Kyogre can transfer two energy to Keldeo EX after it attacks. If knocked out, you preserve energy and have another attack ready to go. But if you survive, rush in, retreat, and energy retrieval that energy back on him.

Lots of combos and to top it all off, the full arts look absolutely amazing.
You can also use the water kit to heal even more damage.

Full arts definitely look amazing; love that Gardevoir FA!
SO looking forward to this set, can't wait to get my hands on those full arts! :D
Just a question: What happens if you use Max Potion on something with a Recovery? Do you just give it more HP? :p
Gardevoir EX reminds em of Cresselia EX from Boundaries Crossed (the background is similar, but Cresselia was shinier).
I must have that Gardevoir Full Art, I love blue and purple together and the Japanese card did not do the artwork justice.

That is just amazing.
This set's looking so good. Just wondering why there's a Nidoqueen set, but no Nidoking.
Also we need more Absol cards. :(