Primal Clash Leaks / Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX [12/28]

Archie's would be fine if Maxie's wasn't so... Questionable. The fact both can be interpreted multiple ways, however, is a problem.
Just got 2 cases of the hoenn collectors album from a buddy of mine that works at target!!! 24 packs of primal clash!! Whooooo

Although i have not the slightest clue what im going to do with 24 mini binders bwahahahahaha

I can tell you now that the ancient trait ( 3/4 art ) cards are not as common as they were in tidal storm/gaia volcano and im pretty sure they are all uncommon
So it looks like we're missing;

Full at Groudon EX (150)
Flygon (110)
Azumarill (104)
Crawdaunt (91 or 92)
Ninetales (21)
SR Dive Ball
And 5 others.
I got Groudon-EX FA and SR Dive Ball, waiting for more before posting a new update.
Phew! I had trouble tracking down the Hoenn Region Collector's Album here in SoCal, but I found 'em at the third Target I visited and bought every album (24 albums, to be precise) they had on display!
This is going to be a nightmare for collectors.16 full arts??? 12 normal ex??? 4 secret rares?? They had better up the ratios in the boxes or else we are fighting a losing battle here...I am dreading this even though I saw those collector album packs at Target, decided I'm not paying over 5 dollars a pack just to get it early.
It's going to be a nightmare indeed.

Even though I'm kind of a limited collector, only worrying about what I want for my live cardex and FA section, I still need all 12 Pokemon FA, 7 of the regular Pokemon EX (don't need Kyogre EX, Groudon EX, and Wailord EX. I also am not worried about Camerupt EX and Sharpedo EX until they get their megas which I half expect in Double Crisis though I could be wrong) and at least thirteen other cards that I can think of right off hand.

But those first 12 Pokemon EX FA will be a nightmare all on their own. And of course on top of it I still wouldn't balk at getting the trainer FA's or the secrets, it's just not at the top of my list.

Let's not forget we don't know all of the promos and assorted stuff for this set. We still have one more three blister promo and one more checklane blister promo to be revealed. And the Kyogre/Groudon tins. And who know what else. That's additional things for collectors to worry about. And since I also have a promo binder...
And with Manaphy now ALL PRIMAL CLASH SCANS ARE UP! YAY! Thank you everyone for sending them in over the past week! Team work!
I think Manaphy has some real playability.
Wow, that translation error/typo on Manaphy is a pretty big deal. It's basically just saying to shuffle your deck and draw 6 cards. That makes him a really useful starter. I wonder if they'll issue an errata or keep it as is?