"Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 53!

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

In order to give myself a larger safety net, the next episode will be up in 3 weeks.

(in all reality though, less than 45 minutes to go!)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Three weeks? Good, it might be in time for BRs! :p
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Three weeks thats a new record lol jk but seriously I can't wait.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Ughh it says about 15 more minutes, stuff's definitely slowing down, but we're getting there! (my rate limit ends a bit past my midnight tonight, so I'll make sure this error won't ever happen again!)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

5 minutes left

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Boo slow Internet. Yeah jwittz. Lol
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Finally! Episode 28 is up! Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fESwHBYE8A
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Lol at the beginning. A fine way to make a point. IMO, you should have had maybe a faded color to show it was a flash back to a previous episode. I spent about 15 seconds thinking that you did some terrible (although better than what I can do) editing. Perhaps faded colors or a scene of you flashing back? IDK... you're the film minor...

Not much to say... just thought I should let you know my opinion on the topic.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Zero said:
Lol at the beginning. A fine way to make a point. IMO, you should have had maybe a faded color to show it was a flash back to a previous episode. I spent about 15 seconds thinking that you did some terrible (although better than what I can do) editing. Perhaps faded colors or a scene of you flashing back? IDK... you're the film minor...

Not much to say... just thought I should let you know my opinion on the topic.

yeah I'm sure I could have done something like that, but most of the time I'm in a hurry trying to push these things out once a week (or desperately trying to push them out once I've missed that deadline).

Prof-It! in no way reflects my skills with film, and I'm only going to be trying to produce film trailers anyways : P.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Although I'm a little sad you didn't talk about the junior and senior champion decks, it was still a great episode, keep up the good work JWittz.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Afro-G said:
Although I'm a little sad you didn't talk about the junior and senior champion decks, it was still a great episode, keep up the good work JWittz.

Thanks! A few pages back (around 5ish if I had to guess, maybe less) I gave a pretty detailed explanation for why I usually report about the masters only. Masters has the most players, sees the most play, and it's the division I play in so it's the one I gather my research for anyways. Plus, teaching the juniors/seniors about masters decks usually helps them out a ton, too.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

JWittz said:
Thanks! A few pages back (around 5ish if I had to guess, maybe less) I gave a pretty detailed explanation for why I usually report about the masters only. Masters has the most players, sees the most play, and it's the division I play in so it's the one I gather my research for anyways. Plus, teaching the juniors/seniors about masters decks usually helps them out a ton, too.
That... and there wasn't much to talk about. LuxChomp in Seniors looked very standard, and the Junior Jumpluff played pluspower and PONT... that's about it. The Masters decklist was so much more fun to watch/look at.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

new prof-it was good but i wish you vouldve reviewed jacob lesages luxchomp in seniors :/
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

J-wittz great vid but, I wish you would have talked more about the Rogues...
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

The Wii Man1234 said:
J-wittz great vid but, I wish you would have talked more about the Rogues...

There's not much to say about the rogues other than that they were played. If they had placed higher than top 16 like Fabien's Gyarados last year then some discussion might be important, but for the most part it was just interesting that more rogue decks were played. Not to mention, with most of the players being foreign, I don't have any lists or source material to work off of to figure out what's in each deck.

Javier8100 said:
new prof-it was good but i wish you vouldve reviewed jacob lesages luxchomp in seniors :/

I just replied to a statement just like this one about two posts back
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Your intro as usual amuse me also pritty intresting to hear about that amphraos/abomasnow combo Jwittz
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Tomi Sjoblom with regigigas made it to top 16.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

The Wii Man1234 said:
Tomi Sjoblom with regigigas made it to top 16.

I know, I mentioned it in the video. As I said, unless a rogue deck goes higher than top 16 and isn't losing crucial cards for the next season (azelf MT in gigas's case) then I'd have set aside time to discuss it like Fabien's Gyarados deck last year.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

Gigas, Steelix, Garchomp, Abomasnow/Ampharos...so those are the rogues of worlds (Although Steelix isn't too rogue anymore). This helped a lot, thanks so much. Also, it was a really good episode.

A side note, that is the coolest Luxchomp I've ever seen. He must've had so much luck. Most of my decks without call fail the whole game whenever I get a sucky start.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 2000 subscribers! (Episode 27)

In this awkward stage between seasons where no real tournaments are held for a month, I'm trying to find some good ways to present some entertaining filler before the big archetypes of the next season appear. The first is the J-Wittz Q & A episode I'm doing next where I'm basically going to answer all your questions about me, the show, etc. The second part I could use some help with-- I'm making a list of my personal opinion for the 20 worst cards ever printed. While I already have plenty of cards in mind for the list, I could use some help locating as many bad cards as I can to chose from. Thanks for your help!