RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!
I think you people that took your vacation week this week are gonna be screwed later. I'm sure b-ray has tougher challeges than this up his sleeve.
Effect: 8/10 Very cool effects on palkia, but font is just kinda lame...
Color Usage: 7/10 It's decent, I wouldn't have had a bright orange like that in the background.
Effort: 7/10 Maybe everyone should get a 10/10 who actual turned something in this week. Nah. Compared to some others your effort seems just a tad weak.
Originality: 8/10 I wouldn't think of putting halo and pokemon together.
Relation to the Challenge: 8/10 It's basically an originality challenge, so I see no reason why this should be different than the above.
Overall: 6/10 There's just something not quite right, I really can't put my finger on it though...
Total: 44/60
Effect: 7/10 It has a cartoony feel, but then it's totaly ruined by the realistic fireworks.
Color Usage: 7/10 Too many colors.
Effort: 9/10 I can tell you put some into making this unique.
Originality: 9/10 It's definetley different.
Relation to the Challenge: 9/10
Overall: 6/10 Size is bad, and it seems like you were just messing around with random photoshop effects.
Total: 47/60
Effect: 9/10 The simpleness in and of itslef makes for a nice effect.
Color Usage: 8/10 Hard to go wrong with white and blue.
Effort: 6/10 Maybe some went into making it original, but it couldn't have taken more than 30 minutes.
Originality: 9/10 As I said before, the simplicity has it's own originality. I have no idea what the text means, but it looks cool.
Relation to the Challenge: 9/10
Overall: 9/10 Everything makes a good impresion on me ecept that sugimori.
Total: 50/60
Effect: 9/10 The animation does work very well in this case.
Color Usage: 9/10 I don't know if I'd have choose that color for the text, but the rest is nice.
Effort: 9/10
Originality: 8/10 Animations aren't all that original now, but you managed to put a unique spin on it.
Relation to the Challenge: 8/10
Overall: 9/10 Nice. But the "plusle" has a minus on its cheeks and tail.
Total: 52/60
Effect: 7/10 Text and ligh effects are cool, but the background just looks horrible.
Color Usage: 9/10 Meh, it's pretty good.
Effort: 6/10 Doesn't look like it would've taken long.
Originality: 7/10 Not a whole lot original about this.
Relation to the Challenge: 7/10
Overall: 7/10 Size and background are just bla, but the rest is good.
Total: 43/60
Effect: 8/10 Cartoony style is cool, I don't like the text though.
Color Usage: 9/10 Fits the style well.
Effort: 6/10 Not seeing so much.
Originality: 9/10 The cartoony style is something I haven't seen.
Relation to the Challenge: 9/10
Overall: 7/10 Small things just add up and ruin the overall look.
Total: 48/60
Overall I think I was very forgiving this round, mostly because there just wasn't a higher standard to compare against. None were exceptional. I'll be looking for better next round.
1. Bellomence (52)
2. Pika2 (50)
3. TSC (48)
4. Monkeyking63 (47)
5. Wes1234 (44)
6. Zzzdark (43)
Black Rayquaza said:
Well everythings updated.....judges you can start judging now....I found it alot easier to judge as nothing was as Avant Garde as I hoped.....and I gave good examples too :/
Wes-Well In Project Custom II I will attempt it again.....but not anymore in this one.....we just dont have the time. Its great in theory but when everyone cops out it dosent work as well as It sounds.
-Black Rayquaza
This is just my two cents on the matter, but I think the cause of all these dropouts was not only unwillingness to work in a group, but misunderstanding of the task. The use of "avant-garde" really threw people off. I think you'd have been better of saying things in plain terms to begin with.