Proposed Forum Restructuring

Gliscor said:
Although someone is going to flame me for saying this... come on. Articles on front page>_<

For the list, I'm not changing a thing. Looks very good.
I'd be happy if they were even linked in the front page, at least there would be some form of proposed credit. So until everything is worked out, I like that idea. ////
Front Page News
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Card of the Day
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Pokemon Games ///
4th Generation Casual Talk
4th Generation Competitive Play
Premiere Articles
Battle Stadium
Trade Station
Rate My Team!
Past Pokemon Games

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Celadon Mart

Community Gathering ///
Gathering of the Miscellanea
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Game Corner
Route 24 [for distinguished members only - to make people feel they are "important" and for new members to strive to be able to post in... or something like that. It might be a bad idea, though. IDK.]

I also think we should have one member per forum who is extremely active be a liaison between the mods and the members of that forum. Like, if the forum is becoming spammy, they tell us and we try to work out a solution. Or if they feel the forum isn't getting enough attention, we do something. IDK.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Pokemon Games ///
4th Generation Casual Talk
4th Generation Competitive Play
Premiere Articles
Trade Station
Battle Stadium
Rate My Team!
Past Pokemon Games
I think casual and competitive talk being seperated is a great idea. I would like to see Battle Stadium before Trade Station because it is a more organized forum.
What discussion would go on in Route 24? :S

Looks good, I guess. Linking articles on the front page is something we should have been doing for a while. People who come to the website via Google or whatever are usually looking for one of 3 things: news, trading, or advice. Articles give them advice, whether it be TCG or Video Games. If they read the article on the front page with a link to the forums, they might feel compelled to sign up. Buuuut that's my opinion.

SO ANYWAY, looks pretty nice. Well done. You might be able to put Entertainment Talk and Video Games as a subforum under Miscellaneous Discussion, just to make it seem a bit less cluttered.
@ KG: Okay.

@ Galefail: We're trying to avoid making subforums since they don't get as much attention.
I'm not all crazy about the route 24 idea. It wouldn't encourage people to do better, it would encourage people to moan at the mods and go: "Why am I not here?" I know for a fact that no-body likes to be excluded from anything, and I don't think it’s fair to make forums that are only available to some members (obviously staff forums are a different matter, staff have things to discuss.) Good members can be recognized in other ways, people know who's intelligent by their post quality. We already have the hall of fame thing, that gives a good idea of some fantastic threads. When you join a forum, you expect that if you are well behaved and polite you will be accepted there. I can't imagine that you would join a forum only to find there are places you can't go unless you’re special.

Also, how would members be chosen for this? WPM, the beach has become a big place and to find all the members who deserve a spot would be an immense job. Even once it’s happened, then there would surely be many people who were missed out. And if everyone who deserved a place got one, then it would be open to a couple of hundred people, and everyone else would be excluded!

Okay, so if you can put up a nice argument to all that, what types of discussion would happen there anyway? Because the forum doesn't have a specific topic, what would people post there? Just show off that it’s a place they can go?

I think there's plenty of other ways good members can be recognized. Most people know who they are anyway, being allowed into a certain forum doesn't make much difference. The newbie invasion that went on a while ago really has died down quite a lot, and so the only problem is members who are joining new. Even this isn't such a large problem; we get the odd idiot but nothing much more.

All in all I reckon the whole route 24 thing hasn't got much purpose. It’s just a forum to show off who the great members are. If anything, that would just make people angry. Not convinced it’s a great idea, However I like the concept of good members being able to be recognized. Maybe we can work on that somehow.


Everything else looks nice, good job WPM. Only thing I would do is to put the two 'pokemon world' forums into the community section. They are two very small forums that get little postage and don't really need a whole forum to themselves, IMO. If it would make things more organized and neat, then I guess it’s a cool idea. Anyways, nice job and thanks for all the work

EDIT: fixed grammar and stuff

B-Ray: Fixed spelling and stuff =)

EDIT: stop making me look bad Andrew :p
Water Pokémon Master said:
Community Gathering ///
Gathering of the Miscellanea
Entertainment & Video Games
Clans & Clubs
Game Corner
Route 24 [for distinguished members only - to make people feel they are "important" and for new members to strive to be able to post in... or something like that. It might be a bad idea, though. IDK.]

I also think we should have one member per forum who is extremely active be a liaison between the mods and the members of that forum. Like, if the forum is becoming spammy, they tell us and we try to work out a solution. Or if they feel the forum isn't getting enough attention, we do something. IDK.

Looking at Route 24, it might make people feel really left out. Like they aren't "cool" enough to be in it. We do want the forums to be fair, right? Judging by the looks of it, what do we discuss? How the forums are going, what we are doing... seems like another Chillax Zone to me.

For the "Members who can mark spam" thing, we might as well turn that into a new staff group or Jr. Mod group. I dunno.
Having a mediator between the members and moderators is actually a good idea in my opinion. Not giving the person who is acting as the connection doesn't have enough power to be considered a form of moderator, but at the same time they're helping around the forum. Having a person who is a member and not staff talking to the staff about how they view the forum brings in a different perspective that the staff members might not necessarily see themselves.

Route 24... I need to know more about it before I form an opinion.

Really late edit: Just saw your post, WPM. I suppose you're right about the subforums, although more forums means more clutter, which means less organization. I mean, if the forum is neglected, I guess that's a problem, but more forums means more work, therefore, like I said, less organization. I don't know, my opinion. xP
WPM and Staff, I love the new ideas, and I think they will work out great in further reconstruction of the forums! I agree with Gale that the middle member mediator for certain subforums sounds good. I think having a person that knows a lot about the forum that he/she is helping out in will really be a great new idea for Pokebeach. :D
Well I was just throwing the Route 24 idea out there. I hadn't actually thought about it yet, which is why I said it might not even be a good idea. Plus it'll probably cause elitism, so let's just pretend I never brought it up. :p

As for Pokemon World, I want the anime to have its own little section since the other "big two" Pokemon mediums do. It's not too big of a deal to keep it separated.

For the liaison thing, we could have a thread in each forum where people vote for who is the most active and helpful member. That might cause some fights, so I'm willing to hear any other good way for going about it. Of course, some of the mods heavily frequent certain forums so we wouldn't need a member for each of them (for example, I'm in News Capsules a lot).
Well some mods are more experienced in certain areas of Pokemon (for example, one mod might be fluent in Video Games, but not know a lot about the TCG, and therefore won't moderate that forum), so maybe if a member knows a lot about the TCG, they could talk to a moderator who knows a lot about the Video Games and tell them what's going on in the TCG forum area and help them better understand what they can do to clean up any spam or whatever is going on there. As for choosing the member who would act as a mediator... I dunno, I'd leave that up to you guys and not up to the members, but, that's me again. :S
Gliscor said:
For the "Members who can mark spam" thing, we might as well turn that into a new staff group or Jr. Mod group. I dunno.

Oh gawd no. They won't be Staff; they'll just be helpful members.

dmaster out.
The route 24 idea should only be implemented if we ever were to get the badge system up. I'd also just like to point out that route 24 would not just be a spam central place (much like the game corner). This place is where the more intelligent and active members can socialize about possible additions or revisions to PokeBeach. Some other higher up conversations may also take place here, but would probably be best suited for other areas of PokeBeach. I guess the best way to summarize it would be that it is merely a place where the privileged members (in this case badges) can improve the forum.
dmaster said:
Oh gawd no. They won't be Staff; they'll just be helpful members.

dmaster out.

Gotcha. As for a vote for the better member for the area, members voting for members might just be a popularity contest. That's what I've seen a bit in the past.
Limitless said:
The route 24 idea should only be implemented if we ever were to get the badge system up. I'd also just like to point out that route 24 would not just be a spam central place (much like the game corner). This place is where the more intelligent and active members can socialize about possible additions or revisions to PokeBeach. Some other higher up conversations may also take place here, but would probably be best suited for other areas of PokeBeach. I guess the best way to summarize it would be that it is merely a place where the privileged members (in this case badges) can improve the forum.

I see what you're saying. So, it would be a place for veterans who want to voice their opinions about the forums to gather and do so? That sounds pretty good, but the only problem I would see is that it would cause a lot of problems deciding who would be fit to post there. The same goes for the liaison thing, the mods have to be the ones to pick these people. If members pick other members, it will be extremely biased. As a moderator, you (usually) lose that quality. I mean, the veteran members of PokeBeach are pretty obvious by now. Veteran members are ones who post well, contribute to discussion, and are not idiots. Having a forum dedicated to the gathering and circulating of ideas composed by these members wouldn't be a horrible idea the more I think about it.
Limitless said:
The route 24 idea should only be implemented if we ever were to get the badge system up. I'd also just like to point out that route 24 would not just be a spam central place (much like the game corner). This place is where the more intelligent and active members can socialize about possible additions or revisions to PokeBeach. Some other higher up conversations may also take place here, but would probably be best suited for other areas of PokeBeach. I guess the best way to summarize it would be that it is merely a place where the privileged members (in this case badges) can improve the forum.

Sounds like a good idea-but then those that aren't allowed in still want to voice their opinions, and then again, feel less important. Idk, it just doesn't sound like a good idea. I probably wouldn't get in cause I am just a normal member, but for those other n00bs who wouldn't get in(I have almost 2000 posts, i dont think i am a n00b in that sense anymore lol), they could be upset. I would just stick to the safe route and not make it, at least, not for now. Try these new revisions first, and just watch the site for a few months, maybe slowly pick out members who deserve a pick, and maybe, a few months from now, it could be implemented, giving all of us some time to improve. Ya know?
Throwing my idea out there...

If we're going to choose a "representative" of sorts from a forum area, the Route 24 forum could be the place for the discussion of forum issues between those representatives and the moderating staff/admin. I would support this, because often a lot of good members don't get their say or get to pitch their idea to the mods. We could rotate these representatives too, so others get a chance.
Seth1789110 said:
Sounds like a good idea-but then those that aren't allowed in still want to voice their opinions, and then again, feel less important. Idk, it just doesn't sound like a good idea. I probably wouldn't get in cause I am just a normal member, but for those other n00bs who wouldn't get in(I have almost 2000 posts, i don't think i am a n00b in that sense anymore lol), they could be upset. I would just stick to the safe route and not make it, at least, not for now. Try these new revisions first, and just watch the site for a few months, maybe slowly pick out members who deserve a pick, and maybe, a few months from now, it could be implemented, giving all of us some time to improve. Ya know?
If someone wants the responsbility of having their ideas making a huge impact on PokeBeach, they need to be a contributor of the site. If that makes people who don't contribute feel less important, then they will be more willing to work.
Galefail said:
I see what you're saying. So, it would be a place for veterans who want to voice their opinions about the forums to gather and do so? That sounds pretty good, but the only problem I would see is that it would cause a lot of problems deciding who would be fit to post there. The same goes for the liaison thing, the mods have to be the ones to pick these people. If members pick other members, it will be extremely biased. As a moderator, you (usually) lose that quality. I mean, the veteran members of PokeBeach are pretty obvious by now. Veteran members are ones who post well, contribute to discussion, and are not idiots. Having a forum dedicated to the gathering and circulating of ideas composed by these members wouldn't be a horrible idea the more I think about it.

The people who would have access to Route 24 would be the badged members.
Shining Raikou said:
Throwing my idea out there...

If we're going to choose a "representative" of sorts from a forum area, the Route 24 forum could be the place for the discussion of forum issues between those representatives and the moderating staff/admin. I would support this, because often a lot of good members don't get their say or get to pitch their idea to the mods. We could rotate these representatives too, so others get a chance.

For what it's worth, I think this is a really good idea. Communication is key, and if representatives are chosen for each forum, they will be veterans of the site basically, and Route 24 could be a place for like, exposure of not quite staff talk, but still circulating ideas of what's going on with the site and with how people who are contributing (but are still members, you don't have to be a mod to contribute!) feel. I also agree with KG when he says people who contribute are the ones who get noticed. You need to step up and take charge if you're going to make an impact.

If Route 24 is implemented, and if the liaison thing is implemented, it will give those who have opinions but aren't able to speak out a chance to possibly do so by talking to the mods. It may even help the mods, like I said, gain a members' perspective towards the forums.

So yeah, communication and (inter)activity is key. I think Route 24 and the mediator programs could totally help that.

Edit: @Limitless, I haven't heard much about the badge program, but if that's the case, then disregard what I said about exposure.