BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram or Zekrom?

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neo carbon said:
Zekrom, but i'll proably get which ever one is least voted for first then get the other one.

why should it matter which one is voted for the least? just go with your own desicion, and poplularity should have nothing to do with it
Shadow Arceus said:
why should it matter which one is voted for the least? just go with your own desicion, and poplularity should have nothing to do with it

This, and I've come across this in regards to the starters as well. "I want Pogie X cuz everyone else loves Pogie Y!" It's like you're being reverse-sheeple so hard you're actually still sheeple. Geez.

Just go with what you like.
Mint said:
This, and I've come across this in regards to the starters as well. "I want Pogie X cuz everyone else loves Pogie Y!" It's like you're being reverse-sheeple so hard you're actually still sheeple. Geez.

Just go with what you like.

I don't see anything wrong with this method of choosing. Its actually a pretty reasonable method of choosing. Don't judge -__-
SinnohTrainer17 said:
I don't see anything wrong with this method of choosing. Its actually a pretty reasonable method of choosing. Don't judge -__-

Judge? Perhaps you're being a little oversensitive. I wasn't judging, I was stating an opinion.

I don't see popularity as a particularly good way to choose something; you do. There is nothing wrong with differing opinions.
Mint said:
Judge? Perhaps you're being a little oversensitive. I wasn't judging, I was stating an opinion.

I don't see popularity as a particularly good way to choose something; you do. There is nothing wrong with differing opinions.

Eh I suppose judge was a bit of an over statement. I'm going with Reshiram because it the one I prefer over the two, but I don't see anything wrong with picking the less popular of the two, simply because it is.
ManhattanTheStarr said:
The type of these two legendaries reside in the tails. Reshiram has a turbine tail, and Zekrom has a generator tail. That's how you can tell from their types.
And when you think about it, the white flowing fur from Reshiram's tail looks like white fire. But maybe that's just me. :p
Yes, you can tell that now you know, but before the types were officially revealed, no one had no idea. I read that people thought Reshiram would be Dragon/Flying or Ghost and Zekrom Dragon/Steel or Dark.
Well, by picking the least favorite starter, you will have something to trade later in the game. So it could be a good strategy to get all the starters faster.

With the legendaries, not so much, because you can't breed them... And besides, judging by this poll, they are pretty much equal in popularity!
i say zekrom because he looks more powerful because to e zekroms tail look like a drill so i think he is part ground and hopefully new dark type reshiram looks like a eletric and hopefully new light type or flying light so i have to go with zekrom
dunmees said:
i say zekrom because he looks more powerful because to e zekroms tail look like a drill so i think he is part ground and hopefully new dark type reshiram looks like a eletric and hopefully new light type or flying light so i have to go with zekrom

Where have you been for the last three months. Zekrom=Dragon/Electric Reshiram= Dragon/Fire. And most people are 99% sure there is no light type by now.

P.S. Zekrom is the coolest!
I like Reshiram more. I typically prefer the more graceful pokemanz. However, I would like it better without the silly streaming hairpiece. Cut that to a quarter of it's current length and I would love it ;]
PokéMontage said:
I like Reshiram more. I typically prefer the more graceful pokemanz. However, I would like it better without the silly streaming hairpiece. Cut that to a quarter of it's current length and I would love it ;]

The epic, flowing hair/fur is what makes it appealing to me.
I think Reshiram looks better. Zekrom looks like a robot and it's really "technological." I like natural Pokemon which have no aspect of modernity in them.
zekrom looks way cooler, but i just love reshiram's typing, fire/dragon are my favorite types! :D
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