BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram or Zekrom?

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Yoda 432 said:
zekrom looks way cooler, but i just love reshiram's typing, fire/dragon are my favorite types! :D

I actually thought the typing should have been the other way around, because Reshiram seemed so light while Zekrom seemed so dark.
imsocool4321 said:
I still like Reshirams typing and I thats the reason I like it more, just that reason.

That's pretty good, strategic choosing rather than choosing by looks.
Zekrom all the way
I like its type way more than Reshiram, plus i think that its tail as this super charged generater is better than the jet turbine (though i do have to admit when its tail becomes the turbine it is awesome as well). Even though we don't know what their abilities are yet, I think that Teravoltage sounds much cooler than Turboblaze
I kind of like both of them. I like Reshiram more though because of his super beastly design, and also because I like his ability title, Turboblaze. It's intriguing.
Its like saying who's a better Guitarist Slash or Jimmy P(Slash XD)
Any way I think Zekrom is more futuristic and Reshiram looks more ancient :D The both look awesome But im Gettinf Black which means im getting Reshiram :)
Zekrom would be cooler if it had two horns instead of one dunce cap horn
Instead, Reshiram has two wavy manes. . . i kinda want some explanation behind this mix up
I don't know why, but all of a sudden Zekrom is starting to appeal to me WAY more than Reshiram. Reshiram's design is really strange (ugly) to me, and it really does look like some sort of chicken wolf. xD I hate how it has its hands on its wings like Aerodactyl... And I've always hated the way its feet were designed. They almost look like they're facing backwards. :s It being a Dragon/Fire type is a bit typical as well (not in terms of Reshiram's appearance). Even though it took us a long time to get a Dragon/Fire type, there's a good amount of other Pokemon that could've handled that typing better (lolcharizard).

Zekrom on the other hand looks like a black killer rhino. I'm SO loving the generator tail over a turbine tail (farting flames, lololol). It's also a Dragon/Electric type, which is very unique compared to Dragon/Fire (which is a typing we should've had since Red and Green... =/). Zekrom just seems more "cooler" than Reshiram. Usually, I don't care for coolness in a Pokemon, it's more about how cute it is. And of course, Zekrom isn't exactly the cutest Pokemon. But its appearance... the red eyes, the blue electricity it emits from its tail, the magnificently designed wings... I also ADORE how the back of its hands are like its wings. <3 I also prefer White Forest over Black City, which is another thing that has me tilting towards Zekrom. The only thing that bothers me about picking the White version for Zekrom and White Forest, is that there's no Gochiruzeru... I hate Rankurusu. T_T I just hope that there's more version exclusives revealed for me to make a better decision. :3

...Psh... I voted for Reshiram. T_T
Playerking95 said:
I'd like to fix your post and clarify rehsiram is made by awesomeness and is awesomeness.
like manhattenthestarr said earlier reshiram looks like a combination of a chicken and a wolf! and what is wrong with reshiram's tail?! is that supposed to be a turbine?! zekrom's mechanical design is epic! and typewise: dragon/electric is MUCH more creative than fire/dragon. even though fire is my favorite type, dragon/electric is much more original. and finally: what up with reshiram's dick?!
Shadow Arceus said:
like manhattenthestarr said earlier reshiram looks like a combination of a chicken and a wolf! and what is wrong with reshiram's tail?! is that supposed to be a turbine?! zekrom's mechanical design is epic! and typewise: dragon/electric is MUCH more creative than fire/dragon. even though fire is my favorite type, dragon/electric is much more original. and finally: what up with reshiram's d**k?!

Oh, c'mon. Enough with the dick thing. We might as well be talking about Castform's boobs. >.>

I don't hate Reshiram, though. When I first saw it, I liked it more than Zekrom (which is why I voted for Reshiram). But after a while, its appearance started to bore me. I don't like the way its body is designed. If they took Reshiram's neck and up and put it on a better designed body, I would like it more. :>
ManhattanTheStarr said:
Oh, c'mon. Enough with the d**k thing. We might as well be talking about Castform's boobs. >.>

I don't hate Reshiram, though. When I first saw it, I liked it more than Zekrom (which is why I voted for Reshiram). But after a while, its appearance started to bore me. I don't like the way its body is designed. If they took Reshiram's neck and up and put it on a better designed body, I would like it more. :>
i kind of thought those were castforms "weather" ballz. and reshiram looks like a mixmatched combination of different animals
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