BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram or Zekrom?

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Shadow Arceus said:
i kind of thought those were castforms "weather" ballz. and reshiram looks like a mixmatched combination of different animals

Lol, weather balls... how clever. xD
Y'know, I don't really understand Reshiram in terms of how it looks. Is it a bird? Is it a wolf? A chicken? I just wonder what the third legendary will look like. Actually, I wonder if there will be a third legendary at all. :/
i wonder what color it woule be, gray. how boring, dull, and bland(the same reason i hate the idea for gray to be the third game)
Shadow Arceus said:
i wonder what color it woule be, gray. how boring, dull, and bland(the same reason i hate the idea for gray to be the third game)

Hmm... considering Reshiram and Zekrom are the Yin and Yang Pokemon, there shouldn't be a third legendary. What are they gonna make up a third of Yin and Yang? =/
the balance pokemon? a pokemon that is the physical embodiement of the balance between yin and yang, good and evil, life and death., etc.
Shadow Arceus said:
the balance pokemon? a pokemon that is the physical embodiement of the balance between yin and yang, good and evil, life and death., etc.

I really like that O_O

Now, if only we can come up with a name for the third game that's more creative and less ridiculous than "Grey" -__-
the only colors thats havent been used are orange, purple, and pink(not counting the extremely lame, boring, etc gray)
If it's a green cobra like Muller said, it could be Pokemon Jade, although that is def straying from the Black/White theme
If Reshiram represents light, and Zekrom represents darkness. The third one would possibly be a void.

Void is somewhat connected to those two.

I remember playing a game where it said that "before there was light and darkness, there was nothing."

another one said, "When light and darkness collide with each other, void will be born."

Void is somewhat colorless... some say it's gray in color. And it's very closely related to light and darkness.

Gray/monochrome/Colorless(LOL) version anyone?
if so then i wont play it. ok, maybe i still will...but gray just sounds so boring and dull and bland etc
Shadow Arceus said:
if so then i wont play it. ok, maybe i still will...but gray just sounds so boring and dull and bland etc

You won't play a game just because of "one minor name/word/spelling that's written in front of the game cover/opening of the game" despite the game bonuses?...just lol...
Actually the people mistook the Zekrom button for reshiram silly people. Zekrom seems like that Pokemon in black and white which i will never get used to like Meguroko or whatever but i've now come around and i actually like that goth chick pokemon even though i didn't like it before.
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