XY Revised Type Chart

Anyone got an explanation for Fight>Steel?

Maybe thats one weakness Steel could lose for gaining another like Electric.

Would help all those Rock combos who have 2 horrifying quad weaknesses (Ground and Fighting), in most cases making their ~200 defenses moot. /sad-aggron-face
^I guess it's the same reason Fighting is strong against Rock and Ice... They're super strong... Strong enough to bend/smash steel...
Erm, Ground? Psychic is super effective against Fighting and Poison, not Ground.
...I had a derp moment lol. Totally blame Nidoking <.< >.>

And it is effective aginst fighting because smarts always beats brute force, and against poison because mind has control over body (ever heard of the placebo effect?).
Brains over brawn is fairly obvious too, but how about poison?

Steel vs Fighting: Steel is dented/broken when hit with super strengthed based attacks, plus, even if it doesn't those vibrations travel through it fairly well and I'd imagine it would hurt like a mother hubber if I was hit by a super powered punch and I happen to be made of a rigid metal rather than elastic muscle/flesh.
Mitja said:
Anyone got an explanation for Fight>Steel?

Maybe thats one weakness Steel could lose for gaining another like Electric.

Would help all those Rock combos who have 2 horrifying quad weaknesses (Ground and Fighting), in most cases making their ~200 defenses moot. /sad-aggron-face

Metalizard pretty much sums up my theory for why Steel is weak to Fighting...

Metalizard said:
^I guess it's the same reason Fighting is strong against Rock and Ice... They're super strong... Strong enough to bend/smash steel...

And Steel being weak to Electric wouldn't make much sense, since Electric can run through metal, but general doesn't damage it, hence Steel taking neutral damage from Electric.

If I were to make changes to the type matchups, I'd probably do the following...

Have Rock hit Fire for neutral damage, because how does a rock defeat fire?

Have Ice hit Steel for neutral damage, because cold metal is weak metal.

Have Ice hit Fire for neutral damage, because melted ice is water.

Have Ice hit Bug for super effective damage, because I'm pretty sure bugs, like reptiles (Dragons), can't stand the cold.

Have Dragon and Bug hit Ice for not very effective damage, because a creature weak to cold shouldn't be able to touch cold ice without being weakened.
Ohman177 said:
J.D. said:
Have Rock hit Fire for neutral damage, because how does a rock defeat fire?

You can smother a fire/put it out with rocks. Pretty obvious.
That'd have to be either a very big rock or a very small fire for that to work... otherwise the fire would just burn around it.

And while we're on the subject, since when did people use rocks to smother fires? I'm pretty sure we use dirt or water to do that... not rocks.
J.D. said:
Ohman177 said:
You can smother a fire/put it out with rocks. Pretty obvious.
That'd have to be either a very big rock or a very small fire for that to work... otherwise the fire would just burn around it.

And while we're on the subject, since when did people use rocks to smother fires? I'm pretty sure we use dirt or water to do that... not rocks.

Rocks plural, they stop the fire getting oxygen so it stops burning. People use sand to put out fires and sand comes from eroded rocks
Hi guys (and dolls) LOL. I'm new to the forum and already posted my friend code in the pertaining forum and added all people in there, hope you add me back.

On the subject, I too hope the type chart is fixed. Ice, poison, grass, maybe bug would you say? All need some sort of upgrade. Hell, even psychic could use another type that's weak against it. Hope GF considered this way before us all and give us a cool surprise.

[private] Edited for typing erros, no PM sent cause he did try I think *Drohn
Hi guys (and dolls) LOL. I'm new to the forum and already posted my find code I the pertaining forum and added all people in there, hope you add me back.

On the subject, I too hope the type chart is fixed. Ice, poison, grass, maybe bug would you say? All need some sott of upgrade. Hell, eveb psychic could use another type that's weak against it. Hope GF considered this way before us all and give us a cool surprise.
J.D. said:
And Steel being weak to Electric wouldn't make much sense, since Electric can run through metal, but general doesn't damage it, hence Steel taking neutral damage from Electric.

Why is Water-type weak to Electric then if not for that reason?

The question is whether Steel-type creatures get harmed by electricity flowing through them, not whether Steel itself is damaged by it.
leecario said:
J.D. said:
That'd have to be either a very big rock or a very small fire for that to work... otherwise the fire would just burn around it.

And while we're on the subject, since when did people use rocks to smother fires? I'm pretty sure we use dirt or water to do that... not rocks.

Rocks plural, they stop the fire getting oxygen so it stops burning. People use sand to put out fires and sand comes from eroded rocks
So a big pile of rocks just chokes out the fire? Yeah, I don't see it... in theory, couldn't you do that with just about anything? Even metal or ice? If you've got enough, you could choke out a fire with something relatively flammable or weak to fire, couldn't you?

And wouldn't sand, as super fine rock, be better compared to dirt, meaning Ground?

Mitja said:
J.D. said:
And Steel being weak to Electric wouldn't make much sense, since Electric can run through metal, but general doesn't damage it, hence Steel taking neutral damage from Electric.

Why is Water-type weak to Electric then if not for that reason?

The question is whether Steel-type creatures get harmed by electricity flowing through them, not whether Steel itself is damaged by it.
Considering electricity can be very harmful to the bodies of living things, and that most living things are made largely of water, I'm pretty sure the idea of electricity damaging liquids makes sense, but how about this instead?

Maybe Electric hits Steel for neutral because metal is inorganic and, in real life, not alive? Can't really imagine a creature with a metallic hide really feeling pain.

Water on the other hand largely embodies fish and other living aquatic creatures, who very much do feel pain.
J.D. said:
Mitja said:
Why is Water-type weak to Electric then if not for that reason?

The question is whether Steel-type creatures get harmed by electricity flowing through them, not whether Steel itself is damaged by it.
Considering electricity can be very harmful to the bodies of living things, and that most living things are made largely of water, I'm pretty sure the idea of electricity damaging liquids makes sense, but how about this instead?

Maybe Electric hits Steel for neutral because metal is inorganic and, in real life, not alive? Can't really imagine a creature with a metallic hide really feeling pain.

Water on the other hand largely embodies fish and other living aquatic creatures, who very much do feel pain.

Skarmory getting hit by electricity looks like it'd pretty much fall out of the sky dead (even moreso because it's flying, but that's just asking for it)

For other pokemon, electric attacks might very well partially miss them, but specifically pokemon made of steel and similar would draw in all of it due to conducting it better than anything else.

Am I really the only one to whom this weakness makes more sense than half of the current type chart?
Steel in pokemon represents metallic matterial, and electronics and computer.

Steel should be weak to Electric due to it conducting electricity and that electricity damages electronics when its in improper use.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
Mitja said:
J.D. said:
Considering electricity can be very harmful to the bodies of living things, and that most living things are made largely of water, I'm pretty sure the idea of electricity damaging liquids makes sense, but how about this instead?

Maybe Electric hits Steel for neutral because metal is inorganic and, in real life, not alive? Can't really imagine a creature with a metallic hide really feeling pain.

Water on the other hand largely embodies fish and other living aquatic creatures, who very much do feel pain.

Skarmory getting hit by electricity looks like it'd pretty much fall out of the sky dead (even moreso because it's flying, but that's just asking for it)

For other pokemon, electric attacks might very well partially miss them, but specifically pokemon made of steel and similar would draw in all of it due to conducting it better than anything else.

Am I really the only one to whom this weakness makes more sense than half of the current type chart?

I approve.

J.D. said:
leecario said:
Rocks plural, they stop the fire getting oxygen so it stops burning. People use sand to put out fires and sand comes from eroded rocks
So a big pile of rocks just chokes out the fire? Yeah, I don't see it... in theory, couldn't you do that with just about anything? Even metal or ice? If you've got enough, you could choke out a fire with something relatively flammable or weak to fire, couldn't you?

And wouldn't sand, as super fine rock, be better compared to dirt, meaning Ground?
People put fire out with dirt which is partially rock. And if you've ever made a campfire from scratch you'd know that a good way to contain the fire is to surround it with rocks.
Ohman177 said:
J.D. said:
So a big pile of rocks just chokes out the fire? Yeah, I don't see it... in theory, couldn't you do that with just about anything? Even metal or ice? If you've got enough, you could choke out a fire with something relatively flammable or weak to fire, couldn't you?

And wouldn't sand, as super fine rock, be better compared to dirt, meaning Ground?
People put fire out with dirt which is partially rock.
Partially rock, but mostly earth, which is what Ground-types encompass, hence Ground-types obvious advantage over Fire.
Ohman177 said:
And if you've ever made a campfire from scratch you'd know that a good way to contain the fire is to surround it with rocks.
Hence Rock-types resistance to Fire, but that doesn't explain how Rock-types are offensively superior.
J.D. said:
Ohman177 said:
People put fire out with dirt which is partially rock.
Partially rock, but mostly earth, which is what Ground-types encompass, hence Ground-types obvious advantage over Fire.
Ohman177 said:
And if you've ever made a campfire from scratch you'd know that a good way to contain the fire is to surround it with rocks.
Hence Rock-types resistance to Fire, but that doesn't explain how Rock-types are offensively superior.

I want you to put fire under ice and some metal, any metal really, and then under a rock, and see what melts fastest.

You can smother a fire with yea anything, but metal and ice and grass are known for being easier to melt/burn than other substances.

The Steel vs Electricity, I can't really explain.
Mitja said:
J.D. said:
And Steel being weak to Electric wouldn't make much sense, since Electric can run through metal, but general doesn't damage it, hence Steel taking neutral damage from Electric.

Why is Water-type weak to Electric then if not for that reason?

The question is whether Steel-type creatures get harmed by electricity flowing through them, not whether Steel itself is damaged by it.

Here is some science to help explain the Water weakness to Electricity and why Steel should NOT be weak to Electric. Electrolysis of water! When an electric current is run through a water molecule, the water molecule is decomposed into 2 oxygen molecules and 2 hydrogen molecules. Of course you would need pure oxygen around the water to perform this but the electricity destroys the bonds of a water molecule!

Metal simply allows electricity to easily pass through it without the metal being damaged at all unless the heat from the electricity is extremely high but that is an extremely rare case even for lightning strikes. So it makes no sense for Steel to be weak to Electric but it makes sense for Water to be.

Also since I'm here now I'll throw my two cents in this! I never understood Poison's weakness to Psychic. Someone told me mind over matter a few years ago but doesn't that mean Psychic should resist Poison but not be super-effective against it? Never made sense to me.

Water becomes bad when polluted and Poison is deluded by water so I think Water should be weak to Poison and Poison should be weak to Water.

Fighting types should be weak to Poison as well because I don't care how physically strong you make your body, a lethal dose of Arsenic or Carbon Monoxide (poisons) will kill you! I mean, even Superman is weakened by Kryptonite (a poisonous rock)

I'm not sure why Dark is weak to Bug.
Not sure why Grass is weak to Flying.
J.D. said:
Ohman177 said:
And if you've ever made a campfire from scratch you'd know that a good way to contain the fire is to surround it with rocks.
Hence Rock-types resistance to Fire, but that doesn't explain how Rock-types are offensively superior.

I'd assume being able to contain something and put it out would make you strong against it.

jstar21 said:
Water becomes bad when polluted and Poison is deluded by water so I think Water should be weak to Poison and Poison should be weak to Water.

Fighting types should be weak to Poison as well because I don't care how physically strong you make your body, a lethal dose of Arsenic or Carbon Monoxide (poisons) will kill you! I mean, even Superman is weakened by Kryptonite (a poisonous rock)

I'm not sure why Dark is weak to Bug.
Not sure why Grass is weak to Flying.

Water weak to poison: Always thought this and was shocked when I found out it wasn't true. Like come on, really?
Fighting weak to poison: I think they should be strong against it because the more physically fit you are, the more you can handle of a substance compared to the average person.
Dark weak to bug: If you think about it, this one is even more confusing. Dark is actually "evil type" so how bugs fit in is beyond me.
Grass weak to flying: basically "CAN'T TOUCH THIS!"
jstar21 said:
Mitja said:
Why is Water-type weak to Electric then if not for that reason?

The question is whether Steel-type creatures get harmed by electricity flowing through them, not whether Steel itself is damaged by it.

Here is some science to help explain the Water weakness to Electricity and why Steel should NOT be weak to Electric. Electrolysis of water! When an electric current is run through a water molecule, the water molecule is decomposed into 2 oxygen molecules and 2 hydrogen molecules. Of course you would need pure oxygen around the water to perform this but the electricity destroys the bonds of a water molecule!

Metal simply allows electricity to easily pass through it without the metal being damaged at all unless the heat from the electricity is extremely high but that is an extremely rare case even for lightning strikes. So it makes no sense for Steel to be weak to Electric but it makes sense for Water to be.

Do you think that was the actual reasoning behind it?
Also if it was about "what's damaged when electricity runs through it", then why is Grass resisting Electric?

/on repeat
It's not metal that I'm saying should be weak to electricity, we are talking about POKEMON that are Steel type.

But lets try the other one. Why is Flying weak to Electric?
Mitja said:
Do you think that was the actual reasoning behind it?
Also if it was about "what's damaged when electricity runs through it", then why is Grass resisting Electric?

/on repeat
It's not metal that I'm saying should be weak to electricity, we are talking about POKEMON that are Steel type.

But lets try the other one. Why is Flying weak to Electric?

Grass resists because it's rooted to the Earth so electricity won't affect it.
EX: Bellsprout from the anime.
Flying is weak to electric because pokemon that are high up in the sky are more likely to be hit by lightening/are easier targets.
Mitja said:
jstar21 said:
Here is some science to help explain the Water weakness to Electricity and why Steel should NOT be weak to Electric. Electrolysis of water! When an electric current is run through a water molecule, the water molecule is decomposed into 2 oxygen molecules and 2 hydrogen molecules. Of course you would need pure oxygen around the water to perform this but the electricity destroys the bonds of a water molecule!

Metal simply allows electricity to easily pass through it without the metal being damaged at all unless the heat from the electricity is extremely high but that is an extremely rare case even for lightning strikes. So it makes no sense for Steel to be weak to Electric but it makes sense for Water to be.

Do you think that was the actual reasoning behind it?
Also if it was about "what's damaged when electricity runs through it", then why is Grass resisting Electric?

/on repeat
It's not metal that I'm saying should be weak to electricity, we are talking about POKEMON that are Steel type.

But lets try the other one. Why is Flying weak to Electric?

The logic of saying that you aren't talking about metal but about Pokemon that are Steel type doesn't make sense. We have to use real life applications in order to make some sense of this stuff. That's like asking why splashing water on a Fire type hurts it because they aren't literally fire or asking why throwing mud on an Electric type hurts it...it's just mud...wash it off!

Also, I gave you the perfect reason for why Water is weak to Electric. You can question if GF used that as the reason or not but I think they actually put some level of thought into it and probably did look to science so it could make sense when it comes to the elemental typings.

And like it was already said, Flying type is Bird type in Japan and Birds make themselves vulnerable to lightning because they are usually in the sky making them easy targets.