SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Megaman? I don't think he's gonna make it in...I don't know why I just don't think he will make it.

Plus his name is really stupid and unoriginal...That doesn't have anything to do with it though...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
Megaman? I don't think he's gonna make it in...I don't know why I just don't think he will make it.

Plus his name is really stupid and unoriginal...That doesn't have anything to do with it though...

^Wow, 2000th post.

The Mew that WAS Cute said:
Now, would he say that if he spoiled characters himself? No!
That's right, all the characters spoiled so far are the characters you begin with, no exceptions, although I had my doubts about Dedede, the fact that you start with Bowser makes it all logical. So, well, for all we know, a bunch extra characters could still be in. Ok, I guess this all seemed logical anyways, but with that quote I have some evidence to back it up :)

I really, really hope that you are right. I've been kinda thinking that for a while, but yeah, haven't had anything to back it up. So YAY!

I was considering not visiting the Dojo and this thread until Brawl's release, as to not spoiler charcters, like CM, but nah, I don't think I'll do that.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Geno for brawl!

Megaman would share a B move at max with samus, megaman has has so many games that it would be near impossible not to fin a moveset for him.

Well, I guess my hidden characters theory might just be right, and it might also be the reason why they stopped spoiling characters, because we now have what might be the complete list of starting characters.

Game and Watch must be back, not because he was good, but because he was the character with the most original animations, every game and watch game had been included in his attacks or movements, which was just awesome.

I thought Game and Watch was not going to be in the game. Anyway I don't think he will come back but there is still a chance it could happen and yes I do want Mewtwo in the game but I don't think he will because he is the best Pokemon of all besides Mew.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wait... Is dojo putting up secret characters too?


its just so not fair...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

OMG, no freaking way, i typed a gigantic rant, click the wrong button and now it's all freaking gone :mad:

Seriously, what the freak is freaking wrong with freaking Nintendo, I mean, region codes, WTH? The thing can't even freaking play DVDs yet, yet the discs are programmed in exactly the same way. And that's not freaking all, no, we don't only have to wait a month or even HALF A YEAR long for some games, oh no, we also get WAY over-priced. We get exactly the same price in euros as America gets in Dollars, The Euro is now worth more than 1.5 dollars, so we pay 50% more, FIFTY PERCENT, a Wii? $250 -> $375. And not only for the Wii, also for games, Wii points, and other stupid, over-priced gadgets. It's like the enjoy dumping the worse versions of their games here at higher prices.
And what's freaking up with HALF A YEAR, PBR should have been out only A DAY ago, I don't know because I haven't bough it yet, that's right, PBR, the game all of you already forgot about, we only just got it. It's like they're freaking trying to isolate us from the rest of the world. NO WAY does it take SIX FREAKING MONTHS to change a freaking region code on a freaking disc, there is just NO FREAKING WAY.
I have no idea why Nintendo feels the need to be all funny like this and annoying the heck out of people who actually know about the freaking existence of America, because this is just going too far, why can't we freaking enjoy the games when America gets them? What's wrong with us? Don't we give them enough money? HELL NO, we pay them almost double. I guess for some reason Nintendo just hates Europe. C'mon, look at special codes for games, it takes a WHILE YEAR after the release of the American code before the code for the European game is given, IF it is even given.

Yes, I'm angry, and can you blame me?

Seriously, though, that's it, I'm getting myself an American Wii, power converter and I'm going to buy all my games through ebay, it's cheaper and faster... No, that should be logical.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well heavenly spoon:F here is something that might make you feel a wii(get it?)bit better:
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Why should it? I'll know the hidden characters SIX MONTHS ahead anyways...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

...-_-, curse you mr smash man, curse you... AFTER JUNE?! WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?!!! ZZOOOOOMG!!!
:), anyway, game and watch must return, and, Ridley has a good chance too.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, I tried. But this is sooooooooo unfair on us Europeans
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

windwaker link would be such a cool character. he could be completely different form TP link too

B: Mirror Shield-Reflects projectile attacks, can move forward while using it, B again to put it away only works in direction you are facing

<-/-> + B: Parry attack, link rolls behind or jumps over an opponent and strikes them

down +b: hurricane spin- hold to charge up, and spin at opponents (think rollout with a sword)

up +b: grappling hook. works for tether recovery

Smash attacks

Up+A: sword thrust: link stabs up with his sword

Down + A: Skull hammer- links slams down his skull hammer...masasive knockback

Side+A: Jump Attack- Link uses his jump attack

i'll add the rest later i gotta go now

Final Smash: Wind Waker
link jumps into the background and conducts with the windwaker (can conduct only one song per final smash
Use the C-stick to play melodies. different melodies do different things
Song of Passing- Makes Stage pitch black
Wind's Requiem- Causes fierce winds to blow across the stage (and can blow character off stage if they aren't running in the opposite direction. control direction with the control stick. switch directions to blow opponents off stage
Ballad of Gales-a giant Cyclone appears onstage. control with control stick
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh, yeah, another character with a grappling hook and sword, wow.

Rollout with sword? :S
And yet another sword-spinning attack...

And those moves might as well be Marth's and you know it, they're too farfetch'd, like I told you all they'd be, because objectively, any link should get bombs and a boomerang.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i'm not sure about you guys but it hink the ice climbers might be secret! even look on picture #4 of the battle with anyone on wifi update. and not to mention pictuer #7&8 yoshi and meta knight's new colour (ok so yoshi isn't that new).
woops (accidently pressed enter on post). i think megaman could be a character but none of that megaman jack in stuff, just the basic fire, ice, razor & etc mans. yeah that would be cool and his FS would be like the robo pooch but it like eats everybody. and what's with Pity Final Smash. does this mean they will be updating everyone again or does something else happen.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow, c-m's mad. o.o

But I don't blame him. If I lived in Europe, I'd feel the same way. Nintendo's just out for money; they don't care about what the people think or anything like that (like most businesses)....
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Mere words cannot express my anger at nintendo.

But I'll give it a shot anyway.


Geez, they dribble away information bit by bit, know full well this is possibly the most anticipated game for the wii ever, and only now do they tell us this. How on earth can it take an extra four months (at the least) when rivals Sony and Microsoft manage worldwide releases in mere weeks?

Nintendo... stfu.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

C-M is starting to take this a bit seriously XD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i couldn't care less...if i have to, i'll buy it in japan or usa...i'm not gonna wait an extra 4 months before i can play it...i may not be the smartest person around, but i'm not stupid or crazy enough to wait for it that long.....i'm gonna buy my wii over ebay, just like the ssbb game....and maybe a few others mario strikers charged etc...

i'm both angry and disappointed...i can't even begin to imagine how it is possible they can release in both japan and usa almost simultaniously (or however it is spelled) and have nothing in stock for europe...

bah, it seems to be typical for nintendo...leaving europe out in the cold for a periode...the do it with the TCG's and with games alike...morons....

well, i'll keep checking the ssbb site, and if it is true (it's just a rumour for now as far as i'm concerned) they should mention it on the site...just like they mentioned the delay till february....
if anybody finds a link to a vid where the dude of nintendo himself says it will be released after june in europe, post it here please...there will only be 3 ways that i believe it: anouncement on the ssbb-site...or a vid where he says it on...or an article signed with his name on a registered and trustworthy news-site...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

If you buy an American Wii to run on a European system, you'll need a power converter and a TV which can decode NTSC signals... Yes, I looked it up.
It is also advised that you wait until the DVD-playing version is out, so you'll be able to buy and play American DVDs.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Does this mean the game is still coming out in February or is the change for Europeans only? I hope the date is not changing again but I can understand if they need more time. If they do they probably will need as much time as they need to make it the best game ever.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Did anyone besides me notice that Corocoro said they would be releasing the full character lists for SSBB on December 15th?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ok ok, so i won't buy an american one, i'll just search ebay for some1 in my neighbourhood who is selling his or her wii :p
but ssbb is definitly coming from america :d
but i'm gonna ask around in the game mania etc first, they sometimes have games not released in europe yet (yes they just order em in usa or so :p) and if the price is decent, i'll buy it there (i have a customer card of it after all :d)

i'm still outraged, but i still refuse to accept it as terms were clear i think :d:p


ps: yes i saw they were going to release the full char list on dec15