SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Japan has the same coding for DVDs, NTSC, Europe has PAL. And, ehhh, Japan gets Brawl before America anyways, like most games. I don't see the need for modchips in your case, Japanese TV? Get a Japanese Wii, it's as simple as that, you're not controlled by region code, and you obviously don't know what it's like...

I know the dangers of modchips, which is why I'm going to play this as safe as possible, but no way am I waiting 4 to 6 months, you honestly don't know how it feels to hear everybody talk about the game, organizing online battles, and so on, whilst you still have to wait. And it's not like it's "oh, have a bit of patience", because 2 months is long enough, 4 or even SIX, that's what I call way too long. And getting hidden characters spoiled all over the place isn't actually what I call fun... "ZOMG, I got da megaman!", "yah, wll i got geno an he b liek da stoopid wooodn poppet!" "zomg may ubar ridleyy wil beetz u all!"... BTW, Nintendo wanted region codes, so obviously Nintendo wanted modchips or didn't know what it was doing, either way, it's their problem. 2 options, region free Wii or early release date for SSBB.

And just for the record, I don't approve the use of modchips in any way, I just disapprove Nintendo's stupid idea to add region codes...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

HS just change your Wii to code for Japan. Thay better not have fixed the coding for that.

Rotation is pretty cool. No hassle with fighting over who's next and the controller options stay, so that's great for easy access for rotating around.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Japan has the same coding for DVDs, NTSC, Europe has PAL. And, ehhh, Japan gets Brawl before America anyways, like most games. I don't see the need for modchips in your case, Japanese TV? Get a Japanese Wii, it's as simple as that, you're not controlled by region code, and you obviously don't know what it's like...

I know the dangers of modchips, which is why I'm going to play this as safe as possible, but no way am I waiting 4 to 6 months, you honestly don't know how it feels to hear everybody talk about the game, organizing online battles, and so on, whilst you still have to wait. And it's not like it's "oh, have a bit of patience", because 2 months is long enough, 4 or even SIX, that's what I call way too long. And getting hidden characters spoiled all over the place isn't actually what I call fun... "ZOMG, I got da megaman!", "yah, wll i got geno an he b liek da stoopid wooodn poppet!" "zomg may ubar ridleyy wil beetz u all!"... BTW, Nintendo wanted region codes, so obviously Nintendo wanted modchips or didn't know what it was doing, either way, it's their problem. 2 options, region free Wii or early release date for SSBB.

And just for the record, I don't approve the use of modchips in any way, I just disapprove Nintendo's stupid idea to add region codes...

Trust me I know what it feels like. I got myself a japanese Wii, thinking that they will get some good game here. But boy was I wrong. I was so mad to find out about all the games that were coming out in America but to find out hardly any of them came out over here. And when I heard they were getting Spiderman 3 here, I was excited but it turns out they only got it for the PS3 and PS2. Not the Wii. Yeah they just now got Spiderman 3 here. So thats why I traded my Wii and all my games in and got myself an American one. BTW, there is a much bigger game selection for the American Wii than the Japanese. They dont even have 100 games out here yet!

Anyways, no new updates yet. I just want to see another character released soon before I go nuts.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Doesn't the final liast come in 3 days? If they're going to put someone in they better think fast.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
Doesn't the final liast come in 3 days? If they're going to put someone in they better think fast.

Yeah but we dont even know if corocoro will release the list like they say they will.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Corocoro? Is that like a site for it because I just look at the dojo that comes up on google.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It's the magazine which spoils everything :p

Region codes are discrimination and against the international trade laws, that's right, it SHOULD be illegal. They actually have actually be sued numerous times...
BBC said:
Nintendo has been fined 149m euros (UKP92.1m) by the European Commission
for trying to rig the computer game market.


The fines follow a two-year probe by the commission into claims that
Nintendo prevented distributors from selling goods from low-cost countries
in states where prices were higher.

Prices of Nintendo products were up to 65% higher in Germany or the
Netherlands than in Britain.

"Every year, millions of European families spend large amounts of money on
video games," Competition Commissioner Mario Monti said.

They have the right to buy the games and consoles at the lowest price the
market can possibly offer.


So you see, I'm fighting injustice, as whatever I'll be using will only be used to by-pass the region code, I won't use it to play ROMs or whatever.

Bonsly, "So that's why I traded my Wii and all my games in and got myself an American one", have you even been listening to what I said? We have a different plug, different TV-coding system, ... It's not as easy as that, it just isn't. I honestly can't do that, unless you are willing to buy me a new TV, of course...

And there's no "thinking some games will be out", no, there's a "I know they'll be out, I'll just have to wait half a year before it is, to then buy it a higher price than US's release price, so at more than 4 times the current price in the US, probably more, and there's nothing I can do about it."
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It looks like they are slowing down because all that is there is the option mode which has not changed that much but there are a few changes to the option menu. Sound test is no longer unlockable. It is already there.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i justed looked it up, and i think my tv can decode american stuff :d:d
ofcourse, to be sure, i should test it...but i'm not gonna do that :d:p

i think i'll drop by at my local electronics-store and ask around, and if i can play american wii on my tv, i will do it!

and options? i couldn't care less...the only options i have used on ssbm were reset why shud i need em on ssbb? (except for button settings perhaps...)

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Slow couple of weeks for the Dojo; they've resorted to bringing up the Options again. :F

I wanna blow them up. :p

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow, this is one boring update that I actually liked.

W00T W00T you can choose several Animal Crossing songs like The Roost and stuff! And, there's the Battle Theme for Ruby and Sapphire!

Good... The Sound Test is available from the beginning!

Hey... Did anyone else notice that he didn't announce what the "Vault" is...? Hmmm....

Wow... The Ice Climber music is great.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
Slow couple of weeks for the Dojo; they've resorted to bringing up the Options again. :F

I wanna blow them up. :p

dmaster out.

Now that they have another 8 weeks or so they will be dragging their feet because also the holidays are about 2 and 3 weeks away. We will not see sweet updates until January because they don't want to spoil everything before the end of the year. Expect slowness for the next 3 or 4 weeks.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

People would be Brawling right now if they didn't deylay it.And they would alot more money if it was out right now because of the holidays and Christmas.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

This update is a sweet one. Check out the Mario Kart Mario Circuit stage. It looks pretty awesome but the karts can cause damage if you are hit.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It looks like Mute City stage to me. (Where is Captain Falcon!)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, indeed, it's kinda like mute city....
but now you just fight on a crossroads, instead of moving around the terrain...
i like the part where you can smash the karts :d:d:p

maybe they'll give some sweet updates for christmas an new-year...i would like that :d:p
like a sort of present or something:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

A good one would be a Character nobody expects, that will revolutionize the Smash World.:p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Like Sonic^?? They already revolutionized Smash Bros. players with that announcement. Do you want it delayed even further??

The Mario Circuit stage looks cool. It's pretty much a different take on the fateful F-Zero Stage and the Onnett Stage, but the concept is still the same. Karts ram into you, but you can also hit them back. This particular stage doesn't show any other way to stop the karts, besides hitting them. They also jump over you, that picture was cool.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It was well worth the time it took for Sonic and Yoshi. Remember they had to buy the rights before they could use Sonic in the game and I imagine it took a long time to get them.:) EDIT. Check out Stafly and Waluigi's assist trophies. They look pretty cool but Stafly is super rare and weak too.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i don't really know about that weak seems that, if you attack spits fire over you that probably hurt quite a bit...look at the last picture to see what i mean...
i must admit i like waluigi as an AT :p
hey luigi: i'm gonna smash you with my racket!! :p lollololololol
