SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxxashxxx: will you finally learn to use punctuation in sentences? your lines are hardly readable...

ok, that vid was proof that jiggly's in. why? she asked which character he would like to beat up that is in, he mentioning jiggly means jiggly will be in, and that he wants to kick it around the place...

and if jiggly would go out, i think it's a great loss for the game, 'cause jiggly was unique...there wasn't any other character that could do anything like him (or recover from as far as him)

i still hope, if they remove mewtwo (and chances are getting bigger every day) they introduce lucario...

i like the idea of ssbb having a good storyline,in stead of just going from one stage to another, you have to follow the events...i don't mind that:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That vid is not proof, it might be but he could be thinking of melee characters.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.




Just kidding. This is fake. I found it on deviantART. And I just noticed the date's wrong. lol who cares.

Were you fooled? At all? :< If only it weren't all a lie...

And you guys, Jigglypuff is in. Before you guys go saying he's out, I want you guys to list three RELEVANT REASONS to back up your claim. If it's "cuz he sucks," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz [insert character here] pwns her," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz hes not on the dojo," YOU FAIL.

Good reasons. Or don't post your stupidness.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
OOOOO I hope they bring back Pokéfloats :D
I hates pokefloats. It was the one area that I just wouldn't battle in.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

z-man said:
I hates pokefloats. It was the one area that I just wouldn't battle in.

I stated my reasons for that before, it's just such an impossible stage, it's more about survival than it is about battling.

Oh, c'mon, there's no evidence for Jiggly not being it (but there are hints towards her being in), there's no character which even looks slightly like her, and there's no reason whatsoever why they should remove her. Plus, she has a large fanbase. And she's one of the few girl(-like) characters, removing her would be genderism :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Before you guys go saying he's out, I want you guys to list three RELEVANT REASONS to back up your claim. If it's "cuz he sucks," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz [insert character here] pwns her," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz hes not on the dojo," YOU FAIL.

Reason Number One: They've already gone kinda overkill on the Pokémon with the whole Pokémon Trainer thing...

Reason Number Two: The reason they delayed the game until February 10th because they wanted to make the best they could with the most variety.

Reason Number Three: Coz he's no in the dojo :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
Reason Number One: They've already gone kinda overkill on the Pokémon with the whole Pokémon Trainer thing...

That's no reason to remove Jigglypuff.

Reason Number Two: The reason they delayed the game until February 10th because they wanted to make the best they could with the most variety.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games delayed Brawl, not Jigglypuff.

Reason Number Three: Coz he's no in the dojo :F

I should hit you with a pillow you where you stand.

No killing on the forums. Thank you. ~ Amt
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Whats the point of you asking for reasons? Even if they make sense your going to turn them back in our face >_>

:O PMJ is going to kill me :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I ask because everyone seems to think they're some kind of an expert at what characters are in or not so I wanna hear your reasoning so I can make you realize how ridiculous you're sounding.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You reasons were:
1 New Pokémon characters doesn't making not removing another overkill, Pokémon trainer was added to add more diversity, and to implement more Pokémon characters, why make a character with more than one Pokémon if you're going to remove the other Pokémon? Didn't they want to add more characters?

Only Kirby is SLIGHTLY similar to her, and that only because of the many jumps, but Kirby is completely different move-wise, just because they're both pink puffs doesn't mean they're both the same. How are you adding more variety when you remove original characters?

Oh, yeah, the characters on the dojo are the only ones in the game... I should stab you where you stand :S

Good reasons? :S
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well I gave you three reeasons ad I don't think I sound stupid >_>
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ok, I believe you, jiggly's out for no good reason whatsoever, and her entire fanbase is left without even a decent replacement.

Happy now?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Actually CM did a very good job of making you sound stupid :p
The only replacement would be.... Drifloon, which is in Pokemon Stadium so thats not in.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Do people enjoy trying to make me look stupid today? -_-
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

one thing is for sure luigi is in the game. remeber the title of the first smash gmae on the N64??? super smash BROS. when they add C.Falcon i wonder what his FS will be like. What will all six of the Pokemon Trainer's colours will look like.

Haha i sound like someone who has too many questions. (i was just gone for a long time) how much you wanna bet Jiggly's FS will be Perish Song?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, interesting idea for a jiggly to guess what the effect would be in ssbb? i'm guessing like: everybody has 20 more seconds, and then they receive x-amount of dmg or they get blasted of the stage or something...or a combination of both:p

about jiggly being in or not...
i'll give you 5 good reasons why he WILL/SHOULD be in, and if you can name equal or more reasons for why he won't be in, then we can argue about other stuff, otherwise, if nobody can come up with equal or more GOOD reasons, then shut up and wait until dojo says anything...

reason 1: diversity: as i said before: jiggly is unique...always has been, and always will be...
and isn't that basic of having a great diversity in the game? it's not because it's another Pokémon that it's overkill...i think EVERY Pokémon in the game (pokéball-Pokémon and PC's alike) add to the diversity, because of their differences.

reason 2: jiggly IS a good char, if in the right hands ofcourse...just like every char they ever don't go saying it's a bad char or gets pwned by some other char just because YOU can't play with it...jiggly is freakin strong IF used right

reason 3: fanbase: jiggly has a huge fanbase WORLDWIDE...they would be real morons if they would remove it...

reason 4: i'm gonna use this to counter the following statement: "jiggly won't be in, 'cause he's not mentioned on the dojo."
that is major crap...i mean: ganon hasn't been announced yet either, but everybody who is sound of mind knows he has to be in, or the triforce isn't complete...that would be like cutting out bowser from the original trio mario-peach-bowser (the original trio, luigi didn't join until later in the gameseries)
i don't think they'll confirm any secret character...they would spoil the whole gme if they did...maybe they'll confirm the new secret chars, at most. but the older chars who will be secret won't be confirmed i think...ofcourse, i'm only human, so i can be wrong.

reason 5: jiggly has been in it from the beginning...removing him would be like removing any char that was in the original ssb...

i also fully agree with PMJ and C-M. they are trying to make everybody else give decent reasons why jiggly won't/wouldn't be in, and all i have seen are stupid egocentric reasons...all reasons given up 'till now are personal reasons, not reasons based on facts, vids, interviews or whatsoever (i know, i'm no saint at that point...)
the reasons i have given why he SHOULD be in are (in my opinion) decent reasons, based on stuff said,written or opinions from people from all over the world...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i hope they add something good tomorrow and the day after and 9 days from now
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Oh, c'mon, there's no evidence for Jiggly not being it (but there are hints towards her being in), there's no character which even looks slightly like her, and there's no reason whatsoever why they should remove her. Plus, she has a large fanbase. And she's one of the few girl(-like) characters, removing her would be genderism :O


Round pink thing?




Ok, but yes, no arguments for booting Jigglypuff out of brawl have convinced me, and the only way I see her not being included is if a very similar Character steals her spot (Like Lucas replacing Ness, if you want to believe that).

PMJ you so fooled me with that Daisy thing. Ewwwwww.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Reasons supporting Jigglypuff's inclusion are just as irrelevant as reasons supporting giving him the axe.

Before you go asking why Jigglypuff should be included, you should probably ask yourself why Jigglypuff should be excluded in the first place.

What's that? You can't think of any reasons that make sense?

Neither can I. :(

I'm done trying to defend this, first match I do on wifi is gonna be Jigglypuff vs some random Jigglypuff hater and they're gonna get creamed. >:[