SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
Fingers Crossed for not Jigglypuff :O
Oh, now you're just trying to annoy people, can't you for once be not the self-centered egoist you are and maybe consider the fact that there are people alive who indeed like Jigglypuff, seriously, that is so very cold-hearted of you, and that a day before Christmas...

Actually, Wario having the outfit change might disconfirm Daisy more (don't kill me), as she might as well be an alternative outfit of Peach, with 5 or 6 dresses of her own but keeping her Brown hair... Maybe even getting a different fruit when using the final smash :O

This also makes it possible for Pokémon Trainer to have the RSE and or the DP outfit, again in different colours, the Pokémons don't have to be different, though, as using Blue FR/LG trainer and Sapphire RSE trainer would just result in Sapphire's Pokémon being slightly brighter. But, well, RSE/DP trainers with the RBY starters? :S
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
z-man said:
I hates pokefloats. It was the one area that I just wouldn't battle in.

I stated my reasons for that before, it's just such an impossible stage, it's more about survival than it is about battling.

Don't be so cold hearted the day before Christmas :O Maybe some people want this stage in.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

purple pokemon would be sweet. and hey check out the new update (not wario). it's sweeter then the kick ars presents i'm getting this year, and yes i am looking into the future and no i do not peak!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
z-man said:
I hates pokefloats. It was the one area that I just wouldn't battle in.

I stated my reasons for that before, it's just such an impossible stage, it's more about survival than it is about battling.

Don't be so cold hearted the day before Christmas :O Maybe some people want this stage in.
Where did I say "ZMG REmOVE POkEY FLoATz BeCAUse IT SUx!!!!"?
I disliked the stage and would have rather had a more Pokémon-based stage in Melee, I could care less about it possibly returning to Brawl (I won't use it anyways). And I did state reasons for disliking it, and for why I'd rather have had another Pokémon-based stage. There are probably people who like the stage, but not me, but the more stages the better, I guess, so if Sakurai feels the need and finds enough storage to add it, why not?

But it probably won't be in, and, contra try to you, I have at least semi-decent arguments:

1) It only has Pokémon from the 1st 2 gens, so either they completly change the stage, or add a stage just for the sake of using the exact same stage again. I actually think the stage was added just to add more Pokémon, as there were no Wooper, porygon, squirtle and so on in the Pokéballs. They might use the concept again, but not the same Pokémon. Sakurai even said that some re-used stages would be slightly different.

2) Squirtle as a playable character and a field object? Yeah right...

2 Reasons which surpass your anti-jiggly reasons in every single way.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I don't remember saying "ZMG REmOVE POkEY FLoATz BeCAUse IT SUx!!" -_- All I remember saying was "fingers crossed for not Jigglytuff :O" If your going to quote me do it right Grinch.
See I just poked a hole right in all of your logic :O How do you like?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Sigh... not a very good christmas update was it. Well, Merry Christams everyone!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Nope, not all that great of an update. It's Sonic's Final Smash, which we've known about forever.

...That Angel Island music sounds nothing like the Angel Island music I remember. ;p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i think it's the angel island in the sonic gba series game... i'm not sure has been a while since i've last played it...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well this final smash was kinda preedictable...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

We may have known about it forever, but now we officially know about it and how it works. We all saw him transform in his introduction video, so while I do agree that it's something that all the Dojo's followers saw coming, I'd rather see it and know how it works for sure than just speculating from a video.

I like the music. And it's written pretty clearly that it's from Sonic & Knuckles 3, not whatever silly game you mentioned.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

oops, didn't read the last part very well..
yes it is very clear from which game it is, namely sonic 3 on sega...
that is where knuckles first appeared, and made sonic 3 hell....
my bad, sorry :d:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Music's cool, Wario's costumes are wicked. (Too many costumes OMG!!) I'm playing with him in my first day of getting the game. Sonic's FS we have already seen, Super Sonic. Golden and powerful, but dodgeable. Overall, pretty good updates for Christmas.

Kirby's suits are awesome. Snake and Samus Kirby suits are the most notable standouts. I wish they would've shown Wario and Squirtle/Pit from the front, but again, I can't wait to play as Kirby.

Subspace Emissary Movie was just a compilation of some old strewn-together movies and some new footage. Pretty good; it makes it like a real movie in a theatre.:)

New Metroid stage looks cool, Team Healer is pretty interesting and useful, in co-op battles. The Mother song is awesome, as well.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

On super smash brothers, the adventure mode. Cool! I think I've changed my mind about who I'm going to play as. Mario! Could anybody give me some details on the adventure mode?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check out Sonic's final Smash. It looks pretty sweet. I for got to post about it last night. It looks like it will do some good damage too.:) EDIT. Check out the trophy stands. You can capture the bosses as trophies in the Subspace Emissary. It is like capturing a Pokemon. You weaken it so it has barely nothing and then throw a trophy stand IF you have it. Oh it will not be easy as pie either.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol, so you can do this to petey, bowser, etc too...
this is gonna be fun, but first gotta find a trophy stand :p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Officially confirmed are:
Collectible trophies
Rayquaza as official boss

Oh, well, this seems like a drag, catching the bosses seems so hard to do :S
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i wonder if this will be a multiplayer item because after a guy is at like 300% and still on the stage, then you throw on of the stands at him, he turns into a trophy and you can trow him like an item or finish him with or without mercy!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Meh, I'm not going to use it on the bosses the first time through. Takes out the fun. Although, it is a really interesting item.

Did you notice that in the screenshot where Peach and Kirby are battling that.... Mamoswine looking thing, that it's Peach and Kirby (;f)? My guess is that if you rescue Peach at the beginning (because remember, you can choose between Zelda or Peach to rescue with Kirby), this is where you go.

Wow, Rayquaza has a big HP meter.

Hey... The Primid have Smash Attacks?! Could this possibly mean...? =O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Anyone else notice that getting these trophies is done in a manner identical to capturing Pokemon?

Anyway, having this as a multiplayer item would be kinda cool, I suppose, as a way to get all the character trophies, but I think having it auto-kill your opponent is broken. I think just tossing at them and having a little message appear saying something like "You got the Wario-Man trophy!" would suffice, maybe make your opponent flinch so the item's not completely battle-useless. Having a few trophies only unlockable in this manner would be kinda neat and add some difficulty to the game.

HP meter means nothing. How much damage do your attacks take off is a whole 'nother story. Perhaps the HP meter stays the same and the amount of HP it represents changes based on the difficulty? I think that's the case.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It is like catching a pokemon. Weaken first, then throw the Trophy Stand. Rayquaza is officialy a boss, and the enemies have Smash attacks. Must kill Primids.

dmaster out.