SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

... Wow... such a one-sided discussion. ;p

Jiggly IS going to be in, and we are going to dance around an empty match-box and rejoice because of it, yada yada yada.

You know.... I was using Jiggly the other night, and I found that I'm quite good with her...him... whatever. I was beating lv. 9 computers with it. Of course... they're computers, but meh.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Even though jigglypuff's inclusion in the game would be fun (pokeball, most likely), I see no point in doing it. They have enough pokemon already.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Jigglypuff was in the first two games and has no clones at ALL (Kirby doesn't even come close), so please tell me a good reason why Jigglypuff should be removed.

And chances are we're getting Lucario too, so deal with it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Just because it was in the first one doesn't mean it HAS to be in the next one.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Okay in my defence, (not that anyone was attacking me) I never said Jigglypuff wasnt going to be in. I just said I would prefer her not to be in. I never ever said that she wouldnt be in.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:



Just kidding. This is fake. I found it on deviantART. And I just noticed the date's wrong. lol who cares.

Were you fooled? At all? :< If only it weren't all a lie...

And you guys, Jigglypuff is in. Before you guys go saying he's out, I want you guys to list three RELEVANT REASONS to back up your claim. If it's "cuz he sucks," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz [insert character here] pwns her," YOU FAIL. If it's "cuz hes not on the dojo," YOU FAIL.

Good reasons. Or don't post your stupidness.

Liar,Liar, Pants on Fire, Hanging from a telephone wire. LOL Well it does look real but it is indeed fake but it was a good Post PMJ.:) How do you know that Jigglypuff is in the game?:) EDIT. Check out Wario's costumes. They look pretty cool!!!!!:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They claim that just because it was mentioned in a video of the person who does the voice of Snake. He said he would like to just beat up Jigglypuff because the person asked him which one he would lik to beat up. So now c-m is taking that as total proof that Jigglypuff is in even though that isn't proof in the least. It was mention in a youtube video >_> Anything could be a lie.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
They claim that just because it was mentioned in a video of the person who does the voice of Snake. He said he would like to just beat up Jigglypuff because the person asked him which one he would lik to beat up. So now c-m is taking that as total proof that Jigglypuff is in even though that isn't proof in the least. It was mention in a youtube video >_> Anything could be a lie.

indeed the voice of snake was asked which character THAT IS IN SSBB would he like to beat up... the one posing the questions mentioned the game, and he (the voice of snake) replies: "pikachu or jigglypuff"... THAT is why we take that as proof...
go watch the vid if you don't believe what i around 8.00 you'll hear the question (i think, i could be was somewhere halfway through the vid)

wow, wario gets 12 costumes.....big deal, almost nobody is gonna use him probably...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

What a waste of an update....

Well Christmas is tomorrow, I hope dojo give us a good Christmas present (fingers crossed for Lucario).
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Me too. Any other pokemon or characters that anybody else would prefer in the game?
And psycho_trainer, I plan on using wario. That or meta knight. :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

metaknight is understandable...but wario? my guess is he will be something like mr game&watch in ssbm...were you a g&w-player?
anyways, i will try him out myself...i sincerely wonder how he handles...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Waste of an update? ARE YOU NUTS? This is the coolest update I have seen in a long time.

Why, you ask?

As most of you may know, Peach has an alternate outfit that looks just like Daisy. It hasn't been showcased on the Dojo, but in some videos you will see Peach performing her final Smash dressed as Daisy. It's pretty heartbreaking for a Daisy fan like me knowing that he'll never see his favorite girl in action because of some other character who looks just like her.

Now on to why this update is so cool. Some people said that Mario has an old-school Wario outfit, and with Wario in the game, that could make it possible that Daisy is in too (even though Peach has a Daisy outfit). No, I said, that won't work, because Wario's outfit is different. In order for Daisy to stand even a ghost of a chance, Wario would have to get his old-school clothes back.

And he just did.



Same outfit. GG.

Daisy for Brawl.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
Silver said:
They claim that just because it was mentioned in a video of the person who does the voice of Snake. He said he would like to just beat up Jigglypuff because the person asked him which one he would lik to beat up. So now c-m is taking that as total proof that Jigglypuff is in even though that isn't proof in the least. It was mention in a youtube video >_> Anything could be a lie.

indeed the voice of snake was asked which character THAT IS IN SSBB would he like to beat up... the one posing the questions mentioned the game, and he (the voice of snake) replies: "pikachu or jigglypuff"... THAT is why we take that as proof...
go watch the vid if you don't believe what i around 8.00 you'll hear the question (i think, i could be was somewhere halfway through the vid)

wow, wario gets 12 costumes.....big deal, almost nobody is gonna use him probably...


It could easily be anyone thats good at the voice.

And it is not proof because it could mean its possibly in the game NOT complete proof.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yes, finally confirmation that Wario will have his normal clothes too, instead of those dingy old rags. Daisy for Brawl! ;f

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's update. It'll either be something really big, and he'll mention that it's Christmas for some people, or something pathetically boring, and he'll act as if it's just some random day.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i wonder if any other character will have a different style maybe like Pokemon Trainer. then he would have different season starters only problem is that it would be kinda hard findind someone with wings and another person in a shell....hurray for purple pokemon!

ps. merry X-mas to those people who are ahead of my time and in Germany (they celebrate X-mas on the night of the 24th..i know cause i'm German but live in Canada).
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

not colour i mean style like the two different types of warios
geesh some people
like maybe kirby turns into wabble dee (just as a thought but impossible becasue of King Deedeedee)