SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They probably do a lot of damage, but I highly doubt one hit is an OHKO. I know what I'll be doing once I have Snake ready to do his Final Smash. Shooting grenades like crazy. Yeah. ;)

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check out Snake's Final Smash if you have not seen it yet. It looks cool but I don't think it will be that strong though.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check out the special moves of Pikmin and Olimar.Each Pikimin has its own specialty
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That was kinda suspected because each Pikmin has a different power in the Pikmin games.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I thought for sure we were going to see this update yesterday.

I've never played Pikmin, so when I saw there was a new challenger and saw the emblem, I had no idea it was Captain Olimar.

He looks like a fun character to play as. I'll definitely be giving him a try.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I think as a boss they're gonna add either Emperor Bulblax or Empress Bulblax, maybe even a couple of Pileated Snagrets. Too bad he only has one offensive special move, but it'll be fun to see the different things Pikmin could do. Imagine throwing 6 white pikmin at them. :). The game comes out in Feb. 10 in America. Can't wait.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Olimar brings a new, very interesting mechanic to the game, but I really doubt he'll be easy to use. With only 1 offensive B-move (or maybe the chain does damage, although I really can't imagine it to be a powerful attack) and a chance of losing your offensive ability when you're out of Pikmin, he'll probably be a novelty character which will probably only be used by people who really like it or when playing out the subspace emissary/adventure mode, I can always be wrong, though.

The mechanic itself is awesome, though, using Pikmin to beat up our opponent, each with their own effect seems fun :)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

well, it's not what i had in mind, but still i'm partially vorrect (well, we all knew it but still:p)
his special attacks some smash attacks and some airborne attacks require pikmin^^ and each pikmin has a different effect^^
i knew it; although it was very obvious^^

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well his special moves were released today, when they should've been yesterday, but it was well worth the wait.

He's got 5 different Pikmin that do different moves and they follow behind in order. He cna pluck them from the ground, which I believe is his only way to get them back after they're gone. If you have a lot, you can recover from a large distance. The colors must be from the game, but with only throwing them as the attack, his Final Smash better be dang good. I can't wait until they reveal that.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey check out picture three of snake's FS where it says "chopp choppa choppa"
i guess those tight pants let him move faster and stronger.
Omar FS will probably be like a swarm of pikmin that throw people of the edge real far.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I knew that he would be able to pluck up Pikmin, I just knew it.

It's great how each Pikmin type has different abilities and stuff; that varies things up a bit. I agree, Olimar does bring a whole new fun mechanic to the game, and I'll greatly enjoy playing as him.

d master3429137501376 said:
The colors must be from the game, but with only throwing them as the attack, his Final Smash better be dang good.

Actually, I don't think throwing them is the only attack you can do with them. Look at the screenshot in the lower left-hand corner of the update where Olimar was announced. You see?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow Olimar and Pikmin as a playable character? SO FREAKING AWSOME!!!!!!! Depending on the hidden characters, so far im going to play as Olimar the most. So does this mean Luigi wont be in Brawl?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

No it doesn't. Why would you even think that?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well because I dont know if there going to put any more characters in. Besides the hidden characters :(. Man I played as him the most in the past two games and he better be in this one. Maybe he is a hidden character?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Togeshroob said:
I knew that he would be able to pluck up Pikmin, I just knew it.

It's great how each Pikmin type has different abilities and stuff; that varies things up a bit. I agree, Olimar does bring a whole new fun mechanic to the game, and I'll greatly enjoy playing as him.

d master3429137501376 said:
The colors must be from the game, but with only throwing them as the attack, his Final Smash better be dang good.

Actually, I don't think throwing them is the only attack you can do with them. Look at the screenshot in the lower left-hand corner of the update where Olimar was announced. You see?

Don't do the extra number thing again. I don't change other people's names when I quote, so please stop.

In that particular screenshot, Olimar seems to be throwing Pikmin in Space. Either that, or it's his FS. 0_o

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I wonder if the final boss of Pikmin will be a boss in the Subspace Emissary. That would be cool if they did that.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I already posted earlier that Emperor Bulblax would probably be a boss for Subspace Emissary, maybe even Empress Bulblax.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I did not see your post. Sorry I posted about it 2 times.:)EDIT. Check out Pikmin and Olimar's Final Smash. It looks pretty cool.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

What? It's Saturday. There shouldn't be an update today...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The Picmin line looks funny. I just no I'm gonna be tempted to start a Dr. Olimar match with my freinds XD