SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Ooooookayyyyyyyyyy, c-m just made look like an idiot in chat and linked me to some unofficial Brawl site with a whole lot of information that the Dojo doesn't have yet, like the following:

- Zelda's Final Smash is the Light Arrow, and her up, forward, and neutral special attacks are Din's Fire, Nayru's Love, and Farore's Wind. Down B wasn't mentioned, gee I wonder what that could be. Why the Dojo hasn't at least told us about the three magics is beyond me. It's still uncanny, because everyone else has been talked about at least a little.

- Sonic and Snake are confirmed to be secret characters. This is to be expected. They're both third-party characters. This is huge news, so it's natural for their inclusion to be revealed.

There's probably more but I can't remember it right now, I'm just trying to make myself look like an idiot before someone else does and save as much face as I can.

Edit: Reasons why Lucario's probably gonna be in Brawl:

- There was once a voice actor listed on GameFAQs's Brawl information page that has probably since been removed.
- He was the star of his own movie. That's pretty important.
- He was revealed before the 4th generation was released as a whole - again, very important.
- Fighting-type. Need I say more?
- Oh yeah, again, huge fan base.

Heres proof:
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That "gee I wonder what that could be" was sarcastic. Don't know if you caught that or not. Don't know if that's what you're linking me to that for, but uh... yeah.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

okay, PMJ: about the ganon moveset: you say a sword-based moveset...did you mean a full swordbased moveset, or partially?
if you meant full:i disagree...ganon with a huge sword as standard attackweapon is TOO powerfull (or it should be...) so i'm guessing he would use that sword as special weapon for his b (instead of his long charging punch...)
, side+b and maybe down+b (although i like his wizardsfoot), instead of his long charging punch...
if you already meant partially: i concur! i don't see how ganon can have a full swordbased moveset...that would be soo weird...i mean, try to picture a ganon executing any air move with a sword... how would it look like? and would it be any good?
i admit: there is a chance both his smashes and specials will be with a sword...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ganondorf is a wizard, not a swordsman. So the sword will probably only come out for a few attacks. Is that giant thing just for show? I think not.

So I suppose my original words weren't exactly what I had in mind. Not sword-based like Marth kind of sword-based, but sword-....having, maybe?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The fact that the battle with ganon in TP was a swordfight could mean it might actually be a full-sword character. It's a huge sword, yes, but hey, look at Ike, he has a huge swords, and you don't see it mysteriously disappearing.
I do agree that ganon needs magic, though.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ganandorf was a clone of falcon- No wizards kick if Falcons here. Unfortunately, thats too true, and what I feared, not important enough. Oh yes, whilst we're all speculating characters, what about bosses? I'm sure there must be more than Rayquaza and Petey, who are you thinking about? I'm speculating, or at least hoping on Whispy woods for a Kirby boss, somebody please agree that would be awesome =/. Darroach'd be OK too, but Whispy woods would work better as a boss, as well as the fact he was a boss in the Kirby games.
Ganon is in Twilight princess? Where do you see him?(Sorry for off-topicness)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wispy would own, but he has been a part of 2 stages in previous installments so far, so his appearance as a boss is rather unlikely. Otherwise, he'd be a very logical boss, but I guess we should expect a different kirby boss... but Meta Knight will end up having a huge role, so don't get your hopes up.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, swordhaving...ganon is no swordfighter...he is a i suppose he'll combine swordplay with magic...something like: his normal punches (with tilting the control stick), air moves and b+up are magical, and the other special moves (b+side, b+down) and smashes are swordbased?

how about that?

and if bosses: then ganon should have a big role if zelda or link is playing the story...
just like bowser has with DK^^ (or i suspect him to have, as bowser stole DK's bananas)

hmm, bosses...let's think poké evil Pokémon...or a very strong slumbering one? i'm thinking a main boss, and rayquaza as half-way boss (or vica versa)
other bosses...let's think mario and luigi...and peach..bowser would be good, just as some shroob boss maybe?

other bosses: let's think fox: i'm thinking andross or the evil space hag from star fox assault....
kirby: wispy would indeed own...

i never played fire emblem, so i can't pick any bosses related to that..nor can i for snake...i wonder what would be a boss for him...

hmmm, sonic..that's easy: doctor eggman or some huge machine...and as a half-way boss: metalsonic...

i don't know pit, so i can't say anything for him...

wario...he will play a boss role or will have, hmm, not an easy one...maybe the djinni from mario land 3? or a boss from wario land 3...

samus=ZS samus for all i care, so i suspect kraid or something...(or whatever it's name was)

hmm Pokémon trainer= thinking Pokémon style, go look above...

diddy kong=DK

meta knight..will probably have a boss role, and probably encounters king dedede or kirby as bosses...

lucas...i don't know anything about those games, so i can't speak for him...

king dedede, will probably encounter kirby and/or meta knight

pikmin and of the bosses of one of the games...

link/zelda/sheik: triforce bosses, nuff said

kirby: meta knight and/or dedede or wispy or some other boss...

pikachu= Pokémon style...

bowser, probably has a boss role for DK, so bowser will encounter DK as a boss probably... maybe encounters mario too...

yoshi...i don't really know...never played a game where yoshi was the protagonist... (shame on me^^)

peach...probably encounters bowser as mid-way boss, and petey as final...

zelda encounters petey as final too btw...

ice climbers...never played their game(s) can't say anything 'bout bosses for them...

so that's my idea on it...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I don't think all characters will have bosses from their series that they gotta fight again.

What about, like, magical sword powers? Magic powers up the sword! :O

I'm not sure what a Darroach is.

What's driving away with DK's banana horde? Bunch of Koopas or something? I dunno, I don't feel like going to look, but if it's something that doesn't answer to Bowser, then maybe their boss...? lol.

I don't know. I'm drawing a total blank on potential bosses.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I can see Young Link having a very strong chance of getting in actually. There are a ton of items aside Boomerang, Arrows and Bombs. Cell shaded Link would be weird, but I can see him having a chance too.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

now there's an idea for ganon FS...
magic and swordplay combined^^

i wonder...i may be completely wrong about the bosses ofcourse...
as it shows in a vid, maario encounters petey too (to save peach normally) and i suppose link goes up against him too, for saving zelda...

ah well, they delayed again, so we'll have more updates (i'd rather play the game though:p)

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Dark Samus >>>>>> Kraid for a Metroid Boss. Too easy in MP3, though.

I already posted my opinion on today's Update in multiple threads so I'll just summarize:

*bleep* They Delayed until March and, yep, I am ******. This is a leap year, as well. :( All this hype that we were finally going to play it in less than 30 Days. Now we have to wait 29 more. Just bad, very bad.

Great Pikmin Stage, on the other hand. Many things that can interact with the characters: Bouncy vines, Item-grabbing onions, deluge, Creatures that gobble you up. Great Stage all around.

Looks like it's a Double-edged sword of an update today. Wicked Stage confirmed, bad bad bad bad Delay.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

For DK's boss has everyone forgotten King K. Rool?! He's a great boss, and the confirmation of a Pikmin stage puts my hopes higher of a Pikmin Boss.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I don't think all characters will have bosses from their series that they gotta fight again.

What about, like, magical sword powers? Magic powers up the sword! :O

I'm not sure what a Darroach is.

What's driving away with DK's banana horde? Bunch of Koopas or something? I dunno, I don't feel like going to look, but if it's something that doesn't answer to Bowser, then maybe their boss...? lol.

I don't know. I'm drawing a total blank on potential bosses.

This is Daroach. He is a major boss in Kirby Squeak Squad
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
I don't think all characters will have bosses from their series that they gotta fight again.

What about, like, magical sword powers? Magic powers up the sword! :O

I'm not sure what a Darroach is.

What's driving away with DK's banana horde? Bunch of Koopas or something? I dunno, I don't feel like going to look, but if it's something that doesn't answer to Bowser, then maybe their boss...? lol.

I don't know. I'm drawing a total blank on potential bosses.

This is Daroach. He is a major boss in Kirby Squeak Squad
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


Not saying that every series character needs a boss from their series, but....

Pokemon character boss: Rayquaza, already announced. Although, Darkrai would make a fun boss.

Sonic: Does this even need to be put here? Although, I guess if they didn't want to put Eggman as Sonic's boss, they could always use Chaos (7, yay). Even though Chaos wasn't really evil.

Captain Olimar: I can think of three different boss options that would own so badly: a Pileated Snagret (or a Burrowing Snagret), an Emperor Bulblax, or the Waterwraith.

Mario: If Bowser's not a major boss, they could add maybe Princess Shroob, Princess Shroob, or Princess Shroob. Either one of 'em. Smithy, lol. Ohhh... I just thought of the perfect Mario boss.... Fawful. That would be so awesome. Or Cackletta, but she died. ;p

Yoshi: Hmmmm... Kamek would probably best fit Yoshi. Or Prince/Baby Bowser.

Today's stage looks great. It's just what I imagined the Pikmin stage to be like.

You know... Just the other day, I was hoping that there would be a stage where it would rain. And what doest thou know. It's kind of odd, though, as it never rains in either of the Pikmin games (I guess it's because all Pikmin aside from Blues drown in even small amounts of water, but meh).


Oh, and PMJ, it was a Goomba and a Hammer Bro that stole the bananas.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Fair warning: This post is LONG. Topic: Secret characters. And Ness.

You guys, have you all completely forgot about the concept of secret characters? Just because a character isn't specifically profiled on the Dojo doesn't mean that they are excluded from the game. Including Zero Suit Samus (yes she is a new, playable character), we've already seen 24 characters. That's intense. Melee had 25 in comparison. Think of all the characters who were in Melee that have NO REASON AT ALL to be removed that we haven't heard a WORD of yet:

- Luigi
- Captain Falcon
- Jigglypuff
- Mewtwo

And let's not forget about the fact that some characters have already had their moves tweaked (Mario's down special move from Mario Tornado to F.L.U.D.D.), so what's stopping them from changing characters like Falco, who has a HUGE fanbase, or Ganondorf, who not only has NO REASON to be excluded, also conveniently didn't play with a GIANT SWORD in Melee? Can you say sword-based moveset? I can.

And while I'm on the subject of changing character movesets, has anyone else noticed we haven't heard ONE WORD about Zelda since her confirmation? No special moves, no Final Smash... nothing.

Here's another thing. In the chat room last night, me, Doc, and a couple others were discussing the possibility of Ness's inclusion. Doc says that Ness has a small chance, and I say Doc, are you nuts? Lucas stole all his moves, what can Ness do?

And so Doc explains to me that it's entirely possible they're making Ness closer to his EarthBound self. EarthBound's a pretty obscure game (WHY ISN'T IT OUT ON VIRTUAL CONSOLE YET, ARGH), so it's understandable if people don't know who he is, I mean I had NO CLUE who Ness was until I played SSB. Of course, I'd bet my last nickel that everyone in this thread has played SSB, or at least Melee, so I'm sure you're all familiar with Ness's attacks. But guess what?

He had almost NONE of his moves from Earthbound, in SSB. PK Fire? Paula got that, not Ness. PK Thunder? Also Paula. Guess who learns PSI Magnet in EarthBound? Here's a hint - it's not Ness.

The only move that Ness had from EarthBound is PK Flash, and the Flash from EarthBound is NOTHING like it is in Melee. In EarthBound, PK Flash randomly inflicts random status effects on one or all enemies, depending on the strength of the spell. Sound like the giant green murder shot you know from Melee? Nope. PK Flash doesn't even hurt.

In fact, the only magic that Ness can use to hurt something is PSI Rockin, his special move.

In the interest of fairness, though, it is noteworthy that Lucas did a little bit of theiving of his own, as he can't learn ANY of the moves he uses in Brawl.

So it is entirely possible that Ness is getting reworked to become a little closer to his EB self. I wouldn't count on it though, the fact that Lucas's moves are already too similar to Ness's and Sakurai's own words really really hints that Ness has officially gotten the axe.

But it's an interesting thought to ponder, right?

Anyway, about secret characters.

Ike's inclusion doesn't necessarily mean that Marth and/or Roy are out. The Mario series currently has 5 representatives confirmed. Luigi will make it 6. Pokemon has one, two, or four characters confirmed, depending on how you count Pokemon Trainer. Jigglypuff, +1. Mewtwo, +1. Lucario's got a strong chance of being included, but that's more speculation than anything so I won't count him for now. There's no law saying Fire Emblem can't have 3 (or more?) reps. I've never played Fire Emblem, so I don't really know who, if any, of Marth and Roy is the more important. I'd like to see them both in.

Actually, I'd like to see all the characters from Melee return, but it's already been stated that some characters will not make the cut.

Dr. Mario, I can't really see him coming back. I think he's more novelty than anything, but man am I king when using him. I got nothing but love for him, but I don't see any reason to include him.

Young Link is another one I can't see coming back. I don't think there's anything they can do to Young Link to make him so different from his adult self that would warrant his inclusion. Bombs, boomerang, grapple, arrows? How many Zelda games AREN'T those items in? Like none? Yeah, he's out.

I also don't think Game & Watch stands a shot. He was a great surprise character, and I'm also thinking we'll have someone like him in Brawl, but I don't think it'll be G&W. I'm good with him, too. Man, why all my characters gotta be gettin' the axe? >:[

It has been said that Jigglypuff won't be in because he's too similar to Kirby, which is entirely laughable. They've never been even close to the same. The only things they have in common are their color, and they inflate when you press Up.

For one, Jigglypuff has MUCH better horizontal recovery than Kirby. Kirby can only DREAM of having Jiggly's recovery abilities.

Oh, yeah, and there's the fact that almost NONE OF THEIR MOVES ARE THE SAME. Their forward smash looks similar. But that's it.

Stop nitpicking. Let's see, who else... oh yeah, Mewtwo. Here's a few good reasons why he needs to stay:

- He's not a clone, of anyone. This alone warrants his inclusion.
- He's as close to a villain of Pokemon you're going to get. Villains are often good candidates (Bowser, Ganondorf, Wario, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe, and to a much, much lesser extent, DK)
- Huge fanbase. The bigger the better. There's a reason Sonic's in Brawl.

And since you guys apparently think Luigi's out too, here's some more excellent reasons other than "because I think he will be":

- He's part of the original 12. Being present in both games pretty much cements him a spot. Ness is the exception, not the rule. And we still haven't heard "Ness will not be present in Brawl." Even this is just speculation.
- He's extremely important to the Mario franchise. If we were on Family Feud and the question was, "Name a major character in the Mario series other than Mario," the number one answer would, hands down, be "Luigi." He's the vice president.
- How many Mario series games has he been in? What's that? Almost all of them? And he has two games of his own? You don't say.
- Huge fanbase. If Luigi was excluded, there would be RIOTS. Riots I say!
- Because I think he will be.

"Wow, your logic is bulletproof, PMJ, I have no choice but to believe you're right about everything you say. But with the release date so close, why haven't we heard about any of these characters on the Dojo?"

Well, duh, because they're SECRET CHARACTERS. How many of Melee's 11 secret characters have been confirmed on the Dojo?

Not a single one.

Coincidence? Course not, don't be silly. If they had done for Melee what they're doing for Brawl, would you believe it if, a month before the release date and they only showed you, say, 12 of the 14 base characters, I had said there would be 11 more you'd have to find and unlock? You'd probably call me a loon. Or worse (perish the thought). This is the same case.

With Captain Olimar's confirmation, we now have 24 characters that we KNOW we're gonna get. It's likely that these will all be starting characters, and it's possible we might even get one or two more before Brawl's release.

SSB had 12 total characters. Melee started with 14. That means something. Use your heads, guys. I would not be surprised if this game had 40 characters to choose from. My guess is between 30 and 40.

If you disagree with anything I say, that's your business and I have no choice but to deal with it. But know this - if you post about it, then it becomes my business, and you'd better be good and ready to back up your claims with logic and sense or you will die. All the talk about "he's not in cause I say he's not" or "he sucks, why would he ever get in" or "he's in because he's my fave" is gonna end. I don't wanna see any more character bashing or useless posts. If you think a character's going to be in, give us good reasons to convince us, to make us say "Yeah, that random kid's got a point, I could totally see blank as a playable character."

I'm done. If you've read this entire thing, I applaud your patience. If you skipped around, I hope you fall down some stairs. If you skipped around, saw my wish of hurt upon you, and went back and read the whole thing, I no longer hope you fall down some stairs.

Have fun.

Guys he is right. Just because they are not showing any more characters on the site DOES NOT mean they are not in the game or will not be. The above list plus many more characters will probably make it as secret characters. He is also right about Melee having about 25 characters or so but remember about 12 or so were secret characters. Which means Brawl could have 25 secret characters. Expect about 40-50 Characters in the game. I am figuring the ones that we are wishing for will be secret characters but Luigi should not be a secret character this time around because he has been a secret character 2 times and should be a normal character and the same goes for Ness. I don't know why they are delaying the game again but I guess they need more time. The time is creeping up to fast. Remember they have to play it many times over before they can reveal characters. It Probably takes at least a week or two just to get everything right and they are just finding out that they need more time. They are putting a lot of work into this game. I know but it will be well worth the extra time because when they are finished then they will know that we will be brawling for years to come. I don't know if You guys were around when Killer Instinct came out in 1995 but that game was the hottest fighting game and it still is because of the incredible graphics and game play the put into making that series of games and KI gold was the best and final game of that series and they want it to be the best of the best for the Super Smash Bros series. It takes hours and hours for everything to be perfect. If they need the extra time then something good must be coming out of the game that they have not even mentioned on their site. Just because the characters we want are not there does not mean they are not in the game.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I thought Sheik was not going to be in the game. Hmmm Maybe the characters that we want will be in the game. Man I am hoping for Mewtwo more than ever now.:)