SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I wonder what Ness' moves will be like? Do you suppose will have pk flash?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey where did you find those pics with the new characters
where did you find the new character pics with jiggly puff, ness, and lucario
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I think it was on another Smash bros page that is unofficial.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check this video!!!!

and this



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RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yes, the infamous character roster leak. It looks pretty legit to me, and it reminds me of the demo they had, so it's probably real. That, or it's a wicked fake. :O!!

Yep, Manaphy is in Brawl as a Pokeball Pokemon. He actually swaps hearts with another character, so you're in their body and they're in yours. It seems pretty cool, for a little while, at least. I also read the Iwata Asks Interview; that was pretty interesting.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Manaphy looks like a very fun Poke Ball to use. I just wonder what would happen if you are playing with four people, as it only showed it happening with two on the main site.... Would everyone get randomly shuffled? I hope so. :]

That is so Ness, any Ness lover would know that, and any non-Ness lover would be able to see that. I think, like PMJ said, that they will give Ness more of his original moves, since Lucas pretty much stole all of Ness's moves from Brawl.

Lucario is the new (and more than likely, better) Mewtwo. Face it. Although, they still could bring Mewtwo back, and give him... different moves.

Iwata Asks was pretty interesting. I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer before they actually start talking about gameplay and the likes, though.

You know.... With all these characters in, I really think that Princess Shroob has a somewhat decent chance to make it in the game. Don't you think so? And don't go saying "no bcuz i nevr play the gaym", or "shee woodnt mayk uh gud kaructr", because that causes rawrs.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yes, I was wondering that about Heart Swap, as well. If there is more people playing than just two, would it just swap with the closest two in the vicinity? That seems logical, but it's anyone's guess.

It is Ness, because the characters are arranged by grouping. The Pokemon characters are together, so Ness and Lucas are together. >..>

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check out the new Mario Bros stage. The Mushroomy Kingdom. It looks pretty sweet.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, mushroomy kingdom.. i wonder if you can get squashed between the walls...'cause it is a sidescrolling thing...or will you just be pushed outside :p
kinda like pokéfloats on melee, if you stand on certain Pokémon to long, you just fall into your doom with em...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

jayjaymew said:
Check this video!!!!

and this

It not a fake queensaki (the uploded) says it a real video


And Final Destination is confirmed!!!!




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RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The mushroomy kindom looks cool... But final destination! Yes the most basic of stages is back!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

OMG OMG OMG MUSHROOMY KINGDOM! I hope you can go through all the worlds on that :D If so, I'm totally going on 99 life Brawl there :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Final Destination has to be be the best flat level yet because there are no platforms or any obstacles to deal with so it makes it easy to knock opponents out.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Mushroomy Kingdom looks pretty cool. The music however... not so much.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You are a downer :O The music doesn't effect how you battle :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, thankfully we'll be able to change the music that appears. I'm sure I'll grow to like it in time, but my first impression of it was, "Wow, they really screwed this song something fierce."

The in-game music is important to me. That infernal Yoshi's Island stage with the pit in the middle may as well be called "PMJ's Autoloss Stage" because every time I play there, I always lose. Always.

But the music, man I love that music. That's the only reason I go there.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

So, you lose on a stage various times jsut to listen to the music of the stage? :/ Never seen anyone do that before.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

No way PMJ. This is the best re-incarnation of the original theme I've ever heard. I absolutely love the Piano workings in there and it's a nice twist to the original. Do you want to hear 5-Bit music in 'Brawl? Yeah, didn't think so. This is much better than anything I could think of, IMO.

On to the stages: I figured Final Destination would be back; that'll probably be put on the Dojo! soon. Mushroomy Kingdom is so cool; the original stage has turned into a barren landscape, as did the scenary. You can go to World 1-1 and 1-2, which brings up the question: how far does it go to? I like World 1-2, myself.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Brawl central says:
According to some Japanese gaming news websites, the scans we posted earlier today come from "Expert Weekly FAMI", which is Famitsu's weekly version of it's magazine. We're not sure in what way the Brawl coverage was included, but it seems they did a whole special feature on it that may cover a huge chunk of the book.
Some websites have called the new stage we seen "end point" (end= Final, point= Destination), so this must be confirming Final Destination as the stage, if we couldn't already tell. I believe the magazine was due out Friday, so we may be seeing an FD update on the Dojo then or Monday.

If you haven't seen the new scans, discovered exclusively by Brawl Central, please scroll down to the pervious update.

We've explained to a general degree, Lucas' and Olimar's Smash attacks, but now we also have some "statistics" for some players, inlcuding the mention of a new technique called "Wall Cling". This is different from wall hopping, as it's believed that the player sticks to the wall for a few seconds in preparation for a controlled wall jump. Aeris translated some text to read "When close to the wall, Diddy Kong, Sheik, and Squirtle will automatically stick to the wall." It seems they may be the only three, or at least from the starters, that can do this. The article DOES mention that the characters can cling to the wall for a little bit, but doesn't specify how long exactly. My guess is 2-3 seconds. Yoshi and Chris from Brawl Central discovered this exclusively, once again.

Diddy is Wall Clinging in the image below:


Here's some of the "stats" form the scans:


Number of Jumps: 2
Wall Hop: YES
Wall Cling: YES
Glide: NO
Crawling: YES
Weight: MEDIUM
Speed: FAST


Number of Jumps: 2
Wall Hop: YES
Wall Cling: NO
Glide: NO
Crawling: NO
Weight: LIGHT
Speed: FAST


Number of Jumps: 3
Wall Hop: UNKNOWN (assumed to be "NO")
Wall Cling: UNKNOWN (assumed to be "NO")
Glide: YES
Crawling: NO
Weight: HEAVY
Speed: SLOW

King Dedede:

Number of Jumps: 4
Wall Hop: NO
Wall Cling: NO
Glide: NO
Crawling: NO
Weight: HEAVY
Speed: SLOW

Ike: (Unknowns are presumed to all be "NO")

Number of Jumps: 2
Wall Cling: UNKOWN
Crawling: NO
Weight: HEAVY
Speed: SLOW


Number of Jumps: 2
Wall Hop: NO
Wall Cling: NO
Glide: NO
Crawling: NO
Weight: Medium
Speed: Medium


Number of Jumps: 2
Wall Hop: NO
Wall Cling: NO
Glide: NO
Crawling: NO
Weight: Heavy
Speed: UNKNOWN (Assumed to be MEDIUM or SLOW)

New technique named wall jump. Squirtle can use it


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RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I knew they would replace something for Wavedashing, but I didn't expect Wall Jumps. Good find.

dmaster out.