SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

This game will be the best Smash Bros game ever. No doubt about that but They should have had it finished a long time ago but the longer it takes to release it the better it will be. They can't reveal too much good stuff so they have to slow down at some point. Remember as I posted a few night ago it takes hours and hours of playing and testing every move,item and everything else they have added to make sure there are no glitches and everything works like it should. I Know most of us that have a Wii are itching to play it but it takes major amounts of time to do everything the way it should be. They are going all the way with this game so if they need more time means it will be good. They may have problems with getting everything to work and trying to fix it but it is eating time. That could be why it is pushed back. Time will tell but we just have to hold on for now.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I wonder if they're going to add another character in the time would be awsome if Boo was in :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Boo? as in the ghost Boo from the mario games?
no way dude, then i'd rather see Lucario in before Boo...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I could see boo as an assist trophie, definatly not a playable character.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah. Boo makes no sense at all. And what attacks would he have? The only thing I could see going for Boo is a FS. He would tun into King Boo or something.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The next thing they'll update is saying that AT can be actual playable characters. :O! But that would take too much time.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Does nobody sense the sarcasm in by sentace? -_- I put the ":p' thing at the end for a reason and now you all start turning it back in my face?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

The stickers are an interesting update. I wonder if these are purely in-game or if they can be used in online battles as well?

Because no doubt there will be one truly broken sticker that finds its way into every tournament ;p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bacon said:
The stickers are an interesting update. I wonder if these are purely in-game or if they can be used in online battles as well?

Because no doubt there will be one truly broken sticker that finds its way into every tournament ;p

nope you can only use them in subspace emissary. im so psyched to use CO (captin olimar) i love pikmin and he is going to be a very interesting character like P.Trainer.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i'm guessing they`re going to add assist trophies, moves for people who haven't been updated, same goes for FS's, levels of melee; new ones; n64, and items with some pokeballs
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Stickers would be broken if they weren't only in the Subspace Emmisary. Playable AT would take just wayyyy too much time and effort. It's not worth another 2 month delay, for me.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bubba235 said:
Yeah. Boo makes no sense at all. And what attacks would he have? The only thing I could see going for Boo is a FS. He would tun into King Boo or something.

I think King Boo is a boss of the Subspace Emissary but I am not sure and I think Ridley is as well but I can't remember for sure but I think they are in as I recall.:) EDIT Check out Sheik's Final Smash Attack. It is the light Arrow and it is and incredible move too. This is awesome and the graphics are intriguing.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

this bow is massive, i mean zelda is on one knee and the top of the bow reaches her head. so if it's got a small hitting range it must be strong
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

UUhhh...I...AM...THE...FIRST...TO...ANNOUNCE ON THIS FORUM! LUCARIO HAS COME!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah. But it you go to Brawl Central, it does confirm it. The exact same way as Lucario.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yes but that is not Ness that is Pokémon Trainer. You can see the little pattern on his hat.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow... this is soooom much to take in at once I mean come on!

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I know, so many characters are in the game. Many people speculated that Lucario and Jigglypuff are almost guranteed entry, but who would've expected Ness?! I sure didn't by a long mile. On to the offical news announced today: Zelda's Final Smash is the Light Arrow and it's the first bit of news about Zelda's attacks ever. You can use the Light Arrow as Sheik, but the direction will be changed. It's a massive explosion when it connects and it's sure to be an OHKO. Such a sweet Final Smash. Hopefully, there will be more awesome news like that this week and not another delay announced. >..>

dmaster out.