SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You're getting the full game. And any updates I would assume would be bundled together, like buy a whole mess of updates for 5 bucks. Or whatever. I'd buy it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ok so here is the link to the "swimming" warning for spoilers
it's pretty close to the beginning.
tingle just confirms "Toon Link". i wonder when they are going to update the soldiers from adavance wars as a AT.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Marth is confirmed to be in brawl. He is pretty easy to get too. I hope Roy will be back because he had good power and a longer sword.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yay marth is back my friend will be happy! i love this update because it says that ike has the counter! i ruled that with roy i love the defence!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Anybody seen the spear pillar stage and sound tracks? I really like the E4 And Galactic remixes.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Marth was revealed by the Dojo today. In VS, 'tis unlocked by playing 10 matches.

And Ness is done by playing 5.

That could mean characters revealed in order they're unlocked through VS. mode.

It seems like the next characters revealed will be (in order) Luigi, Falco and Captain Falcon.

If the next character isn't Luigi, then either some people will be processed, it's not on VS. mode order or the character is chosen by some other way.

But we still need Luigi ownage. >:]

Updates for Brawl would be pretty awesome, but they might cost something, so argh no. :p

They removed one very important character to Brawl. It SHOULD have been playable. Oh, the irony. I'm not talking about Pichu (<3), Mewtwo or Megaman. I'm talking about something more important. Goomba's not playable.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

he he he heh heh ha.... dolphin slash, i always thoguht marth was a girl untill i read his description in melee. i could never get his side special real high cause i kept pressing to the side
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I just recently heard the rumour that the SSBB PAL release date will be the 30th of May 2999008, which is earlier than the 1st of July, but which is still more than a month and a half after America and enough of a reason to consider getting a Wiikey (as it's not only SSBB, but EVERY SINGLE FREAKING NINTENDO GAME, and with the higher prices for Wii games, they're practically forcing us).

In other news, Jiggly got a serious up-grade, being faster and with faster and higher jumps (recovery FTW!). It is also rumoured that the jiggster now drops down even slower (recovery FTW mark2!). Bad news, however, is that Puff-punch now has a smaller hitbox, her throws are weaker and rest... Rest is now a completely different move, it's KO-point is weight-based (KOs mario at around 60% (not 29% :'( )) and fire straight up. It also does NO DAMAGE, but instead leaves the damaged user with a Lip's stick flower on their head, dealing around 43 damage. The sleeping time is also reduced to around 2 seconds (whereas it came from 3).
Jiggs' FS seems to auto-KO when she's shrinking again, but has little knock-back when she's growing. It's also pretty hard to dodge on smaller stages, and using it close to the edge is probably best.

I doubt there are a lot of Jiggs mainers here, but whatever :O
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, but we love your analyses, HS. I would love to play Jigglypuff on a small stage like Battlefield or Final Destination. It does damage, just not enough to make me fall in love with her all over again.

Yes, Marth is revealed on the Dojo! and he's a tranny!!! Stupid game makers put his hand on his waist...I'm going to kill them. >:[ Marth was my favorite character and my main in Melee, and now that he's on the damaging end in all the FS debates, it looks like I'll unlock him after a few battles and then never play him again. Seriously, they made my favorite character a tranny and an unfair fighter. :( I love his different combinations in the Dolphin Slash, though. I also love the HP Bar like in the Fire Emblem games. That's a cool cameo for the people that have played the series games before. :)

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They were probably revealed because they're in the intro. They're the only secret characters that are.

Anyway since the SSE is the only thing not spoiled for me and I actually care about that, as well as how to unlock people thanks for telling me how to get Marth, I'll be avoiding this topic like newbs avoid spell check.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It is probably like Melee where you had 2 options to get the secret characters. VS mode or through 1 player game. The easiest and fastest way is VS mode because all you have to do is set the options to 1 stock and then start a 1 on 1 match and just kill yourself by falling off the edge. I did that 1000 times in Melee and I got all characters.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

All characters have 3 ways of unlocking them: VS matches, SSE or a combination of SSE and event matches/VS matches/...

I've seen people trying to come up with the fastest way of getting all characters, and it seemed like you'd be able to do it less than half a day (of course, you need to know what you're doing :p).
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I believe beating SSE is quicker than VS. matches, and if you can skip through cutscenes, it'd be even faster. I would say playing 20 stages of SSE does two and a half~three hours, so it might take around seven~eight hours. Although you could possibly do Brawls of you vs. puny CPU, or even fall off the edge... But I'd rather play SSE than fall of the edge 500 times.

EDIT: SSE Stage 25 @ 03:37

Apparently, a game saved at 24 is 48%, which could mean that Stage 25 is 50%, thus making Stage 50 100% of the game. Thus it has 50 stages. Each stage takes around 9 minutes, so I would say 50*9 it's 450 minutes/save. 450 minutes means seven and a half hours approximmately, but some stages are bigger so I would say eight hours with SSE.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Spear Pillar- With Dialga And Team Galactic Battle Music With Palkia, and Palkia/Dialga Battle Music

Dialga stops time
Palkia moves the stage
Both of them shoot beams.
Lucario in action, oh yeah and the website said some things about subspace emissary.

EDIT: SSE has only 31 stages.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

32 actually, counting the final boss fight...

Although it seems odd. If level 25 is 50%, then how can 32 be all of the game? I suppose that percentage was nothing, and I were trying to get something from nothing. :p

Which characters will you use? I will try out to see which of Luigi, Dedede and Kirby I feel best with and use that mainly, with the other two on guard :) I might use Fox and Peach one time or another, too.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

z-man's my name, and speed is my game! I'm gonna be seen with sonic, sheik (zelda), and Fox.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, when I heard 31 Stages, I was kind-of suprised. I thought it would at least have a little bit more. Percentages mean nothing, just like in MP3.

No comments on the cool updates from the Dojo!? I'm ashamed, you can shed Samus's armor at any time and you can start without armor. Her FS, which is finally revealed, shows that she gets her armor back but it also sucks opponents in. I still say the main purpose is not to attack; it's to get her armor back. Very cool video from the SSE, with Marth and Meta Knight. Sakurai also hints at a character that appears to be neither good nor evil. I have my own personal thoughts, but it will be revealed soon enough.

I might be getting a Brawl Card, soon, MM. It'll display my main character and the sub-characters.

EDIT: I requested one on Neoseeker. :] I can't wait to see the results. :D

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i wonder how much pull zero suit's re-armor thing will have and will it be stronger than that big beam thing because if so i know what i'm doing.....that combo will be copy-righted to my name
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

By no means is the Zero Laser better than the Power Suit Samus Final Smash. The purpose of ZSS's FS is really just to get her armor back, but it would interesting to see how much damage the pull would be if you're already close to your opponents.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Magicmew said:
32 actually, counting the final boss fight...

Although it seems odd. If level 25 is 50%, then how can 32 be all of the game? I suppose that percentage was nothing, and I were trying to get something from nothing. :p

Which characters will you use? I will try out to see which of Luigi, Dedede and Kirby I feel best with and use that mainly, with the other two on guard :) I might use Fox and Peach one time or another, too.

1. 50% being at Lv.25 isn't suprising, as after somebody had beaten the game in one of those videos, they we're only at 80, my guess is the other Characters (Wolf, Jigglypuff, Toon Link) account for 5% each while there are still secrets after that for another 5%

2. Kirby, Wolf/Falco, Marth, Metaknight, Pokemon Trainer (Give him a shot), Ike, Lucario (Worth a Shot), Sonic (Worth a shot), Olimar, Jigglypuff, Lucas.

I know big list of mains. It's 50% Kirby, 50% combined for the others