SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
When you think about it, the game already has a ton of clones, so Mewtwo and Pichu should be in it, but there's a lot of new characters, as well. I didn't think the logos were that important, but only wierd people spot stuff like that. The Dojo! never officialy confirmed Capt. Falcon was going to be in directly. No matter how you look at it.

Yeah, another stage that we already had seen, but this time they confirm Master Hand, which was in multiple videos. The scenary is more space and galactic-like, which adds the intensity that you're truly flying on the stage. The detail that went into the many different backgrounds is astounding.

dmaster out.

i'm not weird i just have a good eye.
i've seen some videos of falco and he looks like a helicopter with some of his moves like the up attack and repeated attack. atleast this some what pushes him away from the idea of a clone. and he also has a different down special. i think falco and fox are like the mario and luigi of the N64 smash
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i just thought of something!

with pit and ness and lucas coming in the game there might be some things that can happen!

pit might be making a wii game i mean you never know it can happen! i mean out of all the retro characters to bring back, they bring back pit! I mean something is gonna happen

then for ness and lucas i had no idea they would put in lucas ive played the mother 3 import, but i had no idea he would appear so he might have a sign of a new realease and the sad thing is ness has appeared in more super smash then earth bound games now come on thats dum and if they dont make a new game chances of earthbound 1 and 2 will be on the wii shop channel and ive played those to and man that would be beast!

what do you guys think about this?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, my votes are for a new Pit game and at least Mother 2 (Earthbound) on the VC. It's sad to say they probably won't make a Mother 3 for the U.S.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yeah i can live with that :D but man a new pit game would rule and i would do anything to have earthbound on the VC
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Today something fairly important was figured out about the game.
People were looking at the encoding of the game, and they found incomplete coding for characters that would be about the size of normal playable characters. These incomplete characters consisted of Plusle and Ainun, toon Zelda/Sheik, Dr. Mario, Roy, and maybe others they haven't found yet. The first hypothesis was that the characters were going to be in the game, but were left out at the last moment. (But that didn't explain why those fragments of the characters were left in the game) Today people realized that the amount of data necesary to patch the characters into the game would be small enough to be downloadable through the Wii's virtual console. Now the current hypothesis (and what I have predicted from a while ago) is that there will be downloadable content on the Wii shop for Brawl that would patch the code, therefore allowing more characters to be unlocked, more stages, etc.
With the possible inclusion of downloadable content in GH3, I see no reason why Nintendo wouldn't include downloadable content for Brawl.

Basically, if this rumor turns out to be true, expect the roster to grow in the future, because it will mean that Nintendo could release more updates every so often for characters/levels/songs/events.

I predicted this exact situation about eight months ago, and now I'm pumped for the chance that the roster may be ever-expanding.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

the final roster has been confirmed at 35 characters just to let you know. and i think on the japanese dojo during the masterpiece update they showed earthbound (i'm not sure whick one but i saw ness in it) as a masterpiece and same as a fire emblem. the next system they need to add to VC is Game Boy and game boy colour, like 300 points a piece. i just wanna play pokemone S/G/C since nintendo was stupid enough to not be able to play game boy and colour on the DS.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I completely understand the roster has been confirmed at 35, the entire point of what I said was to illustrate there may be additional characters added in the future through downloadable content.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I also heard Dixie kong and Mewtwo are semi-programmed into the game. We'll see what it turns out to be, downloading seems like the most viable option, but they might as well be regular last minute cuts, with nothing else to it, let's not get our hopes up.

There's also a huge list of cut assist trophies, and let's not forget the fact that we haven't seen or heard anything about Shaymin, regigigas, darkrai or even eevee ever since the demos. There also seems to be a huge bunch of unused or erased tracks in the game. Well, Brawl has a dual-layered disc, the 2nd layer is usually harder to de-code, so it might as well be used for promotional/downloadable stuff, we'll see.

BTW, I'm wondering how they'd be able to add those extra characters to the character selection screen...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

probably press a button that's in the corner. i just saw a video, i think i know what it meant by "swim 300 metres" like for that trophie thing.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


:O :O :O :O :O

In all seriousness, though, that would certainly be a cool thing to have. I'd say I'm not getting my hopes up, but knowing that this is at least a possibility is just going to do so by default.

I mean, something like this would make sense if Shaymin really does come out of a Poke Ball, since we don't know what Shaymin is, it would make sense to sometime down the road have Shaymin as part of a downloadable update via Wii Shop Channel.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check ou the assist trphies. They look pretty cool and these will do some heavy damage. The Metroid will do the most damage.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

im my opinion jeff was the only good AT announced :D but man those can do heavy damage!

im glad there adding more earthbound items but where is the fire emblem stuff!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

well, there already is an AT from fire emblem remember? the swordswoman?
if it's true about the downloadable characters, i think that's a major ripp-off (dunno how that's spelled, sorry!)!
not being able to play the full game without having to get extra stuff from internet sux balls...
that's just to get people to buy more -,-
that would be a filthy trick after what they've already done to us (making us wait this freakin long)

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

electimortar said:
what does the swim 300 meters mean?

so yeah i saw this on video with SSE and a level had water in it. so when the character(fox) went into it looked like he was swimming. i can't give you the link right now but later i will have it.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

downloadable characters would be pretty awesome, stages would be awesome too. if we had to pay for it...not so awesome. maybe it'll be like the free internet trial :p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, it wouldn't cost money, but it might cost Points. (Which sucks..) I'm not getting my hopes up either. It might make sense, but it actually doesn't because it was just an unfinished code. That doesn't automatically assume Mewtwo is going to be in it. People might just not have seen any of those AT's yet, or maybe they took them out last-minute. I just think people are trying to find other things in the game, when it's over. Everything's been majorly spoiled and it's all done. No more guesswork, arguments, or speculations, IMO.

Some more new Assist Trophies are revealed today. The Nintendogs one was already in a video, so I'm wondering why they didn't reveal it early on.. Tingle!! Yay!!! I'm glad he's able to be an AT, even though it shows he pops up flowers. I love the Metroid, especially like in Metroid Prime 3 Corruption in the Labs where they would suck on to you and fill the whole screen up. I've seen the platform in a video somewhere... Pretty good update overall.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Downloadable characters would be sweet... And its quite possible too. However, I won't be suprised if they don't do it. Otherwise, I'd love Dr Mario and Mewtwo to return and Plusle and Minun sound good too.