SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

... sonic looks like a jiggly clone how he goes into a ball and rolls around... only 100x faster

shadow has lost his popularity really after his latest game... headgehog+guns+motorcycle= 0.o
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

My preference is that Shadow would be an alternate costume of Sonic.

Also, it was to my knowledge that there was going to be 2-4 third party characters. If that worked out, I'd want to see Megaman and Nights.
Brawl, come out now please.

Also, Nintendo has put out a press release of a Brawl playable demo coming soon. Here's the link.

This means that on the 18th we're going to be bomdarded with lots of new data, specifically lots of videos, and if mechanics like L-Cancelling, Wavedashing, etc. still remain in the game.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol... shadow will over do it... i hate sonic being in it... but you have to live with it :/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
lol... shadow will over do it... i hate sonic being in it... but you have to live with it :/

True(About the shadow part:p) but I will always see thigs this way.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


Uh, I am so happy I can hardly breathe! I had to restrain myself to keep from screaming out with happiness and destroying everything around me!

Sonic looks AWESOME!!

His moves are great, he's speedy, and he's awesome.

Seriously, all you people who say, "I don't like Sonic. He'll ruin Brawl." and stuff like that more-than-likely have just set up a mindset that says: I don't like Sonic. Most of you have never really played the games, and if you do, you'll know how great Sonic really is. I used to have a "I don't like Sonic" mindset, and I had never played one of the games, until that one day....That one day when someone brought Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and I played it....I became addicted right on the spot.

Oh, and, he is NOT a Jiggly clone. You saw his moves, right?

Anyways, that second video with just the Brawl stuff revealed several items, as well as moves for characters.

1. It shows Meta Knight doing several different sword attacks, including one that looks like Burning Kirby off the Kirby handheld games, except with a sword.

2. It shows how you do the trophy arranging thing.

3. It shows that the Warp Star item is coming back

That's all I can remember off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are move.

And, you are all forgetting a couple other 3rd party characters:

Pac Man

Now, wouldn't it be awesome to walk around as a yellow ball that talks and PWN Mario?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Sonic PWNS simply; the video does glamorize him a lot esp. the awesome music. But even if you have the volume down he still looks cool with his attacks and esp. his glow. FINALLY!!! Some gameplay shots!! Now I will say this: SSBB PWNS and they have confirmed Sonic/Gameplay video which makes it PWN more.:)

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

You see, the thing is, is that by putting Sonic in, Brawl's sell rate just sky-rocketed. Now, many Sonic fans that weren't initially going to buy Brawl, will rethink.

Plus, Sonic is awesome.

Bomberman and Pac Man = PWNage. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I'm really looking forward to Sonic. In Melee, I am best with Falco (a fast, physical character). With all these cool, new moves, Sonic will get a lot of playing time with me.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Shadow being in it would be a bit of overkill. Sonic being it is cool. Can you imagine how fast those legs will go whenever he kicks?

Arcanine out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

In Melee, i was best with Roy...

But They are probobly going to add another sonic character (More than likely AMY, since they are lacking in Female Fighters)

I Personally never thaught sonic would be in it because he origonally belonged to SEGA, but Since Sega/Nintendo, are about the same, they probobly just through it in...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Actually, they probably won't add any more Sega characters. Those last third party slots will probably want to be filled with more characters from different games, to add variety and get more people to buy the game.

One Sega character is all they need.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey i think saga and nintendo are working together because they're coming out with Sonic and Mario at the Olimpics video game.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Kevin Garrett said:
I'm really looking forward to Sonic. In Melee, I am best with Falco (a fast, physical character). With all these cool, new moves, Sonic will get a lot of playing time with me.

same here. I pretty much hated Sonic and thought it was a baby game when i went over my friends house and saw that he owned SA2battle then i played it. Since then i have bought about 15 sonic games :F

Fox > Falco

though i liked roy best. counter is pwnage

i hope l-cancelling and wave-dashing return, even though i really suck at wave-dashing. tech-rolling was my favorite. its the only one i discovered by myself :F


zero's final smash would be his awesome Giga Impact move where he pounds the ground and massive lasers shoot out of it
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
Actually, they probably won't add any more Sega characters. Those last third party slots will probably want to be filled with more characters from different games, to add variety and get more people to buy the game.

One Sega character is all they need.


Knowing nintendo, it'll probobly be something random Like someone from Super Monkey Ball XD

But Banjo/Kazooie Would be pretty cool. IMO.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Kevin Garrett said:
I'm really looking forward to Sonic. In Melee, I am best with Falco (a fast, physical character). With all these cool, new moves, Sonic will get a lot of playing time with me.

wow that is the only person i know who pwns with falco (besides me :F)

and you know what... sonic ruinened brawl in two ways:
1st of all he is only the run, jump, and collect the rings character.. no fighting what so ever
and 2nd he delayed the release of brawl because that M&S at the olympics was the first game with both of them in it, and because of this article: Sonic Delays SSBB Release
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
Kevin Garrett said:
I'm really looking forward to Sonic. In Melee, I am best with Falco (a fast, physical character). With all these cool, new moves, Sonic will get a lot of playing time with me.

wow that is the only person i know who pwns with falco (besides me :F)

Indeed. I do PWN with Falco. I try to use Mewtwo, but the feel isn't right for me. I like the quick, carefully planted attacks more.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yes... alot of people think that he stinks... along with the ice climbers 0.o
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

^I got pretty good with Falco, and learned most of his advanced techniques. (SHL, Waveshine, Pillar, Double/Triple Shine Cancelling)

I eventually stopped playing him because of all the criticism of him being a cheap character, but I still whip him out every once in a while to throw L-Cancelled dairs all over the place. (Possibly one of the cheapest attacks in the game, XD)
