SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol... jiggly is good if you find it's strong points... like it's rest and roll out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Kevin Garrett said:
Jigglypuff is bad (in my opinion) because it's a clone of Kirby who can't do anything. Sonic = / = Jigglypuff.
Watch this and I'm sure you'll change your mind.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Characters are only as good as the people who play them. Sonic's special moves look awesome but a Charge and a Spin. That kind-of shows that they couldn't come up with another move...:( Too bad it's delayed. I WAS going to wait to get SSBM until after SSBB came out so the retailers could lower it's price but now I can't wait 'til Feb. to Brawl...:(:(

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

d master342 said:
Characters are only as good as the people who play them. Sonic's special moves look awesome but a Charge and a Spin. That kind-of shows that they couldn't come up with another move...:( Too bad it's delayed. I WAS going to wait to get SSBM until after SSBB came out so the retailers could lower it's price but now I can't wait 'til Feb. to Brawl...:(:(

dmaster out.

You don't have a Melee copy to hold you over until Brawl? That must bite... ^ ^;
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
Do you guys realize that they are forgetting Lapras? They could make Lapras use Water absorb and heal 25% of your percentage or who ever throws the Pokeball Lapras.:)

Do you guys think Lapras should be in Brawl? I think Lapras would be a great Pokemon to be in the game. After all Lapras is the strongest of all water Pokemon.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
xxashxx said:
Do you guys realize that they are forgetting Lapras? They could make Lapras use Water absorb and heal 25% of your percentage or who ever throws the Pokeball Lapras.:)

Do you guys think Lapras should be in Brawl? I think Lapras would be a great Pokemon to be in the game. After all Lapras is the strongest of all water Pokemon.:)

Thats a bit of an over statement for lapras. Yeah, Lapras would be NICE, but i doubt it will happen.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Daroach said:
xxashxx said:
xxashxx said:
Do you guys realize that they are forgetting Lapras? They could make Lapras use Water absorb and heal 25% of your percentage or who ever throws the Pokeball Lapras.:)

Do you guys think Lapras should be in Brawl? I think Lapras would be a great Pokemon to be in the game. After all Lapras is the strongest of all water Pokemon.:)

Thats a bit of an over statement for lapras. Yeah, Lapras would be NICE, but i doubt it will happen.

I don't know of any other Pokemon that is a water type that is stronger than Lapras. Kyogre does not beat Lapras by a long shot. He is strong but Lapras is stronger.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

^Yeah. I'm sure there aren't many people that would agree with that statement. That is, if there are any people that agree with that statement.

And now,


Great. Brawl's delayed some more. Just when I thought we were getting close to the release. Now we've all gotta wait an extra two months.

...Just great.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

What? NO WAY!!! And if you think thats bad you having to wait agess just think of us europeons, WE WILL SUFFER!!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I wish people would stop complaining about Sonic. If you have any beef with the blue blitz, then there is a very simple solution to your problem.

Do not play as him.

Although I admit that Sonics voice is probably going to be extremely annoying. Hedgehogs weren't granted a voice-box for a reason, Sega. Shame on you for toying with nature like that.

I hope Mewtwo gets confirmed, I love being annoying and dodging everything with teleport. He (ok, "it") has so many interesting moves that it never gets boring using... it.

Fox can die. :x
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bacon said:
Fox can die. :x

Oh, so true, so true.

If Sonic is in, most likely one more charector from Sonic will make it in. Since they said they don't want to make Clones for this game, Shadow is out. I think either Kuckles, who has a wide varity of moves, Blaze, who would attack from afar, or Amy, adding in another female candidate for Brawl.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I think that tails, knuckles ect should be assist trophies. Agree?

I think they should do this: If you isert a gamecube memory card with SSBM data on it you can play as mewtwo, falco, MGAW, jiggly, pichu and mabye ness? Agree?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

and dissagre..M.G.A.W. are out... or will become assit tropies, and you would have to unlock the characters... that would really make no sence

... grrr now i have to wait 5 more months for ssbb... :/
*ssb4ever shreds Christmas list
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

owkey, i haven't been on this forum for a very long time...
and i admit i haven't read all 143 pages there are to this thread so far...i would like to say though (please excuse me if i repeat stuff already said...)

1) ganon has to stay, why: ganon is to zelda and link, what bowser is to mario and peach...and as bowser stays, so shud ganon...
2) sweet, fox is back, and he brought his landmaster with him^^ sweetness :p
3) sonic rules: p i have owned all games i have played with him, going back to the sega 16-bit serie-games....i hope his final smash will turn him into the super sonic of the sonic x series^^ that would give him flying abilities and extra power and speed i think...
4) i just loooove the assist trophies^^
5) i just love piplup using surf ^^ and groudon and kyogre joining in too, that'll be slamming^^
6) i love the character: pokémon trainer :p but i think it'll be a difficult one to play with, as you need to control 3 different kinds of characters for him but i love his final smash^^...makes me remind zelda/sheik only just that little bit harder...
7)i love the stages reveiled this far^^
8) i simply adore the fact characters and things from the background can shoot at you^^(look at the flat zone where andross shoots stuff at you...)
9) the zone castle siege is mighty^^ you can just tear down the whole thing:p
just like snake's zone btw:p:p
10) a little response to those who think roy is a bad char...: roy is the more difficult char to play with of the 2...marth actually is a noob char...
why? roy's blockade (dunno what's it called anymore, it's the b+down) is much more difficult to time then marth's...roy's smash up is better then marth's if you time it right, and his dancing swords is better too...he may be a bit slower, but i've kicked 3 real-life marth players in team with team dmg off versus me with roy...and i am not that much better then them...roy is just much more powerful then marth, and since we agreed i could use block and they couldn't ('cause marth's block is noob...even a baby can time it right) it became very clear which of the 2 chars is the better one (and i onlu used block when they attacked all 3 at if 1 must goe, i hope it's marth, or marth's block shud be revised....roy's recovery move is also better then marth's and it actually drives the foe upward again, what marth's recovery move can't accomplish...
it is much more difficult to time roy's smashes too...'cause the foes have to be closer to you for maximum damage, it makes it that more difficult to not let them hit you...and that is precisely the challenge...
now we have that said...let's continu on with my personal list of sweet stuff in ssbb...
11) don't critisize the makers of know why they delay and delay etc the game? to make it even better then it already is...
each time they delay, they found something they want to work on, so that we, the players, can enjoy it to our fullest...and not get bored of it within 2 or 3 months...
12) i hope ganon stays (as i mentioned above) and i hope they replace his up+a move (you know, foot exploding when landing...) with a sword attack, how sweet would that be...ganon's speed is fine for me btw, i kicked a friend's butt with ganon, while he was fighting with sheik ^^ and i guarantee he's good with far till now, me and one other dude are the only ones capable of defeating him, and i need luck too...ganon's speed is just right for the job...

btw: we are with 6 friends:
-one uses yoshi as his main
- i use ganon and fox equally, and equally good...
-another one uses sheik/zelda and both are lethal in his hands...
-another one uses constantly marth with constantly blocking...(ganon rules vs marths :p he just uses his recovery to counter the marth's blocks:p and he uses mario as other main, rather lethal too...stupid fist of his...><
-the next one uses ganon as good as me, but we each have other ways of playing and mostly i win...but he wins against sheik much easier then me...but get's kicked by zelda, where i kick zelda with ease...he is a more defence player with ganon...where i go rushing in mostly, he stays a bit back...that's why i can hardly defeat sheik...
he uses marth too, but he almost never uses block, and i must say my ganon has known difficult times against him...until i figured out how to beat marth^^
-the last one is my little bro...he uses falco, and kicks my fox's butt around the screen...he still goes down against ganon though...

are there any other things i can react to? like that char sux or not:p

13) pichu must go, he's a complete copycat of pikachu, except for the self dmg and it's size...
14)mewtwo probably goes...either him or jiggly...and since sonic is in the house and kirby stays, i think jiggly automatically goes...
15) i love and hate zero suite samus's stun-gun:p it gives room to counter any direct attack to you, but if you don't charge it up, you can't do anything else...
16) i love wario's fart^^now that's going out with a bang :p:p

ok, it was a long list, my apologies, but please understand, it was my first post on this thread, so i had to say much^^

i think tails shud be an assist trophy:p
as he's always helping sonic out...knuckels and shadow etc came in later in the game-series...

about that movie on youtube with jiggly pwning all==>superb fighting! but...i never, ever see a ganondorf fight...i don't get it...almost everybody uses standard chars like fox, jiggly (yes him too) falcon and marth...sometimes a yoshi appears too... but ganon is not weak, if you use him well...i think ganon can kick that jiggly's ass around the place, but i don't think i would be able to do it, i admit that...
or i should be lucky, but by watching him/her using the rest with a 100% succes rate on even the smallest chars, i wouldn't live to long...but if i fight that jiggly, like i fight the sheik of my friend...i may have a shot...basicly, you wait till the other one attacks, and then just use regular punch...2 or 3 times, then use forward+b, and then use up+b or smash shud sent the jiggly flying offscreen almost...i'm gonna try that out immediatly on my ssbm now ^^
btw: those guys in the video never learned to wavedash it seems...rather handy technique that allows you to get close with a shield on, but not get grabbed^^ if performed right ofcourse...and you can do a wavedash-grapple move too^^


ps: i agree with gamefreak734 who said americans have nothing to complain regarding the waiting time for ssbb...europeans have to wait even 3 months longer...if they don't change that plan anyways



RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I got SSBM to supplicate me 'till February and I talked to one of my friends who works at Gamespot and they said the delay might just be someone making a rumour and that if it's a true delay than the delay will not have been made specifically because of Sonic. For my hopes I hope that's true...

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ofcourse it's not only for sonic, it's just ofr the game in total...
and it's not a rumour, go check out

that is the page where the newest updates are reveiled, every weekday...except for weekends...if it's there, it's true! it's straight from the creators themselves...
this goes for all of u that keep on saying this is true, and this is not, but in reality have no clue what they're saying...

i hope this helps
