SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

let's see, my first post had to be around 2 years ago i think :p
and i've alwyas used blue font and italics since i started :p

anyways: i just loved the vids (i loved super sonic ^^) and peache's final smash is just so funny:p
imagine that happening when she has a homerun bat ^^ that just has to hurt :d
that zoomer-thingy is just soo funny :p if you knocked someone off-stage and place that on the edge, they can't get back up ^^ ofcourse you have to place it just on the edge to have that effect:p

and i was surprised to see that bomb going off ^^ it was a miniature armageddon said the guy who was playing link ^^dang, throw that into someone's face :d:p and i think the gooey bomb is just going to be hilarious, certainly on small stages :p:p

and that new stage is going to be great :p i still hope they'll bring back hyrule temple too, but this one alone is also great :d:d i'm woried about that monster though...i think it's going to wreck havoc around the place:p

i just love the new stage :p and in the vids, the final smash of peach hurts like hellè!! imagine that happening while she has a homerun bat >< that's 3 easy kills for her ^^

btw the monster on the new stage is going to wreck serious havoc i think :p


RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow it's an Earthbound stage?? Must be because Lucas is shown but I really wish they woulld release it on the Wii Shop Channel...Chimeara..sounds pretty dangerous but I do like large stages...

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

^i know all i want is star fox and earthbound on the wii shop channel!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I want these characters to be in the game

lucario<its known enough to be in it
czar baldy bald the 3rd
Poketopia master

I would say naruto characters and luffy but the already have multipul fighting games
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Anime characters aren't going to be in Brawl. There go two of your five.
Chances are there's no room or another Pokemon trainer, so Poketopia Master probably won't happen.

Lucario is up there as one of the highest requested Pokemon characters, so he has some potential. I'm not so sure about Infernape though.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bobobo = sorry but no
infernape = i wish but probobly not
lucario = thats a possibility
czar baldy bald the 3rd = who? send me a pic
Poketopia master = why when we have pokemon trainer?

im just voicing out my opinion
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Togeshroob said:
Oh, wow....Those videos revealed so much!

They revealed that each character has a special intro to that battle (i.e. Mario comes in from a pipe).

It showed that the mushrooms are coming back. As well as another new item. It's some sort of spikey thing that stick into things and stays there. Don't touch it!

It also revealed that you have to beat up a Smash Ball in order to use it. It showed a light saber type item. The homerun bat is different, this time around.

Wow, Sonic looks great!

Princess Peach's final smash puts everyone (besides herself) to sleep, and drops these little pink things all over the place.

WOW! The "under" area for the Fire Emblem stage was revealed! You're battling on a dangling rock over a huge, flaming, dark, dreary volcano!

Lol, Albino DK. Costume?

Yay, Sudden Death is back!

A new stage! Mario Circuit!

Well, there's a ton more, but I don't have time to post it all.

That reminds me of the first, SSB where each character had a special entrance. Mario Circuit looks a lot like the Captain Falcon level.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LOL, New Pork City!

That stage looks awesome! I've been waiting for them to reveal a big stage. Most of the others have been somewhat small.

And, the Chimera is a mythical beast thing. I've heard about it before. Lol, pick up the foe and throw it into the beast.

Oh.....I hope the Chimera doesn't fly around and attack you automatically.....

/me shudders....
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

cool said:
wait what video?
A few posts back I posted a link to a thread over at that keeps updated with the newest Brawl videos. Most of them contain information not yet available on the site.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

All right... I am happy that they are bringing the Homerun Contest back. It looks like there are cooperative and competitive modes for the Homerun Contest, too. This is one of the features that I really wanted to see they carry over from Super Smash Bros Melee.

Hopefully, the competitive modes for the Homerun Contest will be done in a way that makes it fair for each player. After all, if Gannondorf went against Mr. Game and Watch in Super Smash Bros. Melee... well... we all know who the winner would be. >_>
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
Anime characters aren't going to be in Brawl. There go two of your five.
Chances are there's no room or another Pokemon trainer, so Poketopia Master probably won't happen.

Lucario is up there as one of the highest requested Pokemon characters, so he has some potential. I'm not so sure about Infernape though.


May has to be in the game because you could choose her instead of what I call Ash because Pokemon Trainer has a resemblance to Ash in a way.:) EDIT The Home run contest is awesome.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I hope they make Lucario as A playable character! I mean they had Mewtwo so what if they replace him with Lucario?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

That shield around the home run area looks kind of annoying.
Lots of characters would have strategies where you could knock the Sandbag off the platform and hit him back on in order to perform higher damaging combos, but I guess that can't be done now.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Once upon a time, on GameFAQs's info site for Brawl, I did spy with my little eye a voice actor for Lucario.

It has since been removed, but... I'm willing to bet he's in there somewhere, if not a playable character then definitely an Assist Trophy.

I checked out some of those videos. Peach's Final Smash looks awesome... it's almost like a free KO. What are those little pink things, I wonder?

And as I thought, Diddy's Final Smash is teh lamez0rz...

As for albino DK, it's definitely an alternate outfit. A different video shows Meta Knight dressed in red armor.

Speaking of, I like his winning music.

I wasn't expecting the HRC to be this cool. I'm glad to see 2P co-op mode. Maybe there's a wall to the left like there is in Melee... or perhaps the wall is so strong that you have to use the bat to knock Sandbag through it? Or maybe only the strongest of attacks will be enough to penetrate the shield.

Who knows? The shield could prove to be a really good thing. Sakurai said everyone's moves will be a little different this time around, so perhaps those characters who relied on knocking Sandbag away and back again will be able to pull off new and better combos.

I'm willing to bet that the light saber item was the new-and-improved Beam Sword.

I have jokingly stated that Roy is an inferior character since the beginning of this thread. In all honesty, I prefer playing as Roy over Marth. Marth is a cheater of a character for sure. I nail my brother and my friend all the time with Counter, sends them flying, +1 kill for me, all is good...

Marth's Counter is not at all unfair, reason being the damage is fixed; that's also why it lasts so long. Roy's has to be timed just right, and you are rewarded with bigger damage.

However, that's not to say that Marth has no strong points; he has several. Marth runs circles around Roy, his Counter's easier to pull off, it's easier to dish out big damage with him, and his up B, Dolphin Slash or something like that I think it's called, can send enemies flying horizontally if it's done correctly and they are at a high enough percentage.

Jigglypuff, not in Brawl? lol to that sir. Jigglypuff has no reason at all to be removed. He's one of the original 12.

Mewtwo also has no reason at all to be removed - he's his own character, and a villain of sorts in Pokemon.

Ganondorf is the Zelda series' villain, and also has good moveset potential with his sword; I see no reason to remove him completely, just change his moveset.

New Pork City isn't from EarthBound. If anything, I would guess it's from Mother 3, because it bears EB's emblem and features Lucas.

Also I did read somewhere, probably on the site with the videos, that on Dec. 3, the original release date, Nintendo will release the SSBB demo on the Wii Shop Channel for 700 points.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ok, to follow PMJ's rather LONG and wordy report, I shall make my OWN long and wordy reTORT...

Ok, as we all know, Gardevoir is now in the POkeball. That's an interesting twist to the whole SSBB gameplay. Usually the Pokemon are, how should I put this, "not-powerful". There are some powerful ones, like... um... I'll tell you later ;P, but Gardevoir seems like a powerhouse!

To reply to Bonsly, that would be AWESOME if they made Lucario. Since details are sketchy at the moment, its un-clear whether or not they will make a Lucario. If they did, his final smash would be Close COmbat, I'll bet my life one it!

As for my OWN speculations, I beleive that we are SURE to se MANY MANY more characters from original brawl. I suspect that Mr. Game & Watch could be a recurring character. He was the hardest to get originally, and could be a re-occurance, but maybe easier. Ness may ALSO join his friend Lucas and have a "space-duo", but that's just IMO.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

If Gardvoir is confirmed. Why isn't he confirmed on the site. Usually they post about the Pokemon if they are a Pokeball Pokemon or any other update.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

For everyone who says Pokemon Trainer looks like Ash. Jeez the Pokemon Trainer is based off of the one on PBR which is based on the one in FR/LG which was based on Red from the Manga and games which came out before the Anime so please stop saing Pokemon Trainer looks like Ash because really he doesn't [/rant]
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

marinepika said:
For everyone who says Pokemon Trainer looks like Ash. Jeez the Pokemon Trainer is based off of the one on PBR which is based on the one in FR/LG which was based on Red from the Manga and games which came out before the Anime so please stop saing Pokemon Trainer looks like Ash because really he doesn't [/rant]

He does in a way because of the Hat and clothes that he has on except the hat does not have the green L and white background at the front of the hat. Also the coat is not blue but it sort of looks the same but he has the same color pants and shoes though. That is why I and some of us here say that. We know he is not the same but is a resemblance to ASH.:) EDIT Meowth has been added to the Pokeball list and so has the controller options.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
If Gardvoir is confirmed. Why isn't he confirmed on the site. Usually they post about the Pokemon if they are a Pokeball Pokemon or any other update.:)
That's because it was confirmed in an IGN press video. Players are going to find out a lot of new stuff from the demo videos being posted on the internet. (Like the ones I posted) There's been a lot of information revealed that the Dojo hasn't talked about.
